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    too weak.
    Rubbing her eyes with the heels of her hand, she eased herself off the bed and
    walked over to the desk where the tray sat.
    Rand! Hurry! I need you. I m so afraid.
    * * * * *
    Rand was just listening to the last of Jesse s briefing when a sharp pain stabbed his
    head. He pressed his fingers to his temples and swallowed hard, trying to ease the
    throbbing that exploded so suddenly. What the hell? He never got headaches. Not even
    today s stress and tension would have brought one on, so what was happening to him?
    Rand! Hurry! I m afraid.
    Was that Hannah s voice piercing his brain? He d heard of other shifters who
    connected psychically with their mates once they d bonded. Even though he and
    Hannah had not mated in wolf form would this still work? Was that what was
    He tried to expand his mind, but before he could actually reach her the voice was
    gone. The connection dissolved into the air. Had he just imagined it?
    Driven by Hunger
    Derek s voice broke his concentration.
     Yes? He mentally shook himself.  Are we ready?
    Jesse nodded.  Everyone s here.
    Alexa Farrell and Liane Aquino stood next to their husbands. Rand hadn t seen
    them arrive but he was very glad for their presence. They could use all the help they
    could get. Besides, both women were more familiar with that section of Florida than
    anyone else in the pack.
     So we re heading for Mueller s.
     Right now. You all studied the outside security system plans?
    There was a murmuring of voices.
    Rand didn t know how he d done it, nor was he sure he wanted to know, but Jesse
    had managed to get diagrams of the locations of the sensors on the security system.
     Alexa and Liane brought the panel vans with no windows, Jesse went on,  so
    let s load up. I ve already got the address programmed into the GPS. He looked at the
    faces of the crowd, studying each one in turn.  This is going to be very dangerous. You
    all have to know that.
     We live in danger, Jesse, one of the men spoke up.  Hannah is one of us. We can t
    turn our backs on her not matter what.
     Then let s do it. Just remember once you re out of the van and over the wall there
    isn t a lot I can do to help you or back you up.
     Understood, Derek said.  We re all agreed on this.
     Let s get moving, Rand prompted, barely able to hang on to his control.
    As they were loading into the vans, Rand pulled Riesa aside.
     I have to ask you something. At the look of anxiety in her eyes he hurriedly said,
     No, not anything bad. I completely believe you and how you came to be here. That s
    what I want to know about.
    Desiree Holt
     Rand, I can t explain it, she began.
    He shook his head.  Not that. I swear when we were inside I heard Hannah s voice
    in my head.
    Her expression lightened then became thoughtful.  That s possible, even if you
    haven t communicated that way before. I ve studied a lot about shifters and I know you
    all have built-in psychic abilities of one kind or another.
     What I want to know, he told her,  is if you can reach out to someone instead of
    just waiting to have the images in your dreams. Have you ever done that?
     Rarely. It depends on the circumstance. Did you want me to try to contact
     If you can. Tell her we re on our way.
    She gave him a tiny smile.  I don t promise anything but I ll do my best.
     Thank you. That s all I can ask. He gave her hand a quick squeeze before
    climbing into the van.
    The panel doors were closed on both vehicles, the drivers rolled up the tinted
    windows, and Rand saw Jesse pick up a comm unit.
     Ready to roll, Charlie, he said in a low voice.
    Silently the two vehicles moved out of the cul-de-sac and headed toward the
    * * * * *
    Mueller stood before her, holding out what looked like a fancy hospital gown.
     I want you to shower, he told.  Clean every part of your body carefully. It s very
    important. You ll find everything you need in the shower. Don t make me subject you
    to inspection to make sure you followed my orders.
     Inspection? She could hardly get the word out. Inside she was shaking so badly
    she was thankful she was sitting down. Cold fear spread through her body.
    Driven by Hunger
    Mueller nodded, then looked at his watch.  You have one hour. We have some
    further tests to perform and I want to get started as quickly as possible. I ve lost enough
    time as it is.
    He tossed the gown at Hannah and she clutched it to her body. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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