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    were talking about her and Donna wanted to hear every word of that fascinating conversation. Still, it
    was dangerous for her to remain so near her parents. The confused young girl stayed for another minute
    and then began to withdraw down the corridor to her own bedroom. Donna practically broke into a run
    as she reached her own part of the upstairs floor. She was confused and bewildered by what she had
    witnessed. It was not so much that her parents had a sex life of their own. That was something that even
    a girl as young and innocent as Donna could have accepted.
    But she had lusted after her own father, had actually imagined herself in her mother's place. All this the
    morning after she had sucked her brother's cock and allowed him free rein with her virgin pussy. If only
    there were somebody to talk to, Donna thought, somebody to explain it all to her.
    But there was nobody she soon decided, nobody in the world who could help her understand her
    problems. It was something she would have to figure out for herself. Donna opened the door of her
    bedroom, prepared to drop onto her bed, hopefully to make some sense out of the chaotic events of the
    last day.
    Chapter 5
    But before she could get from the doorway to her bed, Donna Judge stopped short, realizing that she
    was not alone. There was an only vaguely familiar male figure reclining on her bed, flat on his back,
    unshod feet sticking straight up in the air. Donna stood in her tracks for a good twenty seconds before
    calming down enough to realize that the interloper was her brother, Frank.
    Donna's first impulse was to turn and run, get away before she had to explain her confusion to a brother
    she hadn't seen in almost four years. Before she could turn tail, however, Frank rolled over on the bed,
    opening his eyes just long enough to detect her presence.
    "Donna, I was wondering where you were," he intoned sleepily. "I had to spend the morning on the
    couch downstairs, and I couldn't sleep. So I came up to see if you were still in bed, sort of as a surprise.
    Guess the surprise is on me."
    Donna stood before her brother, not daring to speak or move. She could only hope that he had not
    discovered either the expression on her face or the fact that her clothing was still a mess. Finally she
    looked at her brother directly, better able to recognize him, prepared to act the role of a loving,
    welcoming sister.
    "No, I'm more surprised than you are," she stammered. "I knew you'd be here, but I thought you and
    Gloria would be in your room. Why did you bother trying to sleep downstairs?"
    "Mother's Victorian ways, of course," Frank answered with a chuckle. "You know, she wants to keep
    up appearances. I guess she wants me and Gloria to wait for the Wedding night or something."
    So saying, Frank moved over on the narrow single bed and signaled for Donna to join him. Donna
    closed the door behind her and then went over to the bed. She was still nervous but knew that she
    would be able to cover it well enough. After all, there was no reason for Frank to suspect anything.
    "You look terrific," Frank commented, kissing the girl on the cheek. "Damn, you were a kid when I left,
    a skinny little tomboy. I just can't believe the way you look now."
    Donna made an attempt to return the compliment, finding that words were coming easier in her brother's
    relaxed presence. Frank, too, had changed a great deal in the years of their separation. He was
    twenty-two now, a mature, handsome man. He wore his hair long and unkempt and was dressed in an
    old pair of jeans and a ragged workshirt. And he was more handsome and masculine than ever, far
    better looking than she had remembered.
    The two youngsters made conversation for a few minutes before Frank noticed something was bothering
    his sister. He waited a few minutes and then questioned Donna directly.
    "You're on pins and needles, kid," he announced. "Come on, let Your big brother in on the secret."
    At first Donna tried to keep her secret, to tell her brother nothing of what she had been going through.
    But after looking into the man's trusting blue eyes she felt herself starting to melt, giving in to the urge to
    spill all. As she spoke, Donna moved closer to her brother, tucking her small, slender body into the
    crook of his arm and shoulder.
    "I just can't understand what's happening in this house," she began, biting back the tears that rose
    unbidden to her lovely blue eyes. "First it was me and Gerald, then Mom and Dad. I'm so confused,
    Frank, I don't know what to do."
    "Tell me more about it," Frank coaxed, cradling the weeping girl in his right arm. "Just start and let
    yourself go. Tell me everything. You know you can trust your own brother."
    And Donna did manage to get her story told. There was no point hiding things from Frank. The man had
    an intelligent, knowing expression on his face. He was kind and obviously concerned about her
    confusion. Five minutes later she had told all, waiting for her brother's reaction, sure that he would
    condemn her acts.
    "I can't say that I'm really surprised," Frank commented a few seconds later. "There are a lot of things I
    could tell you about this family, but maybe this isn't such a great time to do it."
    "Tell me, Frank, I have to know," Donna insisted.
    "Let's leave it at this," Frank concluded. "You're not the first one in the family to have that kind of
    experience. We've always been a little different from other people, no matter how hard Mom tries to
    keep things civilized. You'll understand it better when you're older, take my word for it."
    "But, Frank, it's not normal for people to fool around with their relatives, everybody knows that," Donna
    "What do you mean, 'not normal'," Frank insisted with a smile. "How do you know what's normal.
    You're just a kid, living out in the middle of nowhere on a farm. People do lots of things that would
    shock you. I know what I'm talking about."
    Frank drew the girl closer to him on the bed, anxious to allay Donna's fears. The girl was a little young
    for sex, but she had started already and he might as well be the one to complete her sex education. It
    seemed likely that they would be alone for an hour before anyone came to disturb them.
    Donna was surprised to feel her brother starting to kiss her, his soft thick lips resting on her neck and
    shoulder. He was very different from Gerald and her father, much more citified and sophisticated. Also, [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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