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     I'll be countin' the seconds, pardner. I sure will.
     Al Basrah tower, Albie speaking.
    Page 103
    ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.html
     Albie, Rayford Steele. Can you talk?
     From east at four knots. Your situation?
     I want to meet with you about a purchase.
     Affirmative. Sorry for negative previous endeavor. First officer?
     Mac is recovering. I'm sure you heard about"
     Affirmative. Hold please. Albie covered the phone and Rayford heard him
    speaking in his own tongue. He came back on.  I'm alone now, Mr. Steele. I was
    so sorry to hear of your wife.
     Thank you.
     I've also been very worried about Mac. I have heard nothing from him for a
    Of course, as captain now he doesn't need my services as much. What can I do
    for you?
     I need a weapon, concealable but powerful.
     In other words you want it to do what it is intended to do.
     You're reading loud and clear, Albie.
     Very difficult. The potentate being a pacifist"
     Means you're the only reliable source.
     Very difficult.
     But not impossible for you, right?
     Very difficult, Albie said.
     Expensive, in other words?
     Now you're reading me loud and clear.
     If money were not an issue, does something come to mind?
     How concealable are we talking about? You want one that'll hide from a metal
     That's possible?
     Made of wood and plastic. Can fire two rounds, three tops, before it
    Limited range, of course. No kill power past twenty feet.
     This has to do the job from thirty yards. One shot.
     Mr. Steele, I have access to just the weapon. It is roughly the size of your
    Heavy, thus accurate. Weight is due to firing mechanism, which is normally
    used in oversized high-powered rifles.
     What kind of action?
     Unique. It employs both fuel injection and hydraulic vacuum.
     Sounds like an engine. I've never heard of such a thing.
     Who has? It propels a projectile at two thousand miles an hour.
     Forty-eight caliber, high speed-naturally, soft tip, hollow point.
     In a handgun?
     Mr. Steele, the air displacement caused by the spinning of the bullet alone
    has been known to sever human tissue from two inches away.
     I don't follow.
     A man was fired at with one of these pistols from approximately thirty feet
    The shot tore through his skin and damaged subcutaneous tissue in his upper
    Doctors later determined that there were zero traces of metal in the tissue.
    The damage had been done by the speed with which the air around the spinning
    bullet was displaced.
     Oh, my. You know what I need to hear. Hundreds?
     Thousands plural, my friend.
    Page 104
    ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.html
     How many?
     Depends on where you take delivery, whether we meet" I prefer.
    David was frustrated. He had sprinted back to his quarters and called Rayford,
    whose phone was busy. That phone had everything but a signal that another
    caller was waiting. David had even installed a wake-up feature that made the
    phone ring when it was turned off, provided the user left it in sleep mode.
    Rayford always did.
    He dialed again. Still busy.
     I didn't intend to listen in there, Cap, but that sounds like quite a piece
    of hardware you're orderin'. I like that you don't care if it's illegal. It's
    not like we're subject to the laws of the Antichrist.
     That's my view. You wanted to see the phone?
     Yeah, thanks. Take over here, will ya?
    Dwayne turned the phone over and over, hefting it in his palm.  Heavy sucker.
    Probably does everything but cook your breakfast, am I right?
     It'll even do that, unless you want scrambled.
     Ha! Tru, d'you hear that?! Oh! He put his hand over his mouth when he saw
    his wife was sleeping. Then he whispered.  Is this one of them that'll send or
    receive from anywhere, all that?
    Rayford nodded.  Best part is it's secure. It uses four different channels a
    second, so it's untraceable, untappable. Lots of goodies.
     You keep it in your bag? Dwayne said.  Yeah, thanks.
    Dwayne switched it off and reached behind Rayford to set it in his flight bag.
    On second thought, he pulled it back out and turned the main power toggle off
    as well.
     I'll take 'er now, Dwayne said, resuming control of the plane.  And if I'm
    not bein'
    too much of a nosy Nellie, can you tell me what you're gonna use such a
    powerful handgun for?
    Rayford thought a moment. He'd made it a practice to be open with fellow
    believers, even about Tribulation Force matters. He might not reveal the
    location of the safe house or tell someone's phony ID name, just so the hearer
    wouldn't have to suffer for something he didn't need to know. But the gun was
    personal, which stabbed at Rayford because he knew well where the big money
    was coming from.
    At the moment he couldn't imagine following through with his plan.
     The Global Community may be pacifistic and weaponless by law, he said.  But
    we lost a pilot to gunfire, and almost every one of us has been shot at, at
    least once, and a few hit. Buck and Tsion were shot at" was hit"
    Buck escaping
    Israel through
    Egypt. Buck was shot at helping Hattie escape a GC facility in Colorado. Our
    newest member and I were shot at recently. And you know what happened to Mac
    and Abdullah.
     I hear you, bro. You'll get no argument from me. Sounds like it would be [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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