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    pulled in. He needed to speak with his wife, because
    he valued her advice. Once he was safely stopped in
    a corner of the lot, he called her on his cell phone.
     Hey, hon, how are you? Roger said.
     Things are fine here, dear. Don t worry.
     You go cut that birch switch yet?
     I will, I will. I have to say, I m not looking
    forward to tonight.
    He chuckled.  Well, once I lay down a few
    stripes on that pert bottom of yours, maybe next
    time you won t lie to me the way you did this time
    about losing your cell phone.
    Mary sighed.  True. So, is everything all right?
    You should have been at the Hansens house by
     I need your advice, honey. I don t like that the
    husband is going into this evening not knowing
    what his wife wants. I don t want her plans to
    backfire because he rejects the idea of spanking.
    Not only will she have wasted her money and
    those who live on Brookside Road generally don t
    have a lot of it to spare but also she ll end up
    feeling hurt and rejected. You said that Mrs. Hansen
    was doing this because she was afraid her marriage
    was in trouble?
     That s right. She thought that his spanking her
    would maybe make things right again. She wasn t
    too clear on how, but I got the impression she
    thought that her marriage was deteriorating
    because she d been a bad wife, and that if her
    husband disciplined her, they d draw closer together
    again. She also said that their love life needed a
    boost. It was clear that she thought spanking would
    help in that area.
     I guess I ll have to speak up. I don t want
    either of them upset, but I especially don t want the
    wife to be hurt by her husband s rejection of
    spanking her. I ll speak to her husband privately,
    even if it might be considered a breach of ethics. If
    he reacts badly to the idea, I ll refund their money
    on the spot.
     Roger, that s one more reason I love you you
    have principles. In this case, telling the husband
    about the  surprise is the most honest thing you
    can do. Hurry home, sweetie, if things don t go as
    planned, she said.
     I will. Go cut that branch now, okay?
    He disconnected the call. Brookside Road was
    only a few minutes away. He hoped what he was
    about to do was right.
    Jeffrey had showered, shaved, and dressed, and
    was sitting on the couch with Tammy, waiting for
    the limo. He checked his watch.  What time did you
    say the surprise would happen? I feel like I left work
    early for nothing.
    He saw hurt on his wife s face, and mentally
    kicked himself for what he d said. Speaking as softly
    as he could, he continued.  I don t mean that it s
    your fault or anything, just that I ve got an
    important project and a deadline. Time away from it
    right now is difficult. He slipped one hand in hers,
    his other hand patting his pocket. Yep, the pills
    were there. He d already taken one, but he wanted
    them with him, in case she wanted to see them.
    Tammy smiled up at him.  I know you work long
    hours, and I appreciate your taking the night off,
    honey. I hope you enjoy my surprise.
    Had her voice trembled? He shot a glance at her
    face, seeing her swallow, her lips firmly pressed
    together. He resolved not to do or say one more
    damned thing that might upset her.
     You look great in that dress, hon, he said.  I m
    really looking forward to tonight.
     Me, too, she said with a smile that he knew
    was her brave one.
    When the doorbell rang, she began to stand, but
    he pushed gently on her shoulder.  Let me, he
     Okay. She settled back on the couch.
    He opened the door to see a man in a
    chauffeur s uniform.  You must be Mr. Hansen, the
    chauffeur said.  Good. I wondered if I might speak
    with you a minute? Alone?
     Honey, a limo ride! Nice surprise thank you! I
    think it ll be fun, Jeffrey called to his wife.  But
    first, I need to check on something. Wait a moment,
    all right? I ll come back in for you when the limo s
    ready to leave.
    After he closed the door behind him, the
    chauffeur said,  My business name is Reginald, but
    my real name is Roger Wyler, and my company s
    name is Larruper s Limos.
    Jeffrey felt rather impatient.  What did you want
    to tell me?
    The chauffeur cleared his throat.  Larruper s
    Limos provides a special service for people who
    want to bring spanking, either erotic or disciplinary,
    into their lives. Mostly, we receive calls from
    husbands who want to introduce spanking to their
    wives. Tonight, though, the tables are turned.
    Simply put, your wife wants you to spank her.
     Say what? Jeffrey blurted out.  That s crazy.
    Tammy s not into that stuff.
     It appears, Mr. Hansen, that she is indeed  into
    that stuff , because she arranged tonight. What I
    want to know is, will you accommodate her? Will
    you spank her, and will it be the start of a
    relationship that involves spanking?
     Well, geez, I don t know 
     Mr. Hansen, what I want to avoid is any
    situation in which you turn her down or make fun of
    her wishes, or reject her in any way. It s my
    understanding that she has saved up the money for
    tonight s limo ride over four months time, so
    tonight means the world to her. But, if you want
    nothing to do with spanking your wife, I will gladly
    refund every penny, and take my limo back home. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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