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    got some bee in her bonnet about me being overworked. If the truth
    were known, it's Milly who needs a holiday. She just uses me as an
    Joel rocked on his heels, those wide shoulders fitting smoothly under
    the thick black sweater. 'God almighty, you're a blinkered female!'
    Suki looked at him, green eyes flashing. 'Don't you swear at me! I get
    enough of that when I'm working.'
    'Do you ever look in a mirror?' he demanded.
    'Too often,' Suki said. 'My appearance is part of my stock-in-trade, or
    hadn't you realised that?'
    There was an alteration in the hard-boned face, a softening, a teasing
    mockery. 'Oh, I'd noticed,' he said in a slow, warm voice. 'I have
    hardly thought of anything else since the day I met you.'
    Hot colour crawled up her face and she sprang out of her chair to flee.
    Laughing, Joel caught her by the waist and she struggled, glaring at
    'Get your hands off me! How many times do I have to tell you . . .'
    'Now you look alive!' Joel told her, staring down into her furious face.
    'But most of the time you look as if you've been run over by a
    steamroller. You can't go on day after day using up every ounce of
    energy and never putting any back, Suki. I want you to promise me
    you'll take at least two weeks off.'
    She stood in the firm circle of his arms, her eyes down, thinking. His
    hands tightened as if he would like to shake her and she looked up,
    nodding. She might have argued but she knew he was making sense.
    'Yes?' he asked, and she said: 'Yes,' her voice sulky.
    He didn't release her. She felt one hand softly moving against her back,
    moulding and fondling her without urgency, the warm pressure rather
    comforting. 'There's a lot of the child in you, isn't there?' he said
    thoughtfully. 'That's why your business manager can run your life for
    you, that's why you've accepted this cosy set-up here. It makes you feel
    safe and puts off the evil day when you have to face up to yourself as
    an adult. Most of us face up to it in our teens, but you ducked out on it,
    didn't you? What are you so afraid of? That you might get hurt?'
    Suki looked away from the probing grey eyes, her neck stretched as
    she leaned away from him to avoid that stare. Joel bent forward and
    with a shock she felt his lips heatedly graze along her skin from the
    base of her throat to her ear. Trembling, she thrust at his chest, but he
    took no notice.
    'I won't hurt you, Suki,' he promised, his warm mouth against her ear,
    exploring the delicate convolutions of it and making her shudder with
    angry, excited pleasure.
    'Don't you like that?' he whispered, continuing his exploration behind
    her ear, and she wished she could honestly shout back that she didn't,
    but it would be a lie. She liked it, she wanted him to carry on with
    those gentle, seductive caresses which were so entirely new to her,
    because she had never allowed anyone to come this close before.
    Other men had tried and backed off in the face of her cold rejection,
    but Joel Harlow just kept on coming and she didn't know what to do
    about him. She didn't know what to do about herself and her
    weak-kneed desire to have him touch her. One part of her mind firmly
    insisted that it was insanity. Her career had always been enough for her
    in the past. She had given everything in her to building up her career
    and she had never once looked aside at anyone. But there was another
    part of her mind which had become rebellious, and that was bothering
    her very much.
    Joel stroked back the windblown red-gold hair with one hand,
    brushing his lips across her eyes, closing them. She breathed rapidly,
    feeling his mouth on her flickering lashes.
    'You take life too seriously,' he murmured. 'It's time you learnt how to
    play. Maybe that's what you've missed out on I'll have to teach you
    how to enjoy life.'
    He was teaching her now and she knew it. She should break away, put
    a stop to this before it went too far, but she couldn't bring herself to
    Joel slid his lips down the taut plane of her flushed cheek and she kept
    her eyes shut, a heavy lethargy settling on her; a warm, languorous
    sensation centred on the movements of that mouth. She knew he was
    slowly advancing towards her lips and she could hear his heart beating
    faster, the deep heavy sound part of the spell he had woven around her.
    All her senses were fixed in attention to him and her mind was asleep,
    her body poised, eagerly for the moment when his mouth reached her
    When the door opened, they whirled apart, both of them flushed and
    breathless, shaken out of their deep awareness of each other by Rosie's
    arrival, the spell broken, shattered. Suki met Rosie's amused, curious
    look and couldn't stay in that room another second. She rushed past
    Rosie without a word and got to her own room with relief.
    She flung herself on the bed, half sobbing, half laughing, torn between
    angry amusement and self- accusation. She couldn't even work out
    how she had come to let Joel coax her into such passive, helpless
    response. One minute they had been arguing, the next she had been in
    his arms letting him do exactly how he pleased.
    Rosie's face! she thought, covering her eyes with her hands and
    twisting about on the bed in embarrassment. What had Rosie been
    thinking? After all her noisy protests, all her claims to find Joel
    Harlow irritating, she had been in his arms when Rosfe walked in and
    it must have been obvious that she wasn't even struggling. Maybe it
    had been obvious that she hadn't even been a passive victim, she had
    been wrapped in pleasure by every successive caress.
    It was some time before she slid off the bed and stripped to take a bath.
    She relaxed in the warm, scented water, her eyes closed, trying to
    forget those moments in Joel's arms, but furiously aware of the fact
    that every time she let her control of her mind slip the memory flooded
    back. She had never experienced a pleasure like it, and, however she
    might try to deny it to herself, she knew she craved a further
    demonstration of his ability to give pleasure.
    Of course he knew how to seduce a woman, she told herself bitterly.
    Hadn't he had plenty of practice?. He knew exactly what he was doing,
    the lingering sensual brush of his mouth hypnotic only because he had
    held so many other women in -his arms. He was an expert in the field
    and once he had had what he wanted from her he would reject her, turn [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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