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    They d come to the conclusion the only men they were likely to meet had signed up to
    get away from their wives for the night. Even  The Art of Drystone Walling was full of
     There are no suitable men left in the entire world, Flick said.  They re all taken.
    She began to clear the kitchen table and load the dishwasher.
    Kirsten tsked.  You re too lazy to look. You want some hunk to appear out of thin
    air and sweep you off to his chateau in France.
     A penthouse in Leeds would do, Flick said.  But you re right. I want to be picked,
    not do the picking. I never make the right choice.
    Even before Marcus there had been a succession of disappointments, guys who had
    started out with such promise and they d all let her down, every one of them shallow as
    a puddle.
     I mean, think about the guys I ve dated. Flick chewed her nail.  Ben took me to
    that swingers party and dumped me when I refused to go in. Mike was thirty-three
    years old, still living with his parents and had to ring them to tell them he was going to
    be late, and Julian made up some lie about it not being me it was him. Although when I
    found the leather gear in the wardrobe I knew he was right. People who hide whips in
    secret places need to be avoided, unless they re called Indiana Jones. And we all know
    Marcus had to go to the other side of the world to get away from me. Apart from the
    fact that they were all tall, dark and handsome bastards, the only common factor is me.
    So clearly I must be doing something wrong.
     You must meet lots of guys in all your jobs, Kirsten said.  I mean the ones at the
    gym and the lido are already half-naked. You have a head start. You know what they re
    Digging Deeper
    like under their clothes. She wiped the table down and Josh lifted his glass out of the
     Is that what women are looking for? he asked.  Someone with a good body?
     Preferably the body of a god, Kirsten said.
    Josh paused with his fork part way to his mouth with the last roast potato.
     Only not too muscular. More a sort of a Ralph Lauren or Calvin Klein god,
    Kirsten added.
    The potato dropped back on his plate.
     How about money? Do you think women want a guy to be rich? Josh asked.
     Having money is nice, but not essential, Kirsten said.  There has to be a physical
     Right, so good-looking is essential, Josh muttered.  How about intelligent? A
    gentleman? He followed Kirsten through to the lounge.
     Forceful, Kirsten suggested.
     Take me, Gilbert, Flick shrieked, throwing herself over the back of the couch.
     No, strike forceful, Kirsten said.  Strong, sort of masterful plus he has to be
    successful in what he does. I don t want someone whining all the time. She slumped
    on the chair facing the couch.
     And hair, Flick added.  Hair is most important. It has to be on his head and not
    his back and it needs to go top of the list. She wriggled around to a sitting position.
    Josh looked at them carefully and Flick chuckled.
     Venus moment? he asked.
     Yes, Marvin, Flick said.
     Be serious for a minute and describe your ideal man, Josh asked.
    Flick took a deep breath.  I want someone who likes walking on a beach in the
    winter as well as lying on one in the summer. A guy who ll read The Time Traveler s Wife
    and cry but who d queue in the rain for the next Predator movie. Someone who ll watch
    CSI without fainting but needs me to take a splinter out of his finger. Plus he has to be
    excellent in bed.
     Watching CSI without fainting is going a bit far, Josh said and sat next to her.
     Yep, you re right. Flick struck her forehead in mock dismay.  I d forgotten the
    one time you watched it, you threw up in the loo.
     That was a dodgy curry, Josh said in indignation.
     Ignore everything we ve said. If the sex is fabulous, anything else is a bonus. Flick
    sidled closer to Josh.  Sadie must think you re awesome in bed.
    That earned her a swipe from a cushion.  Ha bloody ha.
     So describe your ideal woman, Kirsten said.
    Barbara Elsborg
    Flick watched as Josh stared straight at Kirsten.  Kind eyes, dark hair, good-
    hearted, a sort of gentle, squashy person.
     Squashy? Kirsten repeated.  What does that mean?
     Soft. I like soft, he blustered.  Not bony.
     So Sadie is not a twenty-one-year-old blonde pencil with breasts like Easter eggs?
    Flick asked.
     We ll see if you re lying on Saturday, when we meet her. Kirsten raised her [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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