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    Astronomers call it the cosmic atom. But the word  atom has
    such peculiar suggestiveness to our thinking mind that often
    we are likely to slip into the thought of it being a little, small
    thing. The smallness and the bigness question does not arise
    there. In that condition, we cannot say what is small and
    what is big.  Who is a tall man? If I ask you this, whom will
    you bring?  Bring a short man. These are all relative terms.
    In comparison with a tall man, someone may look short, etc.
    So there is no such thing as a tall man or a short man, a long
    shirt or a short shirt; they are comparative words. So, too, we
    cannot say what kind of atom it was. Therefore, they call it
    brahmanda; and it split, we are told, into two halves. What
    kind of halves they are is not very clear. The subject and the
    object, can we say? The Cosmic Subject and the Cosmic
    Object can be two halves of the cosmic egg  or we may say it
    is the Cosmic Awareness meeting with the Cosmic Object,
    which is material in its nature. The materiality of the object
    follows automatically from its segregation from the
    perceiving consciousness. The concept of matter also has to
    be very carefully noted. Here, in this condition,  matter
    actually means a hard stone or granite or a brick; it is also a
    vibration. The Samkhya definition of prakriti, in its highest
    condition, is not in the form of a solid object but a vibratory
    condition of a tripartite nature  sattva, rajas and tamas.
    Certain Upanishads analogically tell us that these two halves
    of the cosmic egg are something like the two halves of a split
    pea. The pea is one whole, but it has two halves.
    Everything in the world has a subjective side and an
    objective side. I conceive of myself as a subject and, for some
    other reason, I also conceive of myself as an object. The
    impact that is produced upon me by conditions that are not
    me may make me feel that I am an object, but the impact that
    I produce on the external conditions may make me feel that I
    am a subject. That which exists outside my perceiving
    consciousness may make me conceive of myself as a subject
    of perception, but the presence of such an object for itself
    will appear as an object. This dualism, cosmically introduced
    at the very beginning of things, is the subject of all the
    religious doctrines of creation, wherever one may go in this
    world. God created the world, somehow. This  somehow
    brings in this peculiarity of the externalisation of God s
    Universality.  The Supreme Purusha sacrificed Himself as
    this cosmos, says the Purusha Sukta. The supreme
    alienation of the Universal into the supreme externality is
    called creation. God alienated Himself, as it were, in the form
    of this large, vast, perceived world. He has become this vast
    world. I mentioned to you previously the difficulty arising
    out of using such words as  becoming ,  transforming , etc. I
    will not go into that subject once again. These words have to
    be understood in their proper connotation and signification.
    Tasmat va etasmat atmana akasas sambhutah (Tait.
    2.1.1): This fundamental cosmic space-time-motion, or
    vibration, became more and more gross in the form of wind 
    vayu. Actually, the word  vayu used here should not be taken
    in the sense of what we breathe through the nostrils. It is,
    again, a vibration of a vital nature, which we call prana. An
    energy manifested itself; cosmic energy emanated, as it were,
    from this basic vibratory centre which is the space-time-
    motion complex, to put it in a modern, intelligible style. The
    solidification, condensation and more and more
    externalisation of the preceding one in the succeeding stage
    is actually the process of the coming of what is called the
    elements. From space, or akasha, arose vayu; from vayu, or
    air, came friction  heat, or fire; from there came the
    liquefied form, water; and then came the solid form of the
    Tasmad va etasmad atmana akasa sambhuta, akasad
    vayuh, vayor agnih, agner apah, adbhyah prthivi, prthivya
    osadhayah (Tait. 2.1.1):  All vegetation started from the
    earth. Osadhibhyo annam: The diet that we consume is
    nothing but the vegetation growing on earth. Annat
    purushah: Our personality is an adumbration, solidification,
    concretisation, clarification  whatever we may call it  of the
    food that we eat. In the personality of the human being we
    find in a miniature form all that has come cosmically down to
    the earth, right from the Supreme Brahman  satyam jnanam
    anantam brahma. So the universe is called brahmanda and
    the individual is called pindanda. The macrocosm is the
    universe, and the microcosm, or the individual, is a cross-
    section of the macrocosm. All that is in the universe you will
    find in yourself. You are a miniature of creation. If you know
    yourself, you know the whole world. This is why it is said,
     Know thyself and be free. Nobody says  Go outside and
    know things. It will not serve your purpose. Know yourself
    and all things are known, because you are the nearest thing
    that can be contacted and the nearest thing containing all
    things that are the furthest and the remotest. Therefore, the
    Ultimate Reality is also called the nearest and the furthest.
    Tad dure tad vad antike (Isa 5):  Very far is It  in terms of
    the spatio-temporal expanse of creation;  Very near is It  as
    the Self of your own existence.
    The miniature individual, as I mentioned, has all the
    layers of the universe. These are the physicality of the lowest
    earth, the vibratory form of the prana, the mental creation or
    the mentation, the power of thought, which is reflected in the
    process of creation from the Ultimate Being Itself, and a
    peculiar negation that we experience in our own self in the
    form of the ultimate causality of sleep, which is comparable
    to the negation that was referred to just now in the form of
    the manifestation of space-time-motion. This individualised
    microcosmic representation of the cosmic layers is seen
    individually as a series of what is called the koshas, or the
    coverings of the consciousness in us. We may, in a way, say
    the whole universe is a covering up over Brahman.
    The cosmic sheaths can be conceived, and they are really
    conceived many a time when we speak of Brahman becoming
    Ishvara, Ishvara becoming Hiranyagarbha, Hiranyagarbha
    becoming Virat, and so on. These sheaths in us  the physical,
    vital, mental, intellectual and causal  are the inverted forms
    of the otherwise-vertical, we may say, forms of the cosmic
    sheaths which are in the form of the five elements  earth,
    water, fire, air and ether, going upwards from below. The
    Ultimate satyam jnanam anantam is negated, as it were, in
    this creation, because the Universal being is absent in all that
    is external. The word  external contradicts anything that can
    be considered as universal. In a way, God is denied in this
    world. We cannot see God anywhere; we see only particulars
    and spread-out things which are external in nature.
    Nevertheless, as the Isavasya Upanishad warns us, the so-
    called negated, abolished existence of the Supreme Reality is
    also hiddenly present as the Atman behind the earth, the
    Atman behind water, fire, air and ether. There is an Atman
    even behind space and time. Various degrees of the
    manifestation of universality can be seen in the operation of
    the five elements. The Universal is least manifest in the earth,
    more manifest in water, still more in fire, still more in air and
    still more in space, so that space looks almost universal, but
    yet it is not universal because it is externalised.
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