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     Here. He moved her hand over to the right and a little lower on his chest.
    He closed his eyes and drew in a breath.  Oh, yeah, right on the nipple.
    Luxi shifted her fingers. She could actually feel the hard nub right through
    his suit. She could feel his leather suit, too, but the suit didn t seem to feel
    quite as real as the tight nipple under her fingers. She rubbed her thumb
    across it.
    He pressed her palm tight, stilling her hand.  It feels as though you re
    touching my bare nipple, but deeper.
    Luxi peered up at him.  That s what it feels like to me.
    His brows shot up.  Really? How about this? His fingers slid across her
    hip and over her belly, tracing very lightly over her suit.
    She shivered. It was the most incredibly exciting thing she d ever felt.  It s
    like ... I m naked.
    His eyes narrowed and his lips curved up in a sly smile.  Is that so?
    Her pulse suddenly beat in her throat. Perhaps that had not been a good
    thing to say.  Wait ...
     Oh, no, you can t take it back now! He pressed her back onto the bench,
    pinning her shoulders with his hands. Her long red mane spilled over the
    seat and onto the floor.
     Leto! She shoved her hands up against his chest.  What are you doing?
    He licked his lips and chuckled softly.  What do you think? He came up
    on one knee and threw his leg over her hips, dropping a booted foot to the
    floor to straddle her.  I want to see just how naked you feel!
     Leto, please! She could barely speak past the pulse in her throat. She
    desperately wanted to feel his skin against hers. The thought of it was
    seriously soaking her panties. She didn t think she d ever wanted to feel
    anyone more. But if he actually did it, she didn t think he would stop there.
    Worse, she didn t think she would want him to stop there.
     Luxi ... He lowered his mouth and his lips brushed hers.
    She moaned and opened to receive his kiss.
    He turned his head to take her mouth more fully, his tongue making deep,
    slow sweeps as he slowly dropped to his elbows. His chest brushed her
    breasts. His warm skin swept across her hardened nipples as though nothing
    lay between them.
    She couldn t stop her moan any more than she could stop herself from
    arching to press her breasts more fully against him.
    His hand slid between the seat s back and her hip to cup her thigh. He
    pulled and her knee rose. He set his knee on the seat between her thighs and
    shifted his weight onto the seat. His other hand pushed her leg from the seat
    to get both his knees up on the seat.
    And between her thighs.
    Alarm washed through Luxi. Glory and mercy! Fully dressed, this was a
    perfectly harmless position, but for some reason, their clothes weren t any
    kind of a barrier between them.
    She jerked her mouth from his, but he pursued her, capturing her lips and
    then her hands, pulling them up over her head. Stretched out and spread, she
    moaned into his mouth.
    He lowered his hips against hers, groaned and arched.
    Luxi sucked in a sharp breath. She could feel him. Feel his skin sliding
    against her skin, and his rigid cock rubbing with intimate warmth against her
    He released her hands and slid his arms under and around her shoulders,
    pulling her tight against him.  Blood and hell, you feel damned good!
    She groaned in reply. He felt damned good, too. The urge to feel more of
    him brought her arms up to press her hands against his back. She could feel
    the ridges of his muscular form under her palms. He was fully dressed, but
    he felt utterly and excitingly naked.
    Chapter Four
    Bel grinned at Luxi and Leto as he lapped at Orah s pussy while his hips
    bucked against Faro s mouth. He turned to look down at the sucking fem
    and snapped out a phrase before returning his mouth to Orah, trembling in
    his hold.
    Her mouth full of Bel s cock, Faro unfastened her pants.
    Bel slid his palm down Faro s spine and shoved his hand into the back of
    her loosened leather trousers. Her snug pants defined his fingers as he
    cupped and fondled her ass. He groaned and shoved his hand deeper, his
    fingers curving under and between her cheeks.
    Faro whimpered as she sucked, lifting her hips and pumping her ass
    against his hand.
     Are you watching them? Leto whispered in Luxi s ear. His hands slid
    down to cup her ass, pressing her more firmly against his cock.
     Yes. Luxi had been unable to tear her eyes off of them, even with the
    heat of Leto s body rubbing against her belly and breasts.
     Bel has his fingers shoved in Faro s ass.
    Luxi s eyes widened.  He does not!
    Leto chuckled and his hands tightened on her ass-cheeks.  Trust me, I
    know what I m looking at, and he is finger-fucking her ass, hard.
    Luxi frowned and shifted under him.  And she likes it?
     Are you joking? He tilted his head toward the lascivious view.  She s
    about to come. He lifted his head and hissed a soft phrase at the sucking
    Faro turned her gaze toward Leto, releasing the hard cock in her mouth.
    Her eyes widened. She gasped and trembled, pumping hard against Bel s [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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