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    you're talking about that partner of yours, what makes you think we had
    anything to do with his disappearance?"
    I let a little smile touch my mouth.  Well, for one thing, you know he's my
    partner. And for another, you know he's disappeared, a thing I've only told
    two people, both of whom I trust a hell of a lot more than I trust you. So,
    I'll ask you once more in a nice way. Where is he?"
    Lawson may be softening a little, but not enough to be convinced that I'm a
    real threat. I see it in his eyes. Maybe I need to be a little more forceful.
    I've never done this before, but I decide it's time to see how my vampire
    face mighteffect him. I'm not even sure how it's done, since with Donaldson it
    was more of an instinctive self-preservation thing. So I think about all
    that's been done to me in the last few days, the fire and the attacks on my
    life, and how David has been drawn into this through no fault of his own and
    how this asshole has the answers I need and I feel the change begin.
    I watch it through Lawson's eyes. He shrinks back as if it's no longer a
    human he's confronting, but an animal. I hear a snarl, and realize it's from
    me. I feel my hands ball into fists and my lips curl back. My blood sings in
    my veins and a hunger for his becomes an overwhelming force that swallows what
    little humanity is left. Suddenly I'm not sure I can control what's happening.
    I'm drawn to him, my eyes on his throat because the pulse beating there
    becomes the center of my universe. Nothing matters but that I drink.
    "Stop, please."
    It's too late. I'm on him, ripping at the neck of his tee shirt, all that
    stands between me and the source of life.
    He struggles back, falls. I'm on top. Teeth snap at the air, come closer.
    "Please. I'll tell you. I know where he is."
    Anna, stop.
    My little voice is back.
    Page 102
    ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.html
    I shake myhead.No.
    Lawson is screaming now, trying to twist away. I have his shoulders locked in
    my grip.
    You have to. He knows.
    I can't.
    Yes. You can. Think. It's David's life.
    A groan escapes mylips.Thisis too hard.
    This is the way it is.
    I push myself off Lawson and roll over onto my back. Every cell in my body is
    in revolt. The struggle to regain myself takes all my strength. I feel Lawson
    gasping beside me. If I still breathed air, I would be gasping too. As it is,
    all I can do is lie very still and wait until I know it's safe. Until I know
    the human Anna is back.
    It takes awhile. Still, I recover before Lawson. When I pull myself into a
    sitting position and look over at him, he's heaving quietly into the water.
    There's a long, bloody gash on his cheek.
    I move away. The scent and sight of blood threatens my resolve even now. I
    wait and watch as he pulls himself together, wipes tears and snot off his
    face, and hoists himself to his feet. His legs tremble and threaten to
    collapse under him. I don't dare lend a hand. It's too soon. All I can see is
    the ribbon of blood on his face.
    Finally, his breathing returns to normal, color floods his cheeks. He braces
    himself against the rocks. When his eyes find mine, there's no fight left.
    "Where is he? I ask quietly.
    He actually attempts a smile, though the effect is more of a grimace.  You
    must have really pissed somebody off, he says.  We're supposed to report when
    we spot you, but that's it. That's what I was going to do when you grabbed me.
    I swear, until today I had no idea you were connected to the kidnapping."
    "Where is he?"
    Lawson draws in a breath.  He's being held at some doctor's place, he says.
     I don't know where exactly. But a vamp with a lot of pull warned us to stay
    out of it."
    "A vamp warned you to stay out of it? I thought hunting vampires was what
    youRevengers were all about?"
    He shrugs.  We have confidential informants in the vampire community who help
    us when it's in their best interest."
    Their best interest?I snort.  You mean,they help you in return for not
    getting staked?"
    He shrugs again.
    "Let's get back to that doctor. Why would a doctor kidnap David?"
    Page 103
    ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.html
    Lawson says,  Word was that some newbie irritated an old soul and was being
    punished. I figured it was somebody's boyfriend or husband some kind of freaky
    love triangle." [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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