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    Do you think I would be this persistent if I didn't want to work it out, fix it? He lifted
    Abel's chin and stroked his damp face.  Do I strike you as a man who is even remotely
    ready to give up on all this?
    Come on, baby, just give me a chance to understand. Where would he go from here
    if Abel absolutely refused to tell him?
    A deep, cutting ache crept through Abel's eyes and he rubbed his hands over
    Devlin's.  Why did we have to meet?
     Baby, what are you talking about? Devlin moaned softly and kissed his lips.
     Meeting you was the best thing that ever happened to me.
    Abel pressed closer and touched his forehead to the base of Devlin's throat and
    shook his head slowly.  I'm going to ruin your life. he cried softly.  What you feel for
    me now...it's all going to...go away. He trembled and slipped his arms around Devlin's
    body, hugging him so tight, almost desperately. His body shook with sobs.  You won't
    love me anymore.
     Abel. Devlin rubbed his back and kissed his hair.  Baby, you can't really believe
    that. I'll always love you.
    Abel pulled back and wiped his face.  No...you won't.
    His tongue was loaded with another protest about to lunge forth when Cole stepped
    through the door, with Gabe right behind him.
    * * * *
    A quick survey of the scene left Cole in a bit of confusion; what the hell was Devlin
    doing here? The man had done a disappearing act right after Abel had told him about
    his extra-curricular activities. Cole had half expected to never see the man again. And
    now, to see Abel practically in Devlin's arms, clearly upset he wasn't sure what to
     So... he said slowly, cautiously as Gabe closed the door behind them.
     What's...going on here?
    Devlin met his stare head on.  Abel was about to give me some answers.
    The kid's head jerked up in start, looking at Devlin; apparently that was news to
     Is that true, Abel? Cole asked quietly. Though he wasn't looking at him or touching
    him, Cole sensed Gabe grow tense. His greatest fear for the boy was Abel going to
    prison. Cole feared the same.
     I don't... Abel's gaze evaded everyone.
     I told you, Devlin looked at Abel, his voice tightening.  I'm not leaving until you
    explain why you would rather...sell yourself...than accept my help. Because it isn't
    fucking computing with me.
    This was it. Cole could feel it. The moment of truth. Devlin had reached the end of
    his rope and he wouldn't be deterred this time. And frankly, Cole couldn't blame him. In
    his place, Cole would be right there demanding answers as well.
     Abel. Cole murmured.  Maybe it's time.
     Cole. Gabe stepped close. Anxiety and fear tightened his face.
    Cole touched his arm then looked at Devlin with stern eyes as he spoke to Gabe.  It's
    okay. We won't let anything happen to Abel. he told him quietly. His gaze shifted to
    the boy.  Maybe it's better to just...get it over with, Abel.
    The kid stared at him, fear pulsating in his amber eyes.
    * * * *
    Get it over with? Tell him...
     Cole. Fear welled up in Abel. He moved towards Cole, voice lowering,  I...can't.
    Each syllable stretched taut with emotion.  You know...I can't.
    Tension thickened the air inside the small apartment. A low ringing settled in Abel's
    ears as, for a moment, no one spoke. Then Cole was gripping his shoulder, head ducked
    towards him,  You can't keep running from him. Cole murmured.  And he isn't going to
    stop asking...until you tell him the truth. He squeezed Abel's shoulder.  And
    maybe...he has a right to know.
    Abel began to shake as the memories crashed back in on him, vivid details of the
    nightmare that had lasted two years. He shook his head and leaned against Cole's
    shoulder.  I can't, Cole. he choked.  I can't tell him...
     You can, Abel. Devlin stepped forward.  I'll listen, I promise.
    Cole hugged Abel's shoulder.  Trust me. he told Devlin quietly.  You have no idea
    what you're asking him to tell you. Abel shuddered and pressed closer to Cole. How
    could he say the words that would rip Devlin's heart and life apart? Words that would
    turn him against Abel forever?  And if he does tell you, Cole added low.  You're going
    to stay right here and talk it out.  Cause I'll be damned if I'm going to let you run out of
    here and do something rash.
    As if on cue, Gabe stepped over to the door and locked it, then crossed his arms
    over his chest and leaned on it. Devlin shot him an uncertain look.  I don't know what it
    is...you think I'm going to do. he said slowly, shifting his focus back on Cole.  But I'll
    stay, we'll...figure this out. Abel glanced at him from beneath his blond lashes. Devlin's
    voice swelled with sincerity.  I'll do whatever I have to...to make things right, Abel.
    The man had no idea what he was getting into. But Cole was right he wouldn't stop
    until he got the truth.
     You should sit down. Cole told the man. Devlin swallowed tightly then sank down
    on the edge of the sofa cushion. Cole gripped Abel's shoulders from behind, and spoke
    close to his ear.  It's okay, Abel. We're right here.
    Abel shot Gabe a quick glance. The guy still stood with arms crossed, guarding the
    door. He turned his eyes slowly back towards Devlin. The man gazed at him with a bit
    of uncertainty and apprehension. It was warranted. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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