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    sisters, Jesus, Mary, Buddha, Anna Lee Skarin, Mohammad.
    And many other now known Ascended Masters like Saint
    Germain, The Tibetan, D.K. and countless unknown others of
    the Great Ones have demonstrated over the ages as divine
     wayshowers to all Humanity on Earth.
    So be it.
    All is well on Earth We are now caring-ly, sharing-ly,
    loving-ly making it more-so daily!
    Bless us all. You are.... We are....
    I am, Russ Michael, WE are ONE in the ONENESS of
    All That Is.
    Appendix A
    Appendix A
    Appendix A
    Appendix A
    DUE CREDIT: Final Note from Author
    Indeed, I will give full credit to my surely obvious by
    now passion zeal and zest as a scribe to myself for what I
    have expressed in this booklet heart soul and mind to each
    and all of you I love in the ONENESS of All That is.
    Topping that, due credit is here given to the first
    introductory DISCLOSURE of the immense healing energy
    of PYRAMID POWER introduced to our mass human
    consciousness on Earth by Patrick's bestseller book, Pyramid
    Power published in the early 1970s.
    When I let him know I was writing this disclosure
    booklet Dr. Patrick Flanagan, the Man of Tomorrow, told me
    his out-of-print bestseller book Pyramid Power would soon
    be available again worldwide for my and your reading
    pleasure at Amazon.com. So make due note of that.
    Please share the fact Patrick's classic book is available
    again NOW or soon will be at Amazon.com to your loved
    ones, friends and circle of influence, and especially to any
    other known healing pyramid energy MOVEMENT members
    Due credit is also recognized and given to David
    Wilcock, loved and known worldwide today as a profound,
    seriously dedicated Lightworker on Earth today. David
    dedicated two full chapters in his recently published 535 page
    bestseller classic book, The Source Field Investigations,
    published by DUTTON, to pyramid research.
    David Wilcock is an equally passionate believer as I and
    Dr. Patrick Flanagan in the dire need of putting the pressure
    on our major media and governments worldwide to  beat the
    drum on how FREE healing energy of PYRAMID POWER
    can heal Earth and all Humanity on it. FREE ENERGY
    healing pyramids can lead to a totally rejuvenated fully
    revitalized, crystal clean, pure, truly lovely green, green,
    green, blue, blue, blue planetary Earth.
    Worldwide healing pyramid energy will morph our planet
    into an almost immediate plush, lush final Golden Age of
    genuine love, light, peace, joy and abundance. Our final
    gorgeous Golden Age on Earth was divinely foreseen and
    divinely ordained at the birth of Earth by the ONENESS of
    All. Thus through eon after eon of seeming endless time
    while divinely protected was surely DESTINED to become
    an absolutely truly radiant, Ascended Golden Glittering
    Heaven on Earth planetary star in this Milky Way Galaxy as
    soon it radiantly will be.
    Good (God) knowledge IS POWER, but only when good
    (God) knowledge is used.
    A major vitally important healing pyramid energy
    disclosure material in this booklet is David Wilcock's
    carefully studied, duly recognized and then clearly expressed
    own unique way of explaining known leading edge  form
    science, naturally blended in perfectly with David's equal
    deep and passionate spiritual understanding of  life science
    of latest quantum mechanics updates. This is tied into his
    penetrating research into our life SOURCE FIELD, and
    specifically here to widely disclose the immense advances
    Russian scientists have made in testing and proving that
    FREE, continuous flowing healing pyramid energy may
    certainly be our collectively awakened swift human pathway
    to a rich Golden Age for all on Earth.
    In that vein I want to give due grateful credit to the
    immense duly researched, carefully proven and well-
    documented, awesome, stunning healing PYRAMID POWER
    energy discoveries made by these many key, divinely inspired
    wayshowers  leading edge Russian scientists, and all others
    of their peers in our USA, Canada, and other nations
    worldwide. Credit and gratitude to Dr. Alexander Godol and
    his son Anatoli Golod, in partnership with Dr. John DeSalvo's
    Giza Pyramid Research Association. and all the following
    astute scientists worldwide involved; Dr. V. Krasnoholovets,
    Dr. V. Byckovx, Edward Gorouvein, researcher Maxim
    Yakovenko, and countless dedicated pyramid power healing
    energy researchers and developers worldwide, unknown to
    me by name at this date.
    Bless your giving, sharing warm hearts!
    Appendix B
    Appendix B
    Appendix B
    Appendix B
    ADDED CONTACT INFO: web sites, email addresses,
    Age-Reversal@aon.at - Russ Michael - ASK here to
    subscribe to my daily FREE email  Message from Michael -
    Worldwide Newsletter posted to thousands worldwide or to
    share MOVEMENT growth expansion ideas
    http://www.goldenkeylibrary.info - Golden Key Library
    Download FREE 30+ Russ Michael 'spiritual and self-help'
    Ebooks - anyone, anywhere, worldwide
    http://ww.phisciences.com - Dr. Patrick Flanagan Website
    www.DivineCosmos.com - David Wilcock Website
    info@pyramidoflife.com - Email contact
    http://www.pyramidoflife.com/ - Pyramid of Life Website
    drjohn@gizapyramid.com - John DeSalvo, Ph.D., Director
    http://www.inerton.kiev.ua - V. Krasnoholovets' Home page
    en.html?view=featured Sam Osmanagich, Bosnia Pyramid
    bhanoski@shaw.ca  Bill Hanoski-built meditation-size
    pyramid in 2 days
    http://mail.GOOGLE.com - Google for Pyramid info here
     Pyramid Power Author/Scientist Patrick Flanagan
    ***More than 1.2 million viewers already....
    Awesome Pyramid Info THE PYRAMID CODE
    3 Hr - 32 min. - 43 sec Woweeeeeee!!! (TRUE PYRAMID
    721,302 views - May 1, 2013
    Appendix C
    Appendix C
    Appendix C
    Appendix C
     We Are One Poem by Kathy Coles
    A timely, so very appropriate poem from an active, gifted
    Lightworker and one of my daily subscribers, Kathy Coles, in
    I am so delighted to share this lovely  disclosure poem
    with you. Published on March 13, 2013.
    Please enjoy and share this poem widely here, as recited
    by dear Kathy Coles herself from a rolling printed text as
    she recites the poem against an exquisitely beautiful bed of
    tulips background:
    We Are One
    We Are One
    We Are One
    We Are One [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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