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    If I spoke again, I would end up crying. I hurried through the entrance of the dojo and raced down three flights of stairs. My anger not lessening with
    each step and each breath I took. By the time I reached the truck, tremors shook my frame. I yanked the door with more force than necessary and
    got inside. Gripping the steering wheel, I dropped my head low to rest on it.
    Deep inhale& hold and count& exhale& . A week of pranayama and I still couldn t calm myself down. The urge to cry still streamed through me.
    I jerked upright, blinked. Bran appeared on the passenger seat, his raven-black hair in disarray, emerald eyes stormy.
    13. FIRST DATE
     Are you okay? he yelled, eyes darting across my face as though searching for injuries, hands gripping my shoulders.
    I opened my mouth to speak, but no sound came out. I nodded. What was he doing here? Was his meeting with the CT successful? Not that it
    mattered. He was here, right when I needed a friend.
    He cupped the back of my head, closed his eyes and pressed his forehead against mine. A deep sigh escaped him as though some weight had
    been lifted off his shoulders.  You re okay.
    His presence, the whispered words of concern, the gentle way he touched me was too much. The tears I d been fighting crested in my eyes and
    rolled down my face. Sobs raked my body. Strong arms drew me to a warm masculine chest. I bunched his shirt with my hands and burrowed into
    his neck.
    I drenched his shirt, savored his soothing words and gentle rubs on my back. His thoughts and feelings flowed into me. There was tenderness and
    concern, protectiveness and longing to ease my pain.
    My tears slowed down to a trickle then stopped. I became conscious of many things at once, the rhythmic beat of his heart, the special pine scent I
    came to associate with him, his lips brushing my forehead as he sang to me. Like an angel. Then I felt it the loneliness underlying his other
    feelings. It was so deep and vast, a bottomless pit filled with despair. He didn t feel like he belonged anywhere, neither with us nor with the demons.
    I wrapped my arms tight around him. You belong with me.
    He didn t respond, but for a brief moment, images of me flashed in his mind at school, by the pool, in our trailer. Beautiful and elegant, yet strong
    with a core of steel. Was that how he saw me? I delved deeper, needing to see more. He shut me out and leaned back, forcing my arms to fall to
    my lap.
    For a moment we just stared at each other without speaking, his face unreadable, mine burning.  Sorry, I whispered.
     Are you?
    I wanted to say no because I now knew how he felt about me, but I had done what the trainees were afraid of, tapped into his feelings without his
    consent. I looked away from his face, tears threatening to fall again. I hated feeling this helpless.  I m sorry. I don t know how to control my empathic
    abilities or powers, and had no right to invade your privacy and see things you d rather 
     Show than tell you, he finished and lifted my chin with his forefinger. His emerald eyes sparkled.  I don t care that you re an empath, Lil. Or that you
    can read my mind better than I could ever read yours.
    My eyes widened.  You don t?
     No. He brushed drops of tears from my cheek with his knuckles, then reached down and took my hand in his.  What do you feel from me right
    My chin trembled and I bit my lower lip to control it. I closed my eyes and absorbed his feelings.  You re happy, optimistic about the future and
    excited. My eyes snapped open.  Did the CT sanction the mission?
    He laughed.  Yeah.
     Whenever. It s up to the Cardinals now.
     That s wonderful news. Then something else registered. His clothes were different. Bran favored expensive, soft shirts, a leather jacket. The drab
    black pants and shirt, and the long coat had Cardinal Guardians written all over them. I stiffened.  Why are you dressed like this?
    He grinned.  Here I am, gallantly rushing to your side, and all you notice are my clothes? I felt your anger and pain, thought you were being attacked.
    What happened?
    I swiped at my cheeks, shook my head.  You felt my anger and pain? How?
    A tinge of red crept on his golden cheeks.  Long story. Tell me what s going on?
    He was embarrassed. Now more than ever I was intrigue.  No, you quit hedging and talk to me. How you can you feel my emotions from& Xenith?
    Do you have other powers you forgot to mention?
    He was out of the truck and opening the driver s door before I could blink.  Come on. Move over to the passenger seat and start talking. I m driving.
    His voice had lost its gentleness.
    I glared at him.  Why do you do that?
     Evade my questions.
     Because we don t have time and you have an insatiable curiosity, which we just proved a minute ago can be dangerous. Now, scoot over. He
    stared at me with an expression that said he expected me to obey him.
    How could he be so sweet one minute, and the next act like a world class jerk? On the other hand, he d teleported here just because he felt my
    anger and pain. And he cared about me and thought I was hot.  Ever heard of the word please? [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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