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    over Blake as he d walked home.
     It s no big deal. I ll bet most first times aren't exactly the best, Blake replied.
     I would have made sure you'd loved it, Deke breathed.
    FAN-TASTIC Stephani Hecht 162
    A sense of bitterness and regret washed over Blake.  You would've had to notice I was
    alive in the first place. Not that I blame you for not knowing who I was. I barely had any
    friends and I never spoke up or anything. In fact, I made it a point not to get noticed while I
    was in school. It made things so much easier that way.
    Until his father had left, it had been much the same way at home, too. While it had hurt
    him in so many ways, in another way it was a small blessing. It had caused Blake to take
    refuge in his drawing and in the end it had made him a better artist.
    The elevator doors opened, ending whatever further conversation may have taken
    place. Blake hoisted up his backpack, which happened to be his only piece of luggage, and
    walked out. The boxes of his merchandise would hopefully be waiting at the front desk for
    him in the morning.
    He followed Deke down the long, heavily carpeted hallway. All the while he tried hard
    not to gape at the nice furniture in the lounge area and the high-priced artwork on the wall. It
    sure as hell beat the plain vanilla décor on Blake s floor.
    When Deke opened the door, Blake wasn t overly surprised to find himself entering a
    huge, upscale suite. It still didn t mean that Blake wasn t impressed. He even reached out to
    touch the marble countertop of the kitchenette. His heart skipped in excitement when he
    spotted a huge whirlpool tub.
    Damn, he d give his left nut to spend an hour in that thing. His back had always been
    prone to muscle spasms and after standing for most of the day, he was hurting.
    As if sensing his thoughts, Deke ran a hand over Blake s shoulder.  Why don t you take
    a long soak? I have some calls to make, so it s not like you ll be ignoring me or anything.
    It was all Blake could do not to dance on the balls of his feet in excitement.  You sure
    you don t mind?
    Even as he asked that, he was already opening his bag to take out his sleeping pants. He
    was so geeky he didn t even care that they had cartoon pictures of The Muppets all over
    Deke waved him away and Blake retreated to the bathroom. He filled the tub up and
    got in, the muscles in his body instantly relaxing. He let out a sigh of relief as he sank deeper
    into the hot water.
    FAN-TASTIC Stephani Hecht 163
    Okay, he must have died, because this was heaven. There could be no other
    explanation. As he closed his eyes, he allowed himself to drift halfway to sleep. The muted
    sound of Deke s voice came through the door.
    Blake would have liked to have stayed in there all night, but once he started to prune
    up, he knew that it was time to get out. He dried off, brushed his teeth and walked out,
    suddenly feeling shy.
    As promised, there were two queen beds and the covers were pulled down on both of
    them. The slutty part of Blake felt disappointed about that, but the sensible part screamed he
    wanted to prove he had some morals. So he climbed into the empty bed.
     Thanks for letting me crash here, Blake said, again.
    Deke pulled his own covers up.  Like I said earlier, you re actually doing me a favour.
    It gets kind of lonely on these road trips. It ll be nice to have a friendly face around for once.
     I feel the same way. I was really nervous about coming here. Before now, I ve never
    even left Michigan, so it was kind of daunting coming all the way to Atlanta to attend the
    biggest comic book convention in the industry.
     Yet, you managed to do it. And you didn t even know that I was going to be here,
    Deke praised.
    Turning so that his face was hidden, Blake confessed,  Actually, the main reason I came
    was in hopes of seeing you. I just thought I was going to get a glimpse of you or maybe an
    autograph at the most. I never imagined that I would end up your roommate.
     It s funny how things work out sometimes.
    Blake smiled to himself.  Yeah, it is.
     Because, I know I haven t told you this yet, but you came at the time I needed you the
    most. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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