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    camera whenever possible and appeared to be speaking to individual viewers.
     Your speech at the United Nations, Wallace Theodore began,  which was
    sandwiched between two press conferences today, seems to have electrified New
    York, and because so much of it has been aired on both early evening and late
    night local newscasts, you've become a popular man in this country seemingly
    all at once.
    Carpathia smiled.  Like anyone from Europe, particularly Eastern Europe, I am
    amazed at your technology.
     But isn't it true, sir, that your roots are actually in Western Europe?
    Though you were born in Romania, are you not by heritage actually Italian?
     That is true, as it is true of many native Romanians. Thus the name of our
    But as I was saying about your technology. It is amazing, but I confess I did
    not come to your country to become or to be made into a celebrity. I have a
    goal, a mission, a message, and it has nothing to do with my popularity or my
     But is it not true that you just came from a photo session with People
     Yes, but I 
     And is it not also true that they have already named you their newest Sexiest
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     I do not know what that means, really. I submitted to an interview that was
    mostly about my childhood and my business and political career, and I was
    under the impression that they do this sexy-man coverage in January each year,
    so it is too early for next year and too close to this year's.
     Yes, and I'm sure, Mr. Carpathia, that you were as thrilled as we were over
    the young singing star who was so named two months ago, but 
     I regret to say I was not aware of the young man before I saw his photograph
    on the cover of the magazine.
     But, sir, are you saying you are not aware that People magazine is breaking
    tradition by, in effect, unseating their current sexiest man and installing
    you in his place with next week's issue?
     I believe they tried to tell me that, but I do not understand. The young man
    did some damage to a hotel or some such thing, and so 
     And so you were a convenient replacement for him.
     I know nothing about that, and to be perfectly honest, I might not have
    submitted to the interview under those circumstances. I do not consider myself
    sexy. I am on a crusade to see the peoples of the world come together. I do
    not seek a position of power or authority. I simply ask to be heard. I hope my
    message comes through in the article in the magazine as well.
     You already have a position of both power and authority, Mr. Carpathia.
     Well, our little country asked me to serve, and I was willing.
     How do you respond to those who say you skirted protocol and that your
    elevation to the presidency in Romania was partially effected by strong-arm
     I would say that that is the perfect way to attack a pacifist, one who is
    committed to disarmament not only in Romania and the rest of Europe but also
     So you deny having a business rival murdered seven years ago and using
    intimidation and powerful friends in America to usurp the president's
    authority in
     The so-called murdered rival was one of my dearest friends, and I mourn him
    bitterly to this day. The few American friends I have may be influential here,
    but they could not have any bearing on Romanian politics. You must know that
    our former president asked me to replace him for personal reasons.
     But that completely ignores your constitution's procedure for succession to
     This was voted upon by the people and by the government and ratified with a
    huge majority.
     After the fact.
     In a way, yes. But in another way, had they not ratified it, both popularly
    and within the houses of government, I would have been the briefest reigning
    president in our nation's history.
    Marge's husband growled,  This Roman kid is light on his feet.
     Romanian, Marge corrected.
     I heard him say he's a full-blood Eye-talian, her husband said. Marge winked
    Steve and Buck.
    Buck was amazed at Carpathia's thought processes and command of language.
    Theodore asked him,  Why the United Nations? Some would say you would have
    more impact and get more mileage out of an appearance before our Senate and
    House of Representatives.
     I would not even dream of such a privilege, Carpathia said.  But, you see, I
    was not looking for mileage. The U.N. was envisioned originally as a
    peacekeeping effort. It must return to that role.
     You hinted today, and I hear it in your voice even now, that you have a
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    specific plan for the U.N. that would make it better and which would be of
    some help during this unusually horrific season in history.
     I do. I did not feel it was my place to suggest such changes when I was a
    however, I have no hesitation in this context. I am a proponent of
    That is no secret. While I am impressed with the wide-ranging capabilities,
    plans, and programs of the United Nations, I do believe, with a few minor
    adjustments and the cooperation of its members, it can be all it was meant to
    be. We can truly become a global community.
     Can you briefly outline that in a few seconds?
    Carpathia's laugh appeared deep and genuine.  That is always dangerous, he [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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