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    Kane saw the hard glint in the Russian's eyes and understood why. He wanted
    vengeance first.
    A period of mourning would come later.
    A bottle of vodka sat on the table, but no one seemed interested in it.
    Surveying the faces of the people around him, he announced quietly, "Time for
    total truth among all of us."
    "You included?" asked Grant.
    Sverdlovosk acknowledged the query with a short nod. "Baptiste what is the
    significance of the dragon's kiss?"
    She told him, not deleting or soft-pedaling a single detail, including how
    Bautu had died and the findings of the autopsy. Boro, already numb with shock
    and grief, didn't react, except to reach for the vodka bottle.
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    Axler, James - Outlanders 02 - Destiny Run
    "There is only one conclusion," said Brigid. "The ring worn by the Tushe Gun
    is actually some kind of surgical instrument which directly delivers the
    implant into a subject's or victim's brain."
    Sverdlovosk quickly translated, and Boro took a shuddery swallow of the vodka.
    His voice rough with anger and pain, he demanded from the Russian, "Who would
    have made such a monstrous thing?"
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    The question was echoed in English.
    Staring at Sverdlovosk, Kane said, "I think you know, Colonel. I think you've
    always known more about it than you've let on."
    "You think correctly." The Russian ran a hand over his deeply lined forehead.
    "There was far more to the report on Kosloff's 1923 expedition to Kharo-Khoto
    than was ever released, and I read the unexpurgated documents in their
    He submitted the theory with a substantial degree of verification that a major
    civilization once existed in the Gobi, predating even Sumeria. The Gobi
    civilization was said to have been technologically advanced, and the desert
    upon which it sat was once lush with vegetation.
    "Kosloff hypothesized that the civilization, of which Kharo-Khoto was the hub,
    perished due to atomic radiation. Geologists who visited the region later
    discovered traces of radiation. Evidently the source of the radiation is in
    the vault and once more active."
    Sverdlovosk paused, wetting his lips with his tongue. "Kosloff's theory which
    was rejected by his scientific contemporaries was that the Gobi civilization
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    Axler, James - Outlanders 02 - Destiny Run was created by a nonhuman race. It
    was a theory I would have rejected, as well, except that I had access to
    predark KGB records detailing military encounters with so-called flying
    saucers and entities known as the Grays."
    "The Archons," stated Brigid.
    "Yes, the Archons. Russian troops occupying Berlin during the close of World
    War II came across evidence of their alliance with the Nazis. Most of that
    evidence was on paper, scientific developments geared toward secret weapons,
    and it was appropriated by the Allies. A deal was struck with elements of the
    Third Reich's intelligence community to absorb their technological and
    principal scientific establishment. Thus was born the Totality Concept
    researches, and the
    Cold War between my country and yours. However, the Stalinist government had
    in its possession something more substantial than documents."
    Sverdlovosk scanned the expectant faces around the table. "Yesterday, in
    passing, I mentioned Tunguska. Does the word have any meaning to any of you?"
    There were head shakes and mumbled negatives.
    "Except for the nukecaust, it was the greatest explosion of destructive forces
    ever recorded in Russia. Just after dawn, on June 8, 1908, a monstrous
    fireball was first spotted over the Gobi, scorching its way across the sky.
    People in southern Russia saw it next, describing it as a huge cylinder,
    glowing a bluish white. At 7:17 that morning it exploded over the Tunguska
    River region in
    Siberia. People as far away as forty miles from the epicenter of the blast
    were burned, bowled over, killed by the shock wave. Closer to the river the
    devastation was even worse. Acres of forestland, herds of deer were instantly
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    "What was it?" Brigid asked. "A meteorite?"
    "Meteors leave craters. There wasn't one. Investigators at the site reported
    finding unusual pieces of shiny metal scattered around. People and animals
    within 250 miles of the area contracted a strange disease, from which they
    eventually perished. Of course, the scientists of the day did not recognize
    the symptoms of rad poisoning."
    Sverdlovosk smiled slightly. "As usual there was much political turmoil in
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    Russia at that time, so a thorough examination of the site was not undertaken
    until the end of World War II, nearly forty years later. The material found in
    Berlin was the impetus for the new investigation.
    "At Tunguska, scientists found a canister buried deep within the earth. It was
    a lifeboat-type contrivance and held three creatures in a form of cryogenic
    Only one was successfully revived. According to the report, it telepathically
    imparted that their craft had intended to land in the Gobi. Their mission was
    a search and rescue, but their propulsion systems malfunctioned. The crew
    raced against time to save their ship, but they lost. A little less than a
    mile above
    Tunguska, the craft exploded into oblivion."
    "What happened to the survivor?" asked Kane.
    Sverdlovosk shrugged. "The report was not clear about that, whether Balam
    died, escaped or was traded."
    "Balam?" demanded Grant. "That was its name?"
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    "It was the closest approximation the linguists could come up with. Why?"
    Kane didn't want to address that question at the moment, so he asked another
    one. "Traded to whom?"
    "Possibly to the U.S. Shortly after the creature was found, the Americans made
    a discovery of similar creatures and a relatively intact vehicle in a place
    Roswell, somewhere in New Mexico, I think. The implication was that the
    Americans exchanged some of the technology found in the wreckage of the craft
    for Balam."
    Lakesh had related the Roswell incident, but he hadn't placed particular
    emphasis upon it and all of them silently wondered why. It seemed like a
    seminal event in the course of intertwined Archon and human destiny.
    "When the situation developed last year in the Black Gobi," Sverdlovosk
    continued, "I put together what I had read in all of the reports and reached
    the provisional conclusion that an ancient alien installation existed beneath
    "And you and Lenya set out to secure it for your own ends," Grant said, "using
    your positions in District Twelve as covers." [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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