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    'I . . . I'm not g-going to tell you anything,' she said, stammering in
    helpless rage, her face white and tense. 'I don't want to talk to you.
    Take me home.'
    'Not until you've faced up to the truth,' he said grimly.
    'Then I'll walk!'
    She swivelled to get out of the car; he caught her shoulder in a grip
    that made her flinch and flung her round to face him again, leaning
    over her with those hard dark eyes fixed on her in a hostile stare.
    'You're making a bad mistake, Melanie. This dream world you've
    built for yourself is going to crumble one day, and when it does you're
    going to find yourself trapped in a painful mess.'
    'That's my affair, not yours!'
    'He's no more in love with you than you are with him,' Jamie went on
    'Oh, why won't you shut up?' she wailed like a child, but the emotions
    she felt were far from childhood, far from anything she had ever
    known before a painful mixture of feelings which like some
    roughly shaken cocktail seemed to be exploding in her body. How
    was it possible to dislike someone and feel an intense physical
    attraction all at once? Close to him in the car, she felt her senses work
    violently. Her cooler mind couldn't stop the process.
    'You know I'm telling the truth,' Jamie said, his mouth twisting.
    'That's why you're so desperate to stop me.'
    'Let me go, you're hurting me!' she said, trying to break his hold.
    'At least that's a genuine feeling,' he said. 'If I'm hurting you, and you
    can feel it, that should tell you something about the way you really
    feel about Ross Ellis. You're alive now; you know I'm holding you.
    When you're with him you look like someone sleep-walking, and I'm
    afraid you're going to sleep-walk into marriage with him and right
    over a precipice.'
    Trembling, she said, 'Ross and I understand each other we don't
    need you to act as go-between.'
    'Don't be such an obstinate little fool,' he broke out, shaking her. 'I
    want. . .'
    'I know what you want!' she interrupted angrily, and then there was a
    charged silence while they stared at each other, and Melanie began to
    feel a peculiar languor; her throat seemed hot and dry, she couldn't
    breathe properly.
    'Do you?' Jamie asked softly, holding her eyes. His head swooped,
    caught her mouth, the pressure sending her head back against the seat
    of his car. Melanie fought against a dizziness which made her want to
    shut her eyes; the feel of his mouth had a sensual warmth that sent
    slow waves of pleasure through her body. She couldn't think clearly,
    couldn't keep her mouth closed in spite of her struggle to do so, and
    her lips parted, yielding and heated.
    Jamie wasn't holding her shoulders any more. His hands had
    travelled, begun exploring; she felt them moving over her body and a
    harsh groan broke from her. She tried to shake her head, push him
    away, but his mouth insisted and with that provocative invitation
    constantly tempting her, her struggles died away and Jamie took her
    wrists and placed her arms around his neck.
    'Kiss me,' he whispered, his lips moving on hers.
    Her mind drowned; her body consented, their mouths clinging and
    the tremors of wild need making her shake from head to foot. Ross
    had never kissed her like that, never aroused the dormant instincts she
    was only just discovering existed deep inside her.
    Jamie lifted his head a few moments later, breathing thickly.
    Melanie's fingers were in his thick black hair, her bruised mouth
    aching as his lips left it, her body quivering passionately, arched
    against him.
    Drowsily, her lids quivered, lifted, the dark blue eyes looked at him in
    glazed confusion.
    'Now tell me you've ever kissed him like that,' he said, staring at her
    without a smile, and the words were like a slap in the face.
    There had been something dreamlike about the caresses they had just
    exchanged; she had let herself slip helplessly into a fantasy and the
    awakening was painful. Her face burned in shame and realisation.
    She couldn't get out a syllable; her throat was clogged with the
    dryness of ashes.
    'That's why you've got to break off your engagement,' Jamie said
    harshly, watching her like an enemy. 'You couldn't kiss me like that if
    you loved him any more than he would have tried to kiss Liz if he had [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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