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    her as she shifted, cupping its hard length in the burning triangle between her thighs. His
    fangs nicked her tongue and he groaned as her warm blood flowed between their lips.
    "Sweet Cyn, he murmured, sliding his hand beneath her sweater to tear her bra aside im-
    patiently, then cupping the heavy weight of a bare breast, rubbing the nipple to hardness and
    beyond until the pain made her cry out with need. Unable to restrain himself, he snarled as he
    ripped her jeans open like the flimsiest silk and shoved his hand between her legs to find her
    slick and hot and ready for him. While his mouth continued to taste every inch of her face, her
    mouth, her neck, he yanked his own zipper open and stroked his hard shaft against the naked
    skin of her belly. He lifted her to meet him, her legs opening to wrap around his waist.
    Cyn's eyes seemed to clear with the sudden realization of what was about to happen, but
    he didn't give her the chance to protest. He raised her with both hands, crushing her against
    the wall.  Mine, he growled and buried his entire hard length inside her with a single powerful
    thrust, swallowing her scream.
    He groaned with pleasure at the feel of her. She was wet, so wet and so hot he thought
    she'd burn his flesh. Her tight walls gripped him, squeezing as he forced his way deeper yet.
    Her cries of surprise turned to moans of need, and he felt her begin to ripple around him as
    the first orgasm took her, arching her back, pulsing along his cock, hard within her. Wave
    after wave followed as she screamed into his mouth, until the spasms faded into shudders.
    Her eyes opened, blurry with desire, until a fire lit and they burned with a passion that equaled
    his own. Long legs wrapped more tightly around his waist, pulling him against her, holding
    him captive. The wall behind them quaked with the force of his pounding, and still she deman-
    ded more, her blunt human teeth biting his shoulder where it was bared by his wounds, send-
    ing tremors of incredible ecstasy shuddering through his body, tightening his cock to an un-
    bearable hardness as her warm tongue licked the blood from his skin. He felt his own release
    building and lifted her higher, ramming himself into her until she climbed to a second climax,
    her sheath caressing him, seducing him, surrounding him with a volcanic heat until he roared
    in orgasm and filled her with a wet heat of his own.
    "More, she whispered hoarsely and began moving against him once again, rousing him to
    meet her demand.
    [Back to Table of Contents]
    Chapter Twenty-nine
    Cynthia woke slowly, jarred from an almost drugged sleep by pain. She rolled over and
    gasped, swallowing a groan as every muscle complained. What the hell? She opened her
    eyes, blinking at the unfamiliar surroundings. And then she remembered. The warehouse.
    Kolinsky. Oh my God, Raphael! She rolled over in a panic, thankful to discover she was
    alone. She closed her eyes in a different kind of pain, and tears found their way down her
    cheeks. You are such a fool, Cyn.
    She groped to the side of the bed and stood. Spying a bathroom across the room, she
    made her way over to it, turned on the light and stepped in front of the mirror, almost afraid of
    what she'd see. The gash on her forehead where Kolinsky had hit her was closed, scabbed
    over in a neat line above her right eyebrow and surrounded by bruises that were already be-
    ginning to yellow with age. Twisting to one side, she frowned at the grazing bullet wound on
    her arm from early in the fight. A stab of pain answered her probing, but nothing more than an
    angry red scar marred her pale flesh. She wrapped her arms around herself uneasily. Had
    she been out that long? Long enough for wounds to heal or ... She flashed back to the small
    office in the warehouse, Raphael's eyes gleaming as he licked her wounds, her own mouth
    filling with...
    She spun around and dropped to the toilet, vomiting uncontrollably, gagging in horror
    when she saw the black of regurgitated blood, like coffee crystals floating in the artificially
    blue water. Had she actually drunk some of Raphael's blood? And what did that mean? She
    only knew rumors about how vampires were changed, reborn, whatever the hell they called it. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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