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    Her eyes rolled.  Yeah, there s nothing more romantic than getting it on while
    someone is shoving a phone camera in your face.
    An image of Maddie under him, naked and writhing, getting it on with a camera, and
    then without the camera, flashed in his head.
    Yeah, not romantic, but sexy as hell. It suddenly felt stifling in the small room, and he
    tugged at his shirt collar.
    Maddie s brows furrowed.  What are you thinking about?
     You don t even want to know.
    A sweet, hot flush swept over her cheeks, and she quickly returned her attention to
    sticking the cards in the holders. It didn t seem possible, but the swelling between his
    legs was increasing. Jesus. H. Christ.
    Chase stretched out his legs. Didn t help.  So& 
    She peeked up.  So what?
     So when are we going to be doing this for your wedding?
    For a long moment, long enough to realize what a crap hole he d just stepped into, she
    said nothing as she stared at him. Chase started to laugh it off, but then she spoke.
     I don t know if I ll get married.
    A real fucked up part of him shouted with glee and that was wrong, because she
    wasn t his, she would never be, and he wanted her happy. And Maddie could never be
    happy alone forever.
     You ll get married, Maddie.
    Flecks of green churned in her eyes.  Don t patronize me, Chase.
    Leaning back, he held up his hands.  I m not patronizing you. I m just being realistic.
    She whipped a holder out of the box and slammed the card into the poor thing.  Can
    you read the future? No. I didn t think so.
     I don t know why you re getting so bent out of shape. He reached over and swiped
    the card holder out of her hand before she bent it.  There s just no way that some guy is
    not going to fall head over heels in love with you. You ll have a big wedding like this, a
    great honeymoon, and have two kids& 
    Damn, those words felt like nails coming back up his throat. And hell, they seemed to
    piss her off more.
    Rising to her knees, she grabbed the stack of programs and placed them in their box.
     I ll get married when you get married.
    Chase let out a startled laugh.  Bullshit.
    She shot him a glare as she started putting the card holders into the box.  What?
    You re above love and marriage?
     I m just not that stupid.
    Her indignant huff was a clear warning.  That s right. Just sticking your dick wherever
    you want is good enough for you?
    Worked for his father& Well, not really. He watched her for a few seconds, then
    grabbed the box and pulled it away.
    On her knees, she stopped with two card holders in her little fists. Déjà vu swept over
    him. Except Maddie had been six, and instead of those silver stands, she d held two
    massacred Barbies that he and Mitch had cut the heads off of.
    Chase laughed.
    Her eyes flared green.  What s so funny?
     Nothing, he said, sobering quickly.
    Maddie s eyes narrowed.  Give me back the box.
     Give me back the box, or I will throw these in your face.
    He doubted she d do that. Well, he hoped.  What s your deal? I don t see why you re
    getting so worked up over my saying some guy will fall in love with you.
     Do you think it has anything to do with the fact that a couple of hours ago, I was half
    naked in your arms and we were seconds away from going at it against a wall?
    Suddenly, her eyes popped wide and cheeks flushed.  Forget it forget I even brought it
    Something in his chest swelled, because even with his thick skull, he got why she was
    angry, but then the feeling deflated, because it didn t matter.  Aw, hell, Maddie& 
     I said forget it. She stood and relatively gently placed the last of the card holders in
    the box.  Thanks for your help.
     Damn it. He placed the box aside and shot to his feet, catching her before she made
    it to the door. Her eyes dropped to his hand and then flicked back to his face.  What
    happened between us 
     Obviously meant nothing, she cut in.  You were just looking for a place to stick 
     Don t ever say that, he growled, now pissed off just as much as she was.  You re not
    someone I d be looking to do that with. Got that?
    Maddie blinked once and then twice. Wrenching her arm free, she swallowed.  Yeah, I
    think I got that.
    Before he could say another word, she stormed out of the room, slamming the door in
    his face. Minutes went by as he stared at the space where she d stood. When it finally
    sunk in why she was pissed with that last line, how she d probably perceived what he d
    said, Chase cursed again.
    Thrusting a hand through his hair, he looked down at the neatly folded wedding
    programs and then to the door. It was better if she believed he didn t want her. Maybe
    even better if she believed he did but just for sex, because if he were with her, he d break
    her heart.
    Chapter Seven [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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