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    can say nothing so long as no selling is done there. Ma went
    to the telephone and dialed the number. . . .
     There's Ruth! called Miss Ku.  Ku! said the Guv,
     You are not a Canadian, calling everyone by their first
    name, she is Mrs. Durr.  Phooey! said Miss Ku,  She is
    RUTH to me and the little Gentleman Siamese Kitten she
    has is Chuli, not Mr. Durr. Mrs. Durr came up the stairs at
    the front and we all said hello and then we all went down the
    backstairs to see the lower apartment. The Guv carried me
    on his shoulder because he thought there would be too many
    feet for me to avoid, as I could not see them.  Well there you
    are, Mrs. Durr, said the Guv,  You can store your things
    here and work here all day if you like. You CANNOT sell
    from here, and you cannot pay us any rent. Then the land-
    lady or Windsor City Council are powerless to object. There
    are no shops here as you know. Mrs. Durr seemed to be very
    pleased. She played with me, and I gave my second best
    purr, we always keep our very best purrs for The Family. I
    knew that Mr. Chuli Durr would be able to explain that to
    her when he became older. Then he was a small kitten
    indeed, with his face and tail still white. Now, at this time of
    writing, I understand that he is indeed a most magnificent
    specimen of Tom-hood. Miss Ku recently received a photo-
    graph from him and she described him gustily and in some
    The next morning loads and loads of books were carried in
    to the downstairs apartment. For most of the morning men
    seemed to be arriving with great boxes, and grunting
    mightily as they struggled to manhandle those cases in
    through the doors. Soon after lunch I heard more men come,
     Telephone men; said Miss Ku.  She has to have a tele-
    phone, doesn't she? ANY dope would know that! There
    came the noise of hammering, and shortly after, the telephone
    bell rang as it was tested.  I'm going down to see everything
    is all right, said Miss Ku.  Wait a minute, Ku, said the
    Guv,  let the men finish and then we will all go down to see
    Mrs. Durr. It seemed to me that the best thing for me to do
    would be to have some food as I did not know how long we
    should be. I wandered off to the kitchen and was fortunate
    enough to discover Ma just putting down a fresh supply. I
    gave her a push with my head and rubbed against her legs by
    way of thanks. What a pity, I thought, that she does not yet
    speak Cat like the Guv does.
    Not long after the Guv opened the kitchen door leading to
    the back stairs. Miss Ku rushed headlong down  I could
    easily manage the stairs now, knowing each one and being
    well aware that there would be no obstacles. The Guv was
    VERY firm about that; he was fanatically particular to see
    that all my  routes were kept clear and that the furniture
    was always in the same place. I suppose that as the Guv had
    once been blind for just over a year he knew of my problems
    better than anyone else.
    We rushed down the stairs and skidded to a halt outside
    Mrs. Durr's door. She opened it and welcomed us in.. I
    waited at the door for the Guv as I did not know of the
    obstacles. He picked me up and carried me in, placing me
    beside a big case so that I could sniff all the news. Some were
    rude messages left by dogs, other smells showed that the
    bottom of the box had rested on damp ground. On one book
    I read a message from Mr./Miss Stubby Durr. He/She was
    very pleased at having Master Chuli Durr to look after, Miss
    Ku sighed a sigh of happy memories  Old Stubby, a very
    pleasant fellow or fellowess, she remarked,  Sad to say,
    something got mixed when the sexes were handed out, poor
    old Stubby had both. MOST embarrassing! I called at the
    Durr House one evening and could hardly keep my eyes off
    no, I mean, I didn't know where to look.  Yes, yes, Miss
    Ku, I said,  But I understand He/She has the sweetest of
    natures, and Mr. Chuli Durr will be well looked after.
    Miss Ku went out a lot in the Mercury car, seeing all the
    local scenery, and going on to Leamington and places like
    that. I loved her to come back and tell me all about it, tell me
    of all the things I could no longer see for myself. One after-
    noon, when she returned, she was beaming with pleasure.
    Nudging me, she said,  Come under the bed, Feef, I'll tell
    you all about it. I rose and followed her under the bed. To-
    gether we sat down, close to each other. Miss Ku started to
    wash, and as she washed she talked.  Well, Feef, we started
    out and we went all along the fast highway. We passed a lot
    of fruit and vegetable stands, where people were selling the
    stuff they had grown. Buttercup went  Ooh! and  Ah! at
    each one. But the Guv didn't stop. We drove on and on and
    then some more. We drove towards the lake and then we
    passed a factory where they made Fifty Seven Varieties of
    food! Think of that, Feef, think how YOU would like to be
    let loose in there! I did think about it, and the more I [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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