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    the badge of mourning.
    STATES ADDED DURING THIS EPOCH. West Virginia, the thirty-fifth State, was admitted to the
    Union June 20, 1863. During the Civil War, this portion of Virginia remaining loyal, it was incorporated as a
    separate State.
    Nevada, the thirty-sixth State, was admitted to the Union October 31, 1864. Its name was derived from the
    range of mountains on the west, the Sierra Nevada, a Spanish title, signifying  Snow-covered mountains. It
    was the third State carved out of the territory acquired by the Mexican war, Texas being the first, and
    California the second. Its first settlement was at Carson City. It is one of the richest mineral States in the
    Summary of the History of the Fifth Epoch, arranged in Chronological
    1861. Abraham Lincoln inaugurated President of United States,
    March 4,
    Fort Sumter fired upon, April 12,
    Lincoln called for 75,000 volunteers, April 15,
    Confederates seized Harper's Ferry, April 18,
    Massachusetts troops fired upon in Baltimore, April 19,
    Confederates seized Norfolk Navy Yard, April 20,
    Battle of Philippi, Va., June 3,
     Big Bethel, Va., June 10,
     Booneville, Mo., June 17,
     Carthage, Mo., July 5,
    1861. Battle of Rich Mountain, Va., July 11,
     Carrick's Ford, Va., July 14,
    Confederate Congress assembled at Richmond, Va., July 20,
    Battle of Bull Run, Va., July 21,
     Wilson's Creek, Mo., August 10,
    Forts at Hatteras Inlet, N. C., captured, August 29,
    Battle of Carnifex Ferry, Va., September 10,
    Summary of the History of the Fifth Epoch, arranged in Chronological Order. 146
    A Brief History of the United States
     Lexington, Mo., September 20,
     Ball's Bluff, Va., October 21,
    Port Royal, S. C., taken, November 7,
    Battle of Belmont, Mo, November 7,
    Seizure of Mason and Slidell, November 8,
    Skirmish of Dranesville, Va., December 20,
    1862. Battle of Mill Spring, Ky., January 19,
    Fort Henry, Tenn., taken, February 6,
    Roanoke Island, N. C., taken, February 8,
    Fort Donelson, Tenn., taken, February 16,
    Battle of Pea Ridge, Ark., March 7,8,
     of the Monitor and the Merrimac, March 9,
    Newberne, N. C., taken, March 14,
    Battle of Shiloh (Pittsburg Landing), Tenn., April 6,7,
    Island No. 10 captured, April 7,
    Fort Pulaski, Ga., captured, April 11,
    New Orleans captured, April 25,
    Beaufort, S. C, captured, April 25,
    Yorktown, Va., taken, May 4,
    Battle of Williamsburg, Va., May 5,
    Norfolk, Va., surrendered, May 10,
    Corinth, Miss., taken, May 30,
    Battle of Fair Oaks or Seven Pines, Va., May 31, June 1,
    Lee assumed command of the Confederate armies, June 3,
    Memphis, Tenn., surrendered, June 6,
    Seven-Days battles, June 25-July 1,
    Battle of Cedar Mountain, Va., August 9,
    Second Battle of Bull Run, Va., August 29,
    Battle of Richmond, Ky., August 30,
     Chantilly, Va., September 1,
     South Mountain, Md., September 14,
    Harper's Ferry surrendered, September 15,
    Battle of Antietam, Md., September 17,
     Iuka, Miss., September 19,
     Corinth, Miss., October 4,
     Perryville, Ky., October 8,
    1862. Battle of Fredericksburg, Va., December 13,
    First attack on Vicksburg, Miss., December 29,
    Battle of Murfreesboro, Tenn., December 31 and January
    2, 1863,
    1863. Emancipation Proclamation, January 1,
    Arkansas Post taken, January 11,
    Fort Sumter, S. C., bombarded by fleet, April 7,
    Grant's campaign before Vicksburg, May 1-17,
    Battle of Chancellorsville, Va., May 2, 3,
    West Virginia admitted to the Union, June 20,
    Battle of Gettysburg, Penn., July 1-3,
    Vicksburg, Miss., surrendered, July 4,
    Port Hudson surrendered, July 8,
    Draft Riot in New York City, July 13-16,
    Fort Wagner, S. C., taken, September 7,
    Summary of the History of the Fifth Epoch, arranged in Chronological Order. 147
    A Brief History of the United States
    Battle of Chickamauga, Ga., September 19, 20,
     Chattanooga, Tenn., November 24, 25,
    Siege of Knoxville, Tenn., raised, December 4,
    1864. Battle of Olustee, Fla, February 20,
    Grant made Lieutenant-General, March 3,
    Fort de Russy captured, March 14,
    Fort Pillow, Tenn., captured, April 12,
    Butler landed at Bermuda Hundred, May 5,
    Battle of Wilderness, Va., May 5, 6,
     Spottsylvania, Va., May 8-12,
     Resaca, Ga., May 14, 15,
     New Market, Va., May 15,
     Dallas, May 25-28,
     Cold Harbor, Va., June 3,
     Lost Mountain, Ga., June 15-17,
    Battle between the Kearsarge and the Alabama, June 19,
    Battle of Kenesaw Mt., Ga., June 27,
     Monocacy, Md., July 9,
    Battles before Atlanta, Ga., July 20, 22, 28,
    Chambersburg, Pa., burned, July 30,
    Mine explosion, Petersburg, Va., July 30,
    Farragut entered Mobile Bay, Ala., August 5,
    Weldon Railroad seized, August 18,
    Atlanta, Ga., taken, September 2,
    Battle of Winchester, Va., September 19,
     Fisher's Hill, Va., September 22,
     Cedar Creek, Va., October 19,
    Nevada admitted to the Union, October 31,
    Fort McAlister, Ga, taken, December 13,
    1864. Battle of Nashville, Tenn., December 15, 16, [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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