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    Joe whistled. "You sure aren't asking much, are you? We're to get into these
    castles and call you in, somehow, all without getting killed or turned into
    toads or something; and if we happen to unmask the Baron in the process, we're
    to get him to trot out a demon prince for us."
    Ruddygore shrugged. "I didn't say it was going to be easy.
    In fact, tricking the first sorcerer should work out because of the element of
    surprise in the plan. The trouble is, in the inevitable post-mortem, the
    loophole will be exposed, so the second one will be ready for you. As for
    bringing out the
    Baron's demon, I hardly think that will be difficult if you meet him.
    Remember, his demon couldn't do a thing to either of you, and he's probably
    just panting and drooling to do a whole set of things to see why and how he
    can get around it."
    "What army are we leading?" Joe wanted to know.
    "No army. It would do no good. I'll supply the army if and when it's
    necessary. You and Marge are involved, not only [
    for your skills and complementary abilities but also because, pardon me, you
    are perfect demon bait. All that I have been able to teach you, and all that
    you have become, have been oriented to this purpose. Tiana will join you for
    several other reasons, although she, too, is well trained and dedicated, with
    a bit of both your skills to boot as a backup. But, most im-
    portantly, she's a native ofZhimbombe, and I've had her trav-
    eling in and out of the area for the past month before coming here."
    Tiana nodded. "I wondered why you asked, and only hoped it was for an assault
    on Kaladon. Much has changed, partic-
    ularly the people and the very atmosphere of the place. It used
    20Dancing.txt (116 of 222) [1/19/03 4:26:45 PM]
    ods%202%20-%20Demons%20of%20the%20Dancing.txt to be a happy place. But the
    roads still go where they once did, and the towns and cities are the ones I
    knew in my youth.
    It was strange how it all came back to me, although I have traveled those
    roads ten thousand times in my mind."
    Joe was used to Ruddygore by now, and he was thinking ahead of the plan.
    "Uh in what order do we tackle these fearsome giants?"
    "Geographically. Esmerada's Witchwood is on the way to
    Morikay, so she is certainly first. She is the stronger magically, which is
    why she is the best start the best to take by surprise.
    And she is the most hidebound and rigid. My, how she loves the old cliches!"
    "Uh-huh. And then Kaladon, all forewarned."
    The sorcerer nodded. "But in known territory, with a native guide even to the
    castle passages and entryways."
    "He's likely just to have us killed on sight," Marge pointed out.
    "No, not all of us," Joe responded, turning back to Rud-
    dygore. "Right?"
    "Well, uh, that's true."
    Page 95
    ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.html
    "I would have no problem getting invited into that castle,"
    Tiana said, stating what the others were thinking. "That is it, is it not?"
    "Well, yes, as a last resort," the sorcerer admitted. "How-
    ever, I hope we won't have to use that method. I'll be with you all the way,
    in a manner of speaking, anyway."
    Poquah got up from the table, went into Ruddygore's room, and returned with a
    very pedestrian-looking. Earth-style brief-
    case. Ruddygore made several passes over it with his hands
    and then went into an almost trancelike state staring at it. In less than a
    minute, though, he relaxed, then opened the case.
    They all realized that the case had been guarded by spells so great they might
    have destroyed anyone trying them other than himself.
    He reached inside and pulled out a small jewelry case, set it before him and
    opened it, then pushed it across the table to
    Marge. Inside was a necklace of what looked like solid gold chain; from it, a
    small but distinctive ruby pendant hung. She looked at the chain, then picked
    it up and stared at it in puz-
    zlement. "Where's the clasp?"
    "I had it made without one," he told her. "Don't worry.
    Allow Poquah to put it on for you."
    20Dancing.txt (117 of 222) [1/19/03 4:26:45 PM]
    The Imir reached over, picked it up, and she felt his long fingers on both
    sides of her throat and the cold of the chain.
    There was a hissing sound; for a brief moment, the necklace felt very hot, but
    it cooled quickly.
    "The thing is made of fairy gold and a combination of alloys that make it
    almost impossible to slip off," Ruddygore ex-
    plained. "As it has no clasp, it's on for good, I hope. While the blend is
    strictly Husaquahrian, it was created at Cartier's in Paris to my
    She chuckled. "Cartier's at last."
    Again he delved into the case, brought out a jewelry box, and opened it, this
    time pushing it in front ofTiana. She looked, then reached in and picked up
    one of the two objects inside.
    They were attractive, if slightly large, earrings of the same fairy blend, and
    suspended from each was a finely crafted charm in the shape of a gryphon.
    Except for being oddly thick, the charms looked to be made of the same stuff
    as the earrings.
    Again, there was no break or clasp in the earrings themselves. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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