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    She pushed his hand to her parted legs and pressed his fingers between the folds
    of her wet flesh. Holding his hips as quietly as possible to contain himself, he did as she
    silently required and stroked her, feeling her shiver in ecstasy against his chest. As she
    sighed, her womb tightened. His cue now, he pushed forcefully, rocking her whole body
    in doing so, each wave rippling through her with erotic violence.
    Instantly he erupted. And weakened. She could have stabbed him repeatedly
    with his sword and he would be incapable of lifting his hand to protect himself.
    But his life was in her hands anyway, and the hands of her baby, now nearing
    time. She had told him it was a boy, one who would settle clan disputes and be a great
    warrior and his breast had puffed with pride.
    She would soon stop him from having his way with her. The hardness of her
    growing belly was causing much pain in her back. But this position was fine for now.
    She sighed as he had entered her, spooned against her back, curled into her buttocks.
    She had whispered to him that his body pulled her spine with soothing rhythmic flutters
    and the pleasure induced was luxurious. And how he wanted to please her, as she had
    pleased him. But soon, the fullness of her stomach would insist he had to wait.
    Another month and the baby would be with them.
    In the lull after their lovemaking he stroked the full long line of her body and
    smiled eternal gratitude.  I love ye, Katrina. I will ne er let ye leave my side.
    The vision shattered in a piercing scream.  Alex!
    He shuddered uncontrollably and focused on Kate, her eyes wide and wet with
    trepidation.  Stop it! she cried, and he shook, startled to see the fear emanating from her
    contorted expression.
    His tongue thick with stupor, he reached for her while calling to the best of his
    ability.  Ceitag? What s wrong?
     It s happened again, she said.  That voice. You called me Katrina. I can t.
    She was backing away, into the shadow of the corner, her robe pulled protectively around
    her shivering body.  This scares me too much. You scare me.
    Alex s forehead pounded. This was frightening him as well, but he didn t want
    her to know it. He rubbed his knuckles furiously into his aching sockets.  It s okay now.
    It s me. I m here.
     For how long?
    The room was brighter still.  How long was I& ?
     We have to talk to Tim, she pleaded.  He s got to be able to do something.
    Anxious to pacify her fear and bring her back into the circle of his arms he
    nodded and held out his hands.  Aye. We will. Please, Ceitag. Hold me. She leapt to
    LOVE NOT FORGOTTEN Ellen Ashe 158
    him.  I m so sorry. I ne er want to frighten ye, ye know it to be true.
     I know. Alex, don t be angry with me. Promise never to be angry. I can t stand
    Regret for his moodiness of the previous afternoon flooded through him as he
    cradled her close to his chest. Twining a clump of her hair within his fingers, he tugged
    her chin up so that she had to look him straight in the face. He would say this again and
    again and again if he had to, despite what she might think. His heart commanded him.
     Ceitag. Ye re my own. Ye just dinna realize it yet. But ye will, and we will always be
    a part of each other. Do ye hear me?
    She nodded, blinking back glistening pools in her eyes. He knew she fought
    tears. She was too strong willed to want to show weakness. To her, tears meant
    vulnerability and she tried to be so strong.
     We were meant to be together, he continued, ensuring his voice remained calm
    despite the growing fervor in his heart and mind.  Ye know it as well as I, it s just ye re
    too stubborn to tell me.
    She laughed, but then the smile faded. He held her again and kissed her hair.  By
    Sunday, he murmured,  Ye will no hold a ticket in yer hand because my ring will be
    there instead.
    * * * *
    Tim listened in muted fascination. This time Alex did the talking. He had to.
    Ceitag was growing emotionally drained and he needed to be her strength. After all, he
    was the cause of her anxiety, and if the doctor had any realistic ideas to calm all their
    trepidations, then bring it on.
     If ye have any suggestions, doctor, I am willing to listen.
     As a matter of fact, Time muttered thoughtfully,  I do.
    Mally finished making sandwiches, decorating the oval platter with an assortment
    of pasties and pickles, and placed her creation on the table in easy reach. Alex wasn t
    awfully hungry. His nerves had clamped his stomach shut but he washed down two egg
    and watercress sandwiches with a mug of black tea, more to be polite than to satisfy [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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