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    and leaned back in his chair.  He required that they wait for the body to surrender.
     I should have known. Raul turned his fork in his hand, a morsel of veal dripping
    off the end.  I told Benjamin to let me overtake them in Avignon.
     You wouldn t have been able to get near them without revealing yourself. They
    landed north of the city, in a clearing.
    Raul tried to ignore the building frustration. He still didn t have a tight enough
    leash on his emotive powers, as the outburst in Barcelona proved. This public a
    spectacle would make unnecessary waves.
     Speaking of landing, he growled,  does Benjamin know where they ll be landing
    in Milan?
    Camryn Rhys
    Kalo cast a sideways glance as the waiter approached. The willowy man took Kalo s
    plate, which Raul followed with frustrated eyes. The barbaric demon had no respect for
    culinary genius.
     Lago Idroscalo.
     They ll have to wait for night to fall, then.
    Raul sampled another bite of the luscious arborio rice and drained the last of his
    chianti. He resisted the urge to scarf up the rest of the veal, as his companion had done.
    Instead, he wiped his mouth and pushed out from the table, putting the napkin over the
    scrumptious remnants of his meal.
    After dropping several hundred lira on the table, he signaled to the waiter.  Please,
    give my compliments to Signore Contadino. An excellent meal, of course.
     Where will we go now? Kalo stood from his chair with considerably more
    difficulty than Raul. The chair was perhaps too low for him, in addition to being too
    narrow. And rising proved more difficult than sitting. Once upright, Kalo followed
    Raul s slow progress across the room.
     First, we must find you some less obtrusive wardrobe choices. Raul retrieved his
    cloak from the maître d and turned to survey Kalo s disastrous appearance.  That is, if
    you own anything that isn t purple.
    Kalo s face scrunched into an even more offensive countenance, but he wisely chose
    not to answer.
     Then we ll find your source and get a handle on our werewolves.
     Should I roust the rest of the EFP?
     There s a whole cadre of you, is there? Raul secured his cloak and stepped out
    into the street, ahead of Kalo. While it was significantly less noisy than London, Raul
    supposed he would never exactly be used to how dirty these Italians were. The
    immediate assault on his nostrils was that much more exacerbating given that he d just
    stepped out of a magically pleasant smell.
     Mr. Benjamin had us sent down from Dundee, so yes. We are many. He put us at
    your disposal, Mr. Morelo.
     How many of you are there?
    Kalo scrunched up his face, thinking.  There are several weres, but they re Spanish.
    The rest are a pocket of German drakienen, two pixies and a witch from Romania, and a
    bearshifter from Luxembourg. Kalo pulled a piece of metal from his pocket and
    handed it to Raul.
     What s this?
     A translator. You ll need it.
    Raul turned it over in his fingers. Two long cylinders pressed together, flat on one
    side, and ended in a short protrusion off the back end with a needle point. He slipped it
    into his pocket.
    Airship Seduction
     For now, let s focus on the task at hand, shall we?
     And that would be?
    Raul narrowed his eyes, pictured the Empath and tried again to grasp at the
    memory that eluded him, without success.  We need to see a man about a girl.
    Camryn Rhys
    Chapter Twelve
    It had taken them nearly an hour to bury Angus, which was more than the poor
    cabin boy had gotten. Javier hadn t liked how quiet Sacha was. He d carried Sergio s
    wolf-shifted body back to the Harbinger after the quick burial, and she d stayed at his
    side, never speaking.
    She hadn t said anything over Angus grave. Javier hadn t known what to say. The
    vampires had been entirely too eloquent, and had to be cut off after ten minutes of
    dramatic eulogizing. Lucien had been similarly silent, holding his sister s corset while
    André went on and on about Angus noble end.
    Javier still wasn t convinced it had been Sergio who d torn the man half apart. He
    didn t think any of the vampires knew about the cabin boy from yesterday, but
    werewolves didn t feed like that. They generally ate everything.
    Gruesome as it was, it was the truth. It took a very meticulous monster to eat
    around the indigestible refuse of a body. And if they d been able to take Angus back to [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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