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    chip-reader in my compac and
    ood%20(v1.0).html (175 of 231)8-12-2006 23:45:40
    Lisle, Holly - Hunting the Corrigan's Blood stood beside the kiosk, willing my
    heart to slow down. That had been too close and closer even than I
    realized until he let me go. I hadn't realized how near I'd been to going with
    I looked stupidly at the guide I'd purchased, for a moment unable to
    comprehend how it had come to be in my hand. But the effects of Danniz Oe wore
    off quickly, and after a few seconds I was able to press the chip-reader and
    activate the guide. I thought it would still be a good idea to play the part
    of a tourist, and it wouldn't kill me to consult the guide from time to time;
    after all, it had been years since I'd been home. Surely a few things had
    changed. I punched in a code at random and pretended to listen and watch the
    All the while I watched Oe. He headed for the gravdrops. I slid my hand
    through my pocket, pressed my fleshtab, and changed out the dopplerchip that
    was in the recorder, replacing it with a fresh one. I
    pressed the used chip into the storage slot and sealed the fleshtab again.
    " open tours of the Branlara Hydrofarming and Air Treatment Cooperative from
    0600 to 1400
    Meileone Time every day but Tuesday. For a video of highlights of the tour,
    Page 134
    ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.html
    press Details now "
    I was still scared, but now I was angry too the kind of angry that left me
    shaking and on the verge of tears. The bastard. He didn't know me, he didn't
    know he had any reason to want me dead, but he had decided he was going to
    kill me. He had been trying to set me up so he could torture and murder me,
    and it had been random. Just random. He'd liked the way I looked.
    And the fact was that my escape only meant someone else would die. He was
    going to find somebody else to slaughter, and somebody else after that, and
    then even someone else. And they were going to die random deaths like the one
    he'd tried to lure me into, just because they'd had the misfortune to be in
    the wrong place at the wrong time. How could evil be like that? How could it
    be so capricious, and so casual?
    I felt a flare of kinship to Fedara Contei. I wanted Oe dead.
    I kept my head down as he met up with a tall, gaunt man and a slender brunette
    woman who had apparently been waiting for him& and perhaps for me as well.
    They all looked my way, and Oe shook his head, giving the impression that he
    was disgusted.
    Double bastard. He'd intended to share me with his friends. I remembered those
    corpses in the cooler and barely suppressed a shudder.
    I waited until all three of them stepped into the gravdrop. Then I strolled
    casually over, stepped in, and floated after them.
    They started edging out of the fast-grav stream at around Level Eight. I kept
    them in view, maintaining a safe distance and being sure that I didn't look
    like I was watching them. They didn't get off at Level Nine
    ood%20(v1.0).html (176 of 231)8-12-2006 23:45:40
    Lisle, Holly - Hunting the Corrigan's Blood or Ten, which I'd expected from
    their lane change. Evidently they weren't used to the huge Meileone gravdrops,
    which have a maximum drop speed of over three hundred kilometers per hour and
    which have simultaneous up and down bands in the same tube. The bi-directional
    gravity bands are tricky, but extremely convenient if you miss your stop and
    want to go back without changing drops, like every other city makes you do.
    Gravdropping when traffic is light is one of the more interesting sports in
    Meileone, one I'd participated in regularly when I was younger.
    I didn't bother to switch into the slowdown lanes when I saw them finally veer
    toward their exit. Instead, I stayed in the through-traffic lane until I saw
    them get off on Level Twelve.
    My old home level. I wondered if my mother still lived there. I was past them
    and heading downward fast. I hadn't wanted to seem like I was paying them any
    attention, and traffic was light enough that I
    was afraid I'd be conspicuous if I slowed down at all. But with them out of
    the way, I needed to get back up to Twelve before I lost them.
    I rolled myself into a tight ball and flipped across the slowdown lanes and
    shot into the reverse-direction lanes and careened into the high speed lane
    and then through that into the upward-flowing slowdown lanes, still tucked
    into cannonball position. I didn't uncurl until the tug on my midsection
    lessened and I
    felt myself gliding upward at an easy speed.
    "Damned irresponsible kids," someone I'd cut off muttered.
    I grinned briefly. It was nice to know that some things really didn't change.
    People had bitched and complained when I pulled that stunt at sixteen, too.
    I stepped off at Twelve and saw Oe and his two companions hurrying onto the [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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