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    insisted everyone stand to the side. Her request was quickly honored by the guards,
    who created a wall, blocking the media from standing in front of her.
    Romair moved next to her and ran his fingers down her back. Her skin crawled
    from his touch. Well, maybe it tingled. No. It crawled. She wouldn t be moved by his
    public show that there was something going on between them. Her heart beat way too
    hard inside the strong wall she d built around it. His hand rested on the lower part of
    her back. If it stayed there another minute she d pass out from the heat of his touch.
    She couldn t stop herself from looking up at him. His dark eyes burned hotter than
    his touch.
     You look good enough to eat, he whispered for her ears alone, so softly his mouth
    barely moved.
    Her lips parted, a rebuttal right there on the tip of her tongue. Put him in his place.
    Let him know that regardless of what South Passage now thought of the two of them,
    that she wouldn t be played the fool.
    Somehow the damned words tangled up in her mouth. She stared at him, fighting
    the spell he d suddenly put over her. Focus on the huge-breasted woman standing in
    front of her. See how Eliza undressed him with her eyes, as if she already knew what
    lay underneath. Accept the truth that Romair was a ladies man, had always been, and
    always would be. It wasn t in him to commit for life.
     Would you look at that, Eliza said, sighing.
    Shara snapped her neck, turning her attention quickly toward the villager. For a
    moment she almost forgot that she led South Passage. She was their leader. There was
    no way she could make a scene at this delicate moment.
     Now it s clear to me why you turned me down flat, gorgeous, Eliza whispered,
    speaking loud enough for Shara to hear.  You ve got yourself a lady, don t you?
    Shara almost staggered. Eliza s words hit her hard enough to steal her breath.
    The long black car stopped just outside the makeshift tent that covered the small
    pond. A hush fell over everyone when the back door opened, and a man Shara didn t
    recognize stepped out and searched the small group of people standing in the water.
    More than likely he was one of Joseph Kennedy s guards. Another man stepped out
    from the other side of the car.
    Their small eyes squinted against the bright sun. Shara stepped forward, her mind
    spinning so hard while she tried focusing on her duties.
    Shara s Challenge
    Romair hadn t fucked Eliza. Her heart swelled with so much happiness, breathing
    became a chore. She gulped in a breath of the hot air.
     I am Shara Dar, leader of South Passage, she told the two dark-skinned men.
    The two men stared at her then the one closest to her stepped to the side to allow
    another man to exit the car. This was Joseph Kennedy.
    She recognized him immediately.  Welcome to the entrance of South Passage, she
    told him, nodding slightly.
     Allow me to welcome you to the surface of Earth, he responded, returning the
    nod gallantly.
    His expression then hardened, and he whispered something to his guard. Joseph
    looked like he was returning to the car, but simply bent down and said something to
    someone else inside the car. Another man joined them in the heat. He stepped around
    Joseph Kennedy maybe Jain had been right, maybe Joseph was just a figurehead.
     We ll ask the villagers to step out of the water. You re invading on an official
    matter here. Step out of the water, or you ll be escorted back to your village at
    gunpoint. The small-eyed man speaking scowled at Eliza and the two men with her.
    His dark skin seemed almost red, making his blond hair look white.
     Boys, Eliza whispered, spreading her hands out to either side of her, palms up.
    She didn t take her gaze off the man who d just spoken.  I saved your asses last night. I
    think it s time I called in the favor.
    Shara stepped forward, placing her hand on Eliza s shoulder. It was bony, small.
    She swore Eliza trembled under her touch. She lived in a world Shara didn t
    understand, but she d learned enough to know Eliza s life was suddenly in danger. This
    woman might have kept Romair alive last night. A favor was owed.
     I m interested in learning about all of the people in your world. I have no problem
    with them staying.
     We are here on business matters, the red-skinned man told her.  The villagers
    will have no part of this.
     Business? Shara asked.  What business is that?
     We re here to take the water.
    Lorie O Clare
    Chapter Fourteen
     You took our water and our car, and cast us outside your city gates. Romair took
    a step forward, putting Shara behind him.  If it weren t for these people, we d be dead.
    Whoever this motherfucker was, he had no problem speaking for his leader. Shara
    could fumble her way through many tight situations. He didn t doubt her ability to
    handle these surface people. But she didn t have all the facts. He did.
     These people can stay right where they are. He didn t take his gaze from the
    smaller man standing outside the tent, his face growing redder by the moment.
    Joseph Kennedy stepped around the other man. His smile was as fake as anything
    Romair had ever seen. The empty glaze in his eyes didn t impress Romair. Either he
    didn t like his job, or was just an idiot. Or quite possibly both.
     Shara Dar, we have no intention of throwing insults. What my advisor means is
    that we d be honored to meet privately with you.
    Shara moved to stand next to him and glanced at Jain before giving him her
     I m not sure we should take them to New Tasman until we know their intentions,
    Jain said quietly. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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