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    Claiming it All
    She laughed, a high, breezy sound like a little kid, but naughtier.  It was. Just
    horrible. I don t know how I m going to recover.
     I can think of a few ways to ease your pain. Travis claimed her lips with a laugh
    that turned into a moan as her tongue slipped into his mouth. They kissed slowly,
    deeply, while Aaron looked on and his cock grew so hard it seemed it would burst
    through the close of his pants.
    Travis trapped Tiffany s bottom lip between his teeth for a second before letting the
    flesh pop free and turning to Aaron.  I bet Aaron can think of a few ways too. Can t
    you? There was a challenge in Travis brown eyes. Or was it a threat?
    Whichever it was, the message was clear. Aaron had better do his best to make sure
    Tiffany had the night of her dreams or the two of them were going to have problems.
    Big problems.
    Even a few minutes ago, that look would have made him angry, but not now. He
    didn t want to let anger or bitterness or that sadness Tiffany had sensed inside of him
    ruin this night. For one night, he simply wanted to give and receive pleasure, to forget
    that he was part of a couple that his small town would never accept, to forget that
    sharing a woman with his partner was something just about everyone he knew would
    call downright perverted.
    Hell, what they d done to Tiffany a few minutes ago might have been perverse, but
    Aaron couldn t remember the last time he d been so hot, the last time he d wanted a
    woman or his partner as much as he had while his tongue was buried in Tiff s pussy
    and Travis was reaching down to rub his cock through his pants.
     Aaron? Travis asked, frustration and concern mixing in his voice.
     Yes. Aaron hugged Tiffany closer with one hand and reached out to grab Travis
    behind the neck with the other. He pulled his partner close and claimed the other man s
    lips, hard and hot, with an intensity he hoped left no doubt of his enthusiasm.  The
    only problem will be getting everything I have in mind in before morning.
    Anna J. Evans
    Tiffany s breath whispered out from between pursed lips. The way she was looking
    at him and Trav left no doubt she found watching them together insanely arousing.
     Well damn, boys. Then we d better get started.
    Travis was the one who scooped her into his arms and carried her toward the bed,
    but it was Aaron s heat Tiffany could feel burning her from a few feet away. It was
    Aaron who held her gaze as he swiftly and efficiently unknotted his tie and made quick
    work of the buttons on his shirt. Something had changed in the past few minutes,
    something that had made Aaron unleash himself in a way he hadn t when he and
    Travis first pulled her to the ground a half hour before.
    Maybe it was his confession that had freed him to fully engage.
    Or maybe it was that moment of understanding that had passed between them
    when she d asked him why he was sad. Tiffany couldn t say for certain. She was just
    grateful that he was really here with her and Travis, that he was ready to let go and let
    himself be loved.
    Physically loved, of course. She was still holding the emotional stuff at a distance. It
    was for the best, especially considering she was going to have to head back to Tavern
    tomorrow morning. If she was going to see Mama and Daddy and the old house for the
    first time in years, she was going to have to keep her emotions firmly in check.
    Otherwise, she d never be able to get through an hour with her parents without losing
    it, let alone an entire day.
    An entire day. It was going to be hell.
    She should hate Aaron for doing this to her, but she didn t. Hellish or not, a part of
    her was dying to go home. Even knowing home would never be what it had been
    before she left ten years ago, even knowing it had never been the warm, safe place it
    should have been, it was still home. And her mama and daddy were still her mama and
    daddy and a part of her wanted to see them. A part of her was happy to have the excuse
    to walk into that house that always smelled of pork chops and fried okra, of mashed
    Claiming it All
    potatoes and chicken stock and the pink detergent her mama had used since she was a
    kid. Even if her daddy would no doubt do his best to make her visit miserable.
    But she wasn t going to think about that now. She wasn t going to think about [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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