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    anger was directed at Julian. A punching bag would have
    been perfect right now. She just knew he was fucking
    someone else.
    * * * *
    The Beast Within
    by Charisma Knight
    Outside, beneath Diana's balcony, Julian stood, gazing up
    at her window. The cool night air flowed through his long
    brown locks, his pale skin, almost translucent under the light
    of the moon. She finally responded to his mental calls. He had
    heard her call earlier, causing a wave of happiness to wash
    over him, a rare emotion for him. His breathing labored at the
    thought of giving her the large bouquet of blood-red roses he
    had in his truck.
    Unfortunately, hearing her every thought, and feeling her
    strong emotions towards him convinced him that he should
    avoid her. He wasn't supposed to have this type of feelings.
    He was only supposed to have bedded the wench and moved
    on to the next weeks ago, but with this one, he could not.
    Closing his eyes as his cock began harden, he remembered
    every luscious curve of her ebony body.
    Oh, how her tits filled his hands, and the hot, musky flow
    of her arousal flowed freely from her slit. Her taste was
    exquisite, pure and sweet. He recalled that sexy ass look in
    her eyes when he fucked her hard and ate her pussy. She
    could ask for the world, and he would have given it to her.
    Remembering her cries made his cock grow hard as steel,
    with an overwhelming need to fill her completely. Tonight, if
    given the chance, he would make slow passionate love to her,
    worshipping every inch of her from head to toe.
    For the past week, he thought of finding someone to sate
    his powerful sexual urges, but could not bring himself to do
    so because the void that once contained his heart yearned
    only for Diana. This was not the norm for Julian. Oddly, no
    other woman would suffice. 'She' was the one who controlled
    The Beast Within
    by Charisma Knight
    his every thought, made him hunger for her, and he would
    continue to ache with an everlasting need never to be fully
    satisfied, until he had her again.
    Dread filled him as he suddenly realized he couldn't allow
    her to know his true feelings. Not with the dark secret that
    haunted his psyche. All he wanted at this moment was to
    make mad, passionate love to her. To please her, make her
    squirm with desire beneath him. Loneliness was eating away
    at his soul again, and once more he began to tire of his
    Damn her. She brought him to his fucking knees. He could
    have her now if he wanted, and all the frustration and
    heartache would end. Perhaps it was fear of her rejection, and
    the fact that he was a vampire didn't help her decision earlier.
    Briefly, the thought of controlling her crossed his mind, but he
    simply could not bring himself to do that. Cursing silently to
    himself, Julian turned to walk to his truck, grinning from ear
    to ear like some adolescent schoolboy as he received a
    sudden burst of confidence. Retrieving the large bouquet of
    roses, he strolled towards the building.
    * * * *
    Diana was sitting down on the side of her bed, her heart
    heavy when a strong feeling enveloped her, damn near
    stealing her breath from her lungs. She was unable to fight
    the strong urge that pulled her to the balcony in her living
    room. Startled at first at the silhouette she saw through the
    curtain, she pulled the material back, amazed as Julian
    The Beast Within
    by Charisma Knight
    flashed a nervous smile at her. Quickly, she unlocked and
    opened the sliding glass door, pulling the vampire inside.
    "Where have you been?" Diana asked, throwing her arms
    around the large man.
    "So, you have missed me?" he asked, handing her the
    large bouquet of roses. Quickly turning on the lights in the
    living room, Diana gasped at the beautiful flowers, then
    fixated her gaze upon her lover. A surge of heat rushed
    throughout her body, and her nipples hardened. Julian looked
    damn good. She looked at him from head to toe and wanted
    nothing more than to jump his bones.
    "Yes, you know damn well I've missed you, Julian," Diana
    crooned as Julian scooped her up into his arms.
    "Then prove it," Julian murmured, before locking her lips
    with his. A powerful warm and fuzzy feeling flowed through
    their veins as they kissed for what seemed like an eternity.
    Strong, powerful emotions embraced them, encasing them
    together as one. Slowly, Julian carried Diana to her bedroom,
    gently sitting her down on her bed. Eagerly, she attempted to
    unbutton his faded blue jeans, but he deterred her. Diana
    began protesting, only to have Julian hold his index finger
    gently upon her lips.
    "I need to taste you," he insisted in a hushed voice.
    "I want to suck your cock," Diana whispered. "I want you
    to come in my mouth and down my throat." At this particular
    moment in time, the overwhelming desire to please her man
    enveloped her. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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