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    Liang placed Proteus on the bed. “This is Proteus, he’s a leafy sea dragon.”
    He blinked back tears.
    “And your mate,” Dr Franks said. The doctor patted Liang’s arm. “You might want to
    wait in the other room.”
    It was more of a suggestion than an order.
    “Can I wait there?” He pointed to a chair in the corner. “I promise not to get in the
    “As long as you don’t interfere, certainly.”
    Dr. Franks examined Proteus, only making noises from time to time. Under Liang’s
    watchful eye he cleaned Proteus’s wounds, stitched him up and hooked an IV into his
    right arm. “I’ve done all I can to make him comfortable. Once he’s awake we can discuss
    options. I know a couple of companies who make realistic prosthetics. As he only lost
    part of the lower half of his leg he should be able to walk almost normally with a proper
    “He’s going to be devastated,” Liang said, watching his mate sleep.
    “He’s alive and so are you. That will help some of his progress. Don’t let him wallow.
    Get him shifted as soon as possible so he can heal.”
    “Will do. Thanks.”
    “You’re welcome. Have Aden call me if you need anything else.”
    “You don’t live here?” Although he couldn’t remember seeing the hawk before, there
    were a lot of people milling about.
    “No. I’m working Emergency Medicine at Harborview, there isn’t enough work for me
    to be here full time.”
    “Ah, okay. Well I appreciate you coming.” Liang just wanted to be alone with his mate
    and the doctor must’ve sensed that because he patted Liang on the back then left.
    Liang scooted his chair close to the bed and rested his head next to Proteus’s hip. Joy
    that they’d both made it out alive filled him. Sure, Proteus had suffered a severe injury,
    but he lived and Liang would always be grateful for that.
    Hours later Liang woke to the sensation of someone stroking his head. Blinking rapidly
    he found Proteus awake and watching him.
    “Hey, how are you feeling?” Liang sat up to examine his lover.
    “I hurt. I think I damaged my leg, it aches.”
    Liang swallowed back his tears. Damn, he wished the doctor had stuck around.
    Chapter Nine
    Proteus floated, curled up, at the bottom of the tank. His children floated around him
    chattering as children often do. Everyone thought it would do him good to spend time
    with the kids, hoping to boost his morale. He still had a tail but it was extra thin at the
    bottom and lacked a huge section of his brood patch. Chances were he’d never have
    children again.
    Depressed, Proteus examined his fake coral without enthusiasm. Maybe he could
    persuade Liang to take him to Australia for a little bit. He missed the bright coral reefs.
    Tae floated down to him. The tiny sea dragon swam slow circles around Proteus before
    nudging him with his snout.
    “I’m fine.” Proteus sent along their parental link. Damaged, traumatized and useless,
    but fine.
    Kensi came to join her brother and the pair of them circled around Proteus as if trying
    to offer sympathy for whatever ailed him. Apparently sulking wouldn’t be allowed. If he
    did it as a human Liang tried to prod him out of it, and in the water his children were
    insistent he swim around.
    Baby sea dragons, especially ones with half dragon blood, were far more energetic than
    Proteus on a good day and this wasn’t a good day. Two weeks had passed since his injury
    and although physically he’d healed and they’d even found him a comfortable
    prosthetic, he still ached for the rest of his leg. He wanted his brood patch back even
    though the chances of finding a sea dragon surrogate were slim, now they wouldn’t even
    bother to look.
    “I don’t need more children.” Liang’s voice sank into Proteus like a warm balm. He
    turned his gaze outside the aquarium.
    His mate stood outside the glass beside him. Proteus couldn’t quite make out his
    expression, but sorrow poured off of Liang in ocean waves. He swam to the top of the
    aquarium signaling his wish to leave. Liang reached inside and grabbed him then set him
    on the soft mesh mat.
    Proteus shifted, grateful for the towel Liang handed over. He let his mate lead him to a
    bench where he sat and dried off before strapping on his prosthetic. The fake foot
    mocked him with its lack of mobility.
    “Gallen said to visit him, he has a spell for you.” Liang handed Proteus his clothes, but
    didn’t help him further.
    Good. He might be crippled, but he wasn’t helpless and he didn’t want Liang to treat
    him as such. The dragon had been solicitous since Proteus’s injury, but not too much, it
    was the guilt eating away at him that made Proteus cringe.
    “Hey, it’s not your fault. I knew there was danger when I went in.” Proteus might sob
    on the inside, but he never wanted Liang to feel responsible.
    “If I hadn’t gotten caught…” Liang turned away as if unable to say the words.
    Proteus finished getting dressed. Naked, his insecurities tried to take over and stomp
    out any hope he might have of a proper conversation. “Let’s put that in our past. We can
    let the guilt and sorrow and insecurity eat us up until there is nothing left of our bond, or
    we can move forward.
    Liang’s smile made the stilted speech worthwhile. Proteus might not be able to shove
    away all the sorrow from the loss of his brood patch or part of his leg, but he was luckier
    than most. He had a wonderful family, a supportive mate and a great group of new
    friends. He’d be an idiot to let any of that slip away because of his insecurities.
    “I love you.” It needed to be said and from the relief crossing Liang’s face he needed to
    hear it.
    “I love you, too.” Liang stood up and lifted Proteus in his arms.
    “I can walk.”
    “Shh, I’m being romantic, just let it go.”
    Proteus relaxed in Liang’s arms. “I thought we needed to go see Gallen?”
    “Gallen can wait.”
    Liang walked Proteus to their bedroom. It wasn’t big and luxurious, with the bed
    shoved against a wall and dominating the room, but it smelled of them. Proteus sighed at
    the comfort of the darkness. Sometimes he missed the coral reefs, the fake ones never
    gave him the same sense of peace.
    “We’ll go visit Australia sometime soon. We deserve a vacation.” Liang kissed Proteus
    on his forehead.
    “Yes we do.” Time away from everything sounded amazing.
    Liang lay Proteus on the bed and stripped him of his clothes.
    “I just got dressed,” he protested with little heat.
    “And I just undressed you.” He pointed to the prosthetic. “Can I remove this?”
    Proteus blushed, but nodded. “It’s ugly.”
    “Nothing about you is ugly. I love every part of you.” Liang kissed Proteus’s stump and
    nothing in his expression conveyed anything but total adoration.
    Blinking back tears, Proteus gave his mate a watery smile. “Thanks for saving me.”
    “If I hadn’t been there—”
    Proteus cut him off. “No, I mean before. You didn’t have to get me out of that other
    aquarium, but you did and I think you would’ve done it whether or not I was your
    “No one deserves to be kept against their will,” Liang said. [ Pobierz caÅ‚ość w formacie PDF ]

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