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    followed, his mind muddled with disbelief. After all this time, and all his wasted planning, she was really
    going to be his. And he didn t have to cloak the proposition in champagne, or worry about getting
    tongue-tied and flustered.
    It was a gift.
    He watched her from behind, already imagining what it would be like to get his hands on that tempting
    tush, to feel her feverish against him, to savor her mouth, rather than resign himself to the usual friendly
    peck on the lips.
    Russ took a deep breath, trying to control himself. If he wasn t careful, she d wonder why he was
    already hard enough to cut diamonds.
    She placed him in the center of the sofa and sat beside him, chewing the nail of her forefinger. And there
    she sat. And sat, forever, it seemed to him, nibbling away. He watched her out of the corner of his eye,
    trying to appear relaxed, fervently praying that she had not changed her mind.  Okay, he ventured,
    trying to sound casual.  Here we are.
     This is sorta awkward, isn t it? She gave a nervous, tittering laugh.  It s just occurred to me that I ve
    never seduced a man before. Never had to.
     I don t suppose so, he muttered, a pang of jealousy knifing through him.  That s probably all Gary and
    Milton ever thought about.
     Why do we keep coming back to Milton Edwards? I told you I never slept with him.
    This was not the time to provoke an argument. This was the time to fulfill his fantasies.  Sorry. Guess I
    just feel like neither of them deserved you. And this is a tricky situation for me, too. I m not accustomed
    to being so& passive.
    She smiled, resting her hand on his thigh.  I think I like that. That makes this more of a challenge, more
    interesting, doesn t it?
    God, if it were any more interesting he d shoot the works before she even started.
    Naked. Wet. Pointing a gun at your dream guy. What a way to start the day&
    Romancing the Stones
    © 2008 Catherine Berlin
    Archaeologist Charlotte  Charlie Blair arrives home from a dig in Peru to find a dead body in her
    house and herself suspected of murder. Sorting out the truth, that a serial killer has been using her place
    to stash his kills, proves easier than shaking off the detective who s determined to protect her.
    Detective Rob Vaiden s first sight of Charlie is naked, wet, and pointing a Glock at his chest. Oh yeah,
    this is going to be a hell of a case. Something about the bombshell has attracted the attention of Orion, a
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    killer Vaiden s been pursuing since his days as a rookie cop. To catch Orion, he needs to be near
    Charlie. Trouble is, while she s easy on the eyes, the maddeningly independent woman is determined she
    doesn t need his help.
    Vaiden gets on Charlie s last nerve, but she s got her own problems. The golden rod of Manco Copac,
    the greatest find in her career, has disappeared. In place of the gold phallus she finds a bag of mythical
    Ica stones. Stones for which Orion is willing to kill.
    Charlie& the stones& Orion. What connects this deadly triangle? Vaiden and Charlie race to figure it
    out before Orion chooses his next target.
    Warning: This novel depicts a kickass heroine who enjoys steamy sex with a hunky detective,
    when not otherwise engaged in being chased, kidnapped, and mugged for a solid gold penis.
    Enjoy the following excerpt forRomancing the Stones:
    Detective Vaiden stared at the shattered edges of the weathered oak door on the Blair residence. It
    hung sideways with the top hinge completely disconnected from the jamb. Split wood fanned out along
    the lock like plumes. The boards covering the windows kept the inside of the house dim even though it
    was late morning. Not a sound floated outside on the cool air to give him a clue about the condition of the
    home s occupant, Charlie Blair.
    Rob Vaiden drew his SIG Sauer, holding it to his chest just below his jaw. He exchanged a wary glance
    with his partner, Jarod Ronan. They had wanted to be in and out of here as fast as possible. The
    investigation was dragging out. Too many false leads. But by the looks of the door, things had changed.
    So much for asking the homeowner a few questions.
    With a nod directed more to himself than to his partner, Vaiden nudged the door inward, then shoved
    hard with his shoulder. He held his position and motioned Jarod inside. Jarod entered just ahead of him
    and crossed the room to check for intruders.
    A huge black creature streaked out of the shadows near the staircase, rumbled past Vaiden, and
    escaped to the front yard. Vaiden blew air out quietly, calming his breathing. Just a dog.
    He stared at the disarray. A small mountain of papers and books littered the center of the room. The
    drawers of the file cabinet hung open at varying degrees. The desk nearby had been rummaged to the
    point of destruction.
    Jarod stepped into Vaiden s line of vision and shook his blond head. No one on the ground floor then. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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