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    Alyson wondered why it was that with each attempt, she⬠"!d been distracted by
    the very man whose destiny she guarded. ⬠SIt seems, milord, that you enjoy
    distracting me from my appointed duty.â¬
    ⬠SI admit that it true. Does the lady dislike my distractions?⬠he asked,
    grinning back at her.
    She smiled, her body tingling with the thought of his distraction methods. No, she
    decided, she could wait for some time for the gods to decide when she should offer
    him a reading. ⬠SNay, milord, your distractions please me very much. But I am no
    more aware now than I was when the gods will choose to reveal your path.â¬
    They rode in silence for a few moments and she sensed him digesting what
    she⬠"!d said. She⬠"!d been told by one of Ambrosius⬠"!s servants that
    he⬠"!d been sent to gather information of the commander, to find out more about
    his past. But the information was still too vague. Whether this information was directly
    related to Torin⬠"!s destiny remained to be seen and the gods would only reveal it
    at the proper time.
    Be his guide. He will need you.
    Alyson raised her cheek from Torin⬠"!s back and listened. A warm summer
    breeze brushed over her face as she searched the green valley stretched before
    them. The change of seasons would one day be upon them and then she would be
    called upon to be at his side. For what purpose she did not know.
    ⬠SAre you well?⬠Torin asked. His hand reached down and covered hers
    protectively, squeezing it.
    ⬠SAye, milord. All is well. So may it be.â¬
    About this Story
    The time of the Dark Ages is largely very difficult to research. What few records
    have been found are written by one or two monks of the day and from a very narrow
    point of view. The rest is largely speculation based on archeological finds,
    assumptions, theories and of course, legends.
    This story then is a prequel to my Dark Ages Spice novel, Tortured. With many
    readers asking to know what happened to my heroine⬠"!s younger brother in that
    book, this story⬠ Torin⬠"!s story⬠ was thus born. But, as, in the novel, any
    similarities of places, names, or events are used only for fictional purposes, not as
    historical documentation. Writers live by the words, ⬠SWhat if⬠¦â¬ when they tell a
    story. This story is no different in that aspect.
    If you liked Forbidden Pleasures, pick up where the story left off in Tortured by
    Amanda McIntyre, available now from Spice wherever books and ebooks are sold.
    Ensnared in the war-torn, untamed Dark Ages of North England, Sierra
    understands all too well what it takes to survive: the ability to numb the soul. She has
    learned this lesson the hard way, watching her mother die at the hands of the
    king⬠"!s henchmen, her brother cast out into the cold to perish, and discovering the
    treacherous, leering king holds a crucial secret about her past.
    But when he grants Sierra her life, she discovers the pardon is perhaps worse
    than death. Sierra is made executioner⬠"!s apprentice, forced to witness
    unspeakable suffering while encouraged to explore her own sexual power.
    Brainwashed and exhausted, Sierra⬠"!s heart slowly grows cold⬠ until Dryston
    of Hereford is brought to the dungeon as traitor and spy. Using her sexual allure to
    extract the warrior⬠"!s secrets, Sierra finds herself torn between duty and desire.
    Soon, Sierra is craving the only man who can help set her battered soul free and give
    her a chance for revenge⬠¦.
    Plus, look for these other sexy reads by Amanda McIntyre, always available in
    ebook format:
    The Diary of Cozette
    Winter⬠"!s Desire (with Charlotte Featherstone and Kristi Astor)
    The Master & The Muses
    Spice Briefs
    Mirror, Mirror
    Private Party
    For something a little longer, visit www.spice-books.com or stop by your local
    bookstore for stories that will ignite your senses!
    Think you⬠"!d like to write a Spice Brief? Submissions are always welcome at
    ISBN: 978-1-4268-5154-4
    Forbidden Pleasures
    Copyright © 2010 by Pamela Johnson
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    All characters in this book have no existence outside the imagination of the author
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