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    against him, holding my arms close so that my blood stained his skin. "I remember my history. I just don't
    like it."
    "I'll be all right, Galen," I said.
    He stared down at me, nodding, but not like he believed me. "Fetch me Kurag," I said to Doyle.
    He looked at the waiting crowd. "Sithney, Nicca, fetch the goblin king."
    Sithney turned with a swirl of long brown hair. I didn't see Nicca's dark purple hair; the pale flash of his
    lilac skin would have been noticeable among the white and black skin of the court.
    But if Doyle called him, he was there.
    The crowd parted and Kurag came forward with his queen at his side. The goblins, like all of the sidhe,
    considered the royal consort to be a member in arms, not someone to be hidden away in safety. She had
    so many eyes scattered across her face that she looked like a spider done large. The wide, lipless mouth
    held fangs large enough to make any spider proud. Some goblins held venom in their bodies. I was
    betting that Kurag's new queen was one of those. The eyes, the poison, and a nest of arms around her
    body like a collection of snakes, made her almost the perfection of goblin beauty, though she could only
    boast one set of strong bowed legs. Extra legs were the rarest beauty among the goblins. Keelin did not
    appreciate her good fortune.
    There was an air of contentment about the goblin queen that said here was a woman who understood
    her worth and had made it work for her. That nest of arms clung to Kurag's body, stroking, caressing.
    One pair of arms had slid between his legs stroking both shaft and balls through his thin pants. The fact
    that she felt compelled to do something so overtly sexual when introduced to me was a sign that she
    considered me a rival.
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    My father had felt it important that I know the goblin court well. We'd visited their court many times, as
    they had visited our home. He had said, "The goblins do most of the fighting in our wars. They are the
    backbone of our armies, not the sidhe." This had been true since the last goblin war, when we'd made a
    treaty that had lasted between us. Kurag had been so comfortable with my father that he had asked for
    my hand as consort. The rest of the sidhe were mortally offended. Some talked of going to war over the
    insult. The goblins considered his desire for such a human-looking bride to be the height of perversity and
    talked behind his back of finding a new king. But other goblins saw the benefit to sidhe blood in a queen.
    It took some very serious diplomacy to keep us from either war or my wedding a goblin. It was soon
    after that that my engagement to Griffin was announced.
    Kurag loomed over me. His skin was a shade of yellow similar to Fflur's skin. But where hers was
    smooth like the perfection of aged ivory, Kurag's skin was covered in warts and lumps. Each
    imperfection in his skin was a beauty mark. One large lump on his right shoulder spouted an eye. A
    wandering eye, the goblins called it, because it wandered away from the face. I'd loved the eye when I
    was a child. Loved the way it moved independently of his face, the three eyes that graced his broad,
    strong features. The eye on his shoulder was the color of violets, with long black lashes. There was a
    mouth just above his right nipple that had full red lips and tiny white teeth. A thin pink tongue would lick
    those lips, and air breathed from that mouth. If you put a feather in front of that second mouth it would
    blow the feather upward, again and again. While my father and Kurag talked, I entertained myself with
    watching that eye, and that mouth, and the two thin arms that poked awkwardly from Kurag's right side
    on either side of his ribs. We played cards, that eye, that mouth, and those arms. I thought Kurag very
    clever to be able to concentrate on such disparate things all at once.
    What I hadn't known until I was a teenager was that there were two thin legs below Kurag's belt on the
    right side, complete with a small but completely functional penis. A goblin's idea of courtship was crude.
    Sexual prowess counted for a great deal among them. When I'd seemed unenthusiastic about Kurag's
    proposal, he'd dropped his pants and shown off both his own equipment and that of his parasitic twin. I
    was sixteen and I still remember the dawning horror of the realization that there was another being
    trapped within Kurag's body. Another being with enough mind to play card games with a child while
    Kurag paid no attention. There was an entire person trapped inside there. An entire person who, if
    genetics had been kinder, might have matched that lovely lavender eye.
    I had never been comfortable around Kurag after that. It hadn't been the proposal or the sight of his
    rather formidable manhood come to full quivering attention. It had been the sight of that second penis,
    large and swollen, independent of Kurag and eager for me. When I had turned them down, for "them" it
    was, that one lavender eye had shed a single tear.
    I had had nightmares for weeks. Extra limbs were dandy, but entire extra people in pieces trapped inside
    someone else... there were no words for that kind of horror. The second mouth could breathe, so it
    obviously had access to the lungs, but it lacked vocal cords. I wasn't sure if that was a blessing or one
    last curse.
    "Kurag, Goblin King, greetings. Twin of Kurag, Goblin King's Flesh, greetings as well." The thin arms on
    the side of the king's bare chest waved at me. I had greeted both of them from the night I realized that the
    person with whom I'd been playing cards and stupid games like feather-blowing had actually not been
    Kurag at all. To my knowledge I was the only one who ever greeted both of them.
    "Meredith, Sidhe Princess, greetings from both of us." His orange eyes stared down at me, the largest
    one perched like a cyclops eye slightly above and in the middle of the other two. The look he gave me
    was the look any man would give a woman he desired. A look so bald-faced, so obvious, that I felt
    Galen's body stiffen. Rhys rose to his feet to stand beside Doyle.
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    "You honor me with your attentions, King Kurag," I said. It was an insult among the goblins if the men
    did not leer at your woman. It implied that she was ugly and infertile, unworthy of lust.
    The queen kept her hands on Kurag, but moved one hand to his side where I knew the other set of
    genitalia hung. Her maze of eyes glared at me, as her hands worked them. Kurag's breath came out in a
    rush from both mouths.
    If we didn't hurry, we'd be here when the queen brought him, them, to a climax. The goblins saw nothing
    wrong with public sex. It was a mark of prowess among the men to be brought many times at one
    banquet, and the woman that could do it was prized. Of course, the goblin male who could sustain a
    female's attentions for a lengthy time was prized among the females. If a goblin had any sex problems like
    premature ejaculation or impotency or, for a female, frigidness, then everyone knew it. Nothing was
    hidden. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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