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    Meanwhile the Earth mercenaries, never very steady troops at best, called for
    quarter; many had not fired a shot. The camp defenders fought as disorganized
    groups against a disciplined force whose communications worked perfectly.
    At the fortress headquarters building the alarms woke Commandant Albert
    Morris. He listened in disbelief to the sounds of battle, and although he
    rushed out half-dressed, he was too late. His
    command was engulfed by nearly four thousand screaming men. Morris stood a
    moment in indecision, torn by the desire to run to the nearest barracks and
    rally what forces he could, but he decided his duty was in the communications
    room. The Capital must be told. Desperately he ran to the radio shack.
    Everything seemed normal inside, and he shouted orders to the duty sergeant
    before he realized he had never seen the man before. He turned to face a squad
    of leveled rifles. A bright light stabbed from a darker corner of the room.
    "Good morning, sir," an even voice said.
    Commandant Morris blinked, then carefully raised his hands in surrender. "I've
    no sidearms.
    Who the hell are you, anyway?"
    "Colonel John Christian Falkenberg, at your service. Will you surrender this
    base and save your men?"
    Morris nodded grimly. He'd seen enough outside to know the battle was
    hopeless. His career was finished too, no matter what he did, and there was no
    point in letting the Friedlanders be slaughtered. "Surrender to whom?"
    The light flicked off and Morris saw Falkenberg. There was a grim smile on the
    Colonel's lips.
    "Why, to the Great Jehovah and the Free States of Washington, Commandant. ..."
    Albert Morris, who was no historian, did not understand the reference. He took
    the public address mike the grim troopers handed him. Fortress Astoria had
    Twenty-three hundred kilometers to the west at Allansport, Sergeant Sherman
    White slapped the keys to launch three small solid rockets. They weren't very
    powerful birds, but they could be set up quickly, and they had the ability to
    loft a hundred kilos of tiny steel cubes to 140
    kilometers. White had very good information on the Confederate satellite's
    ephemeris; he'd observed it for its past twenty orbits.
    The target was invisible over the horizon when Sergeant White launched his
    interceptors. As it came overhead the small rockets had climbed to meet it.
    Their radar fuses sought the precise moment, then they exploded in a cloud of
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    shot that rose as it spread. It continued to climb, halted, and began to fall
    back toward the ground. The satellite detected the attack and beeped alarms to
    its masters. Then it passed through the cloud at fourteen hundred meters per
    second relative to the shot. Four of the steel cubes were in its path.
    FALKENBERG STUDIED THE manuals on the equipment in the Confederate command car
    as it raced northward along the Columbia Valley road toward Doak's Ferry.
    Captain Frazer's scouts were somewhere ahead with the captured cavalry
    equipment and behind Falkenberg the regiment was strung out piecemeal. There
    were men on motorcycles, in private trucks, horse-
    drawn wagons, and on foot.
    There'd be more walking soon. The captured cavalry gear was a lucky break, but
    the Columbia
    Valley wasn't technologically developed. Most local transport was by animal
    power, and the farmers relied on the river to ship produce to the deepwater
    port at Astoria. The river boats and motor fuel were the key to the operation.
    There wasn't enough of either.
    Glenda Ruth Horton had surprised Falkenberg by not arguing about the need for
    haste, and her ranchers were converging on all the river ports, taking heavy
    casualties in order to seize boats and fuel before the scattered Confederate
    occupation forces could destroy them. Meanwhile
    Falkenberg had recklessly flung the regiment northward.
    "Firefight ahead," his driver said. "Another of them one battery posts."
    "Right." Falkenberg fiddled with the unfamiliar controls until the map came
    into sharper focus, then activated the comm circuit.
    "Sir," Captain Frazer answered. "They've got a battery of 105's and an MG
    Company in there.
    More than I can handle."
    "Right, pass it by. Let Miss Horton's ranchers keep it under siege. Found any
    more fuel?"
    Frazer laughed unpleasantly. "Colonel, you can adjust the carburetors in these
    things to handle a lot, but Christ, they bloody well won't run on paraffin.
    There's not even farm machinery out here! We're running on fumes now, and
    damned low-grade fumes at that."
    "Yeah." The Confederates were getting smarter. For the first hundred
    kilometers they took fueling stations intact, but now, unless the patriots
    were already in control, the fuel was torched before Frazer's fast-moving
    scouts arrived. "Keep going as best you can, Captain."
    "Sir. Out."
    "We got some reserve fuel with the guns," Sergeant Major Calvin reminded him.
    The big
    RSM sat in the turret of the command caravan and at frequent intervals fondled
    the thirty-mm cannon there. It wasn't much of a weapon, but it had been a long
    time since the RSM was gunner in an armored vehicle. He was hoping to get in
    some fighting.
    "No. Those guns have to move east to the passes. They're sure to send a
    reaction force from the capital, Top Soldier."
    But would they? Falkenberg wondered. Instead of moving northwest from the
    capital to reinforce the fortress at Doak's Ferry, they might send troops by
    sea to retake Astoria. It would be a stupid move, and Falkenberg counted on
    the Confederates acting intelligently. As far as anyone knew, the Astoria
    Fortress guns dominated the river mouth.
    A detachment of Weapons Battalion remained there with antiaircraft rockets to
    keep reconnaissance at a distance, but otherwise Astoria was held only by a
    hastily raised Patriot force stiffened with a handful of mercenaries. The
    Friedlander guns had been taken out at night.
    If Falkenberg's plan worked, by the time the Confederates knew what they
    faced, Astoria would be strongly held by Valley Patriot armies, and other
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    Patriot forces would have crossed the water to hold Allansport. It was a risky
    battle plan, but it had one merit: it was the only one that could succeed.
    Leading elements of the regiment covered half the six hundred kilometers north
    to Doak's [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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