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    cologne, and just being close to him made her weak and giddy.
    "Do you feel like going to work?" he asked then, tilting her eyes up to his. "You don't have to."
    "I know." She sighed gently. "But I'm only sore. I was more scared than hurt in the first place."
    "You weren't the only one," he murmured. "I've got five new gray hairs this morning, thanks to
    She reached up and touched his neatly combed hair at the temple, where silver hairs were
    threaded through the black ones. "I'm sorry. I was running away, I guess. You seem to hate me from
    time to time."
    "Sometimes I thought I did," he confessed, and he didn't smile. "Six years is a long time to
    brood. I believed you, about Wheelor." He slid his hand under her nape. The fingers contracted
    suddenly, not hard enough to hurt, but hard enough to pin her forehead to his jacket. "Why?" he asked
    in a deceptively soft voice. "Why lie to me about it? Wasn't breaking the engagement enough, without
    ripping my pride to shreds, as well?"
    And there it was, she thought, the bitterness seeping through. He was never going to get over
    what she'd done, and the fact of her innocence physically didn't seem to make much diffeence. It
    certainly wasn't going to stop him from blaming her for the past, even if he wanted her desperately.
    He'd always wanted her, but that wasn't enough anymore. Her eyes went misty with sadness. He'd told
    her last night that he'd been six years without a woman. That showed how bitter he was, that he didn't
    even want women anymore. But he wanted her, and she could imagine that it made him forget the past
    when he was close to her. Years of celibacy would probably make a man forget a lot when he was in
    the throes of passion.
    Her world crumbled. She closed her eyes with a small sigh.
    "I told you why last night," she said. "It was Dad's idea."
    "And I told you before, your father liked me. He did everything in the world to help me. That
    night he and Wheelor came to see me, he even cried, Shelby."
    Her eyes lifted to his. "It all goes back to trust, and I know how little of that you have for me,"
    she said. "Not that it's all your fault, Justin. I didn't help things by deliberately lying to you in the
    beginning. But you don't trust me at all."
    His jaw tautened. "I can't," he said. He let go of her all at once and got to his feet, moving away.
    "I want you, you know that. But I can't let you close. A woman who'll betray a man once will do it
    "I'm still a virgin," she reminded him uncomfortably.
    "That isn't what I meant. You lied to me. You sold me out." He took a deep breath and pulled
    out a cigarette. "I'm not even sure you wouldn't do it now, with that slick boss of yours." He glanced at
    her set face, his eyes glittering. "It's easy to see how little encouragement he'd need from you, and he's
    good-looking, isn't he, honey? There's nothing plain about him."
    "You aren't plain," she muttered.
    "How perceptive of you to know I was talking about myself," he snapped. "Stay out of trouble
    while I'm gone, and don't put your foot down on my accelerator."
    "I won't touch your precious car, if you'd rather," she shot back, her green eyes flashing. "I'll
    take a cab, and let all of Jacobsville see me do it!"
    He glared at her and she glared back. And all at once, he started to grin, then to smile, and
    finally laughter burst from his set lips and glittered in his black eyes.
    "Hellcat," he murmured.
    "Savage," she threw right back.
    He tossed the cigarette into the big ashtray on his dresser and moved toward her purposefully.
    She threw off the covers and headed for the other side of the bed, but he was too quick. Before she was
    halfway over, he had her flat on her back and had pinned her with the length of his big, hard-muscled
    "That's it, struggle," he encouraged with a groan. "My God, can you feel what's happening to
    She could. She stopped, her cheeks like red flags.
    "Well, the world won't end," he said with soft amusement. "You know how I feel when I'm
    aroused, and last night we didn't have several layers of clothes between us."
    "Stop!" She buried her face in his throat, clinging, trembling with embarrassment and
    "You baby," he chided, but the words were tender. He rolled over onto his back, pulling her
    over with him, his dark eyes searching her pale ones as she poised over his chest. He looked down at
    the deep cleavage of her pajama jacket and the faint swell of her breasts above it where they were
    pressed against him. "Is this better?" he murmured.
    "You're a horrible man, and I don't think I want to live with you anymore," she said, pouting.
    "Yes, you do." He coaxed her mouth down to his by pulling a strand of her long, silky hair.
    "Kiss me."
    "You'll rumple your suit," she said.
    "I've got a lot of other suits, but I want to be kissed. Come on, I've got a plane to catch."
    She gave in to the gentle teasing. All the arguing was forgotten the minute her soft mouth
    touched his hard one. She felt his hand sliding into her hair, pulling gently, and her lips parted to the
    soft, intense searching of his warm mouth.
    "After you see the doctor, we'll have to wait a couple of days before we can finish what we
    started last night," he whispered into her mouth. "So don't start worrying about that and getting nervous
    all over again, okay?" His dark eyes searched hers. "I won't rush you, Shelby. This time, it's going to be [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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