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     Fine. We ll start looking at places tomorrow. Mother relented.  Tonight, we need to
    call his doctors and get him out of this mess. We ll call about the health aide, too. He should ve
    called us if the issue was this bad. We can take my father back home and keep him safe.
    Jones whispered to Grayson, who nodded.  Lionel and Mike. Go with them. We ll keep
    one on the building. The opening should be quiet now. I ll cover here with Jones. You two stick
    with the old man until your flight tomorrow. Home or hospital, keep him under control. Jones
    will get you in time.
    The men nodded and followed along. Brian didn t envy them, but at least, Jones wasn t
    babysitting all night. Brian needed to thank Jones properly.
    As the room cleared out, only Grayson, Penny, Jones and Brian were left. Grayson
    handed the keys to Penny.  Why don t you and your brother go home and get caught up. Order
    some dinner. We ll secure things here and meet you back at Brian s.
    Brian almost objected. He wanted to spend time with Penny, but they had a few weeks to
    visit with the family before going back to New York. Brian only had one more night with Jones.
    But it probably wouldn t help Jones career to reveal they d been sleeping together. Brian had to
    keep it together as his world unraveled.
     Sounds good. Brian followed Penny and texted Jones to make sure he came back to the
    condo. No matter what, Brian would have one more night.
    * * * *
    After going over all his notes and every incident, Jones made sure the shop was secure.
    Grayson looked over the scene, and they headed out.
     Good work. It s always the last one you d expect in this family. Grayson shook his
     I m just glad I didn t break his hip, Jones admitted.
     You did your job. Anything happened to Brian and I d never have heard the end of it
    from Penny. Grayson exhaled.  Hope Texas wasn t too rough on you. I appreciate you taking
    this job. Going home is hard.
    Jones nodded.  It wasn t a problem. I worked the job, and the rest didn t factor in. He
    parked the rental at Brian s building. He d seen the text and needed to see Brian, as well. But he
    didn t want to intrude on obvious family time.
     Come on up and get some dinner. Grayson exited the vehicle.
     Sounds good. I left some stuff here. It sounded innocent and plausible. He was the
    guard on the body.
    Jones led the way and heard the laughter from the hallway. He knocked, and Brian
    opened the door.  It s about time. Penny was telling me about Grayson trying to hula.
     Hey, some things are private. Grayson walked in and kissed his wife before grabbing a
    slice of pizza.
    Jones joined in, feeling odd, but Penny was friendly.
     I can t thank you enough for keeping Brian safe. He s a sneaky charmer like Grandpa.
    Glad to see he didn t give you the slip. Penny patted Jones arm.
     Not for a second. He was very cooperative, Jones said.
     I was an angel. Brian smiled.
    Penny arched an eyebrow and smiled.  Good. There s always a first time for everything.
    They ate and chatted about Hawaii. Jones had nothing to offer he d never even seen
    Florida. But he could listen and dream about a trip with Brian. The couple had clearly had fun
    and adored each other. Grayson was a good guy, Jones was happy for his boss.
    An hour later, Penny and Grayson were headed out. Penny hugged her brother.  See you
    tomorrow. She smiled at Jones.  You too.
     Nice to meet you, Ma am. Jones nodded.
     You ve got wheels. One more day and tomorrow you re back in L.A. Grayson shook
    Jones hand.
     Yes, I m good. Jones closed the door behind them and locked it.  Your sister is great.
    When he turned, Jones got the full force of Brian hugging him tight. Those soft lips
    pressed to Jones neck. He could feel all of Brian s fear and frustration.
     It s okay. It s done. I m sorry it s your grandfather. The dementia is scary. My dad is
    about as bad, but a lot less religion and a lot more hate. Your dad sounded pretty reasonable.
    We re all okay. Jones held Brian tight, memorizing the moment.
     My mom is crazy. Grandpa could ve killed someone. Brian sighed.
     Not you. I had you. Your mom is in denial, but I think your dad and Penny will
    straighten her out.
    Brian pulled back until they were forehead-to-forehead.  One night. I m not wasting it.
    He kissed Jones.
    Relief and pain crushed Jones. He d been braced for the rejection; the end had to come.
    Now, it had. But one last night with Brian would make it easier to survive tomorrow.  No kinky
    stuff tonight. He squeezed Brian s rear. No fetish play when it was their last time.
    Brian pulled Jones shirt out of his jeans. They understood each other as they made their
    way to the bedroom. Jones pushed Brian on the bed and licked down his sexy form from chest to
    calf and back, tracing every inch so he d never forget.
     I have a request, Brian said.
    Jones looked Brian in the eyes and waited. Would Brian ask Jones to stay? Jones wanted [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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