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40 4, 52, 64, 68, 72 4, 97 8, emotions 108, 114, 119, 151 3
103, 144, 146, 216, 226 empathy 106
consensus theory of truth 11, 42 3, epoché 111
52, 73, 146 equality 42 3, 56, 187
consent 186 8, 193 ethnocentrism 55, 57
consonance 41 2 ethnomethodology 11, 14, 25f, 47,
construction 3ff; by composition 87, 97, 238
103, 120, 165, 185, 198, 206, Eucharist 158, 161
217 8, 222 3; by idealisation Evans-Pritchard 55, 57
209, 218, 222; by objectification exaggeration 19, 173 7, 183, 212,
77, 103, 120, 222 241
contract 186 90, 193, 197, 224 existence 9ff, 17 19, 26, 29, 37 8,
convention 8 9, 22, 158, 181 3, 69, 74 5, 87 8, 97 9, 111,
185ff, 218, 230, 241; defined by 125ff, 135, 189, 193 4
Hume 198f; defined by Lewis exorcism 127
200f; defined by Searle 196f explanation 20, 29, 56 7, 67,
coordination equilibrium 201 103 4, 109 10, 117 19, 140, 230f
coordination problem 201f, 213 expression 55 7, 105; and symbolic
Copernican system 85 acts 168ff
core sentences 50 extensional 45
counter-enlightenment 80 external implications 128f, 182
critical hermeneutics 137
critical theory 11 face-to-face situation 39 40
Crusades 138 9, 228 fact 8 10
cultural relativity argument 47ff, 97 8 Farrell, S.A. 240
culture 17, 47 8, 52, 59, 71, 164, feeling of identity 126
176 7, 221 3 feudal society 60 1
Feyerabend, P. 238n8
deferential convention 158, 181 First World 209
demoniacal possession 68f, 127, 130 Foucault, M. 51, 95
Dennett, D. 240n10 Frankfurt School 136
Denzin, N. 238n1 Frazer, J.G. 55, 164, 168
Descartes, R. 216 Frege, G. 238n3
determinacy 37f, 45 6, 52 3, 59f, Freud, S. 43, 167, 239n3
64f, 72f, 87, 98 9, 150f, 238n1 Fuller, S. 78, 141, 165
deviance 92f function 28, 52 3, 57, 191, 195 6,
Dilthey, W. 104 7, 117, 136 8, 239 211 12, 226 7, 233; of symbolic
division of linguistic labour 155f, 181 action 171 6, 182
Dixon, R.M.W. 86, 91
Douglas, M. 48f, 58, 90 Galileo s law 231
game theory 145, 204 Husserl, E. 110f, 129, 239
games of pure conflict vs pure
coordination 201 idealism 4, 21, 23, 37, 111 12, 123,
Garfinkel, H. 27, 238n2 195
Geist 80, 137 ideology 10, 65
Geisteswissenschaften 104, 106, incommensurability 85, 159 60
146, 243 indeterminacy 37 8, 41 2, 52, 62 3,
Gellner, E. 61, 133 5 71f, 78, 97 9
gender 91, 152 3, 175 indexicality 31 2, 36
generation of fact 45 6; causal 2, individualist reduction 7 8, 228ff
14f; non-causal 3 5, 14f industrial society 56ff, 164, 170f,
Ghost in the Machine 216 182, 189 90
Gilbert, M. 124, 216 institutions 2, 30 1, 63, 65, 75,
Glorious Revolution 188, 190 154 5, 182, 186 7, 194 7,
God 109 10, 133, 135, 138, 166, 205 12, 230f
186 instrumental action 164, 168f,
Gödel, K. 235 176 7, 182, 184
gods 55 7, 68, 127, 129, 135, 159, intellectualist interpretation of native
225 thought 55 6, 168
Goffman, E. 175 6, 183 intensionality 167
Good Works 110 intentional facts 6, 75, 120 1, 145,
Goody, J. 60 147
government 39, 186 91 intentionality 7, 61, 147, 195
Grand Unified Theory 160 interaction 1 2, 28, 113, 124 6,
gratification 149 173, 175 6, 201
Grice, P. 178 9 interaction ritual 173f
group 47, 124 6, 130 2, 232 internal implications 127 30, 133,
139, 225
Habermas, J. 42, 136 7, 141, 145f interpretation 26, 30, 35, 71, 76,
Haiti 68, 70 106, 110, 112 13, 135, 137 9,
Hamann, J.G. 80 141, 143 4, 148, 193, 226 7
Hart, H.L.A. 207 irrational numbers 159, 229
Hegel, G.W.F. 105 Islam 139
Hegelian tradition 65
Hempel, C.G. 140 Jarvie, I.C. 131 4, 226
Herder, J.G. 80 Jesus Christ 138, 174
hermeneutic argument 136f, 165,
217, 229, 233 Kant, I. 122, 146
hermeneutic positions 136, 139, Knorr-Cetina, K. 13, 76
141f, 146 knowledge 13, 18, 39 40, 64ff
Hesse, M. 51 2 knowledge guiding interest 146
Hobbes,T. 27, 52, 186 Koran 138
holism 8, 80, 157, 228f, 235f Kraus, K. 43
Hollis, M. 238n3 Kripke, S. 33
homo faber 1, 15 Kuhn, T. 19, 50, 84 5
Hopi 83
Horton, R. 57f, 238n4 labelling 89f, 97, 142, 152f
Humboldt, W. von 80 labelling theory 93f
Hume, D. 197 200 Lakoff, G. 86
language 5, 33, 36 7, 40, 44 5; in Grice 179; in social science
action interpretation 136ff, 169; 221f; symbolic 163ff
language as conventional 212f; meaningfulness 103ff, 121ff, 136ff
language in conventions 197ff, means-end rationality 57
210; and the holism/ Melden, A.I. 120, 136
individualism issue 229; Mellor, D.H. 232 4
language as an institution 214f; mentalistic idiom 215
learning language 221f; and the Methodenstreit 106
linguistic relativity argument 80ff methodological implications of
language game 135, 141 2, 145, 214 constructivism 20, 104f, 107f,
Latour, B. 13, 76, 78, 237n2, 238n7 114, 136, 143, 148, 221ff
law 207f Middle Ages 73, 95, 105
Leach, E. 56, 164, 167, 178 militant society 190
Lebenswelt 129 Mill, J.S. 104 5
Leeuwenhoek, A. van 87 modern thought 54f
legal realism 207f money 3, 9, 15, 185, 195 6, 203 4,
Lévi-Strauss, C. 172 211
Lévy-Bruhl, L. 55 Moses 138
Lewis, D. 39 40, 200f, 210f, 218 multiple realities 70, 85
lexical segmentation 83 Muslim religious doctrine 138 9
liberal conception of society 187
libidinal energy 68, 70 Nagel, E. 140
life-world 129 Narrow Arguments 21 2, 101, 219,
linguistic community 45, 155, 157 222 5
linguistic relativity argument 80ff natural rights 186f
Locke, J. 186 8, 190, 193, 197 natural science 19, 51, 67, 72, 78,
Lorber, J. 240 92, 104 6, 231
Luckmann, T. 4 5, 8, 20, 64f, 70f, negotiation 30f, 36 3, 45
74f, 98 9, 127 neutrality 17, 69
Newton s laws 231
MacIntyre, A. 5 Newton-Smith, W.H. 238n8
madness 95 non-occasional symbolism 173, 175
magic 55 8, 61 2, 134 5, 164 70, non-triviality constraint 122, 125,
182 206
Mandelbaum, M. 232 3 norm 2, 27 9, 31, 47, 90, 126,
Mannheim, K. 67 153 4, 177, 205, 207, 218, 233 4
Marx, K. 11, 65, 67
Marxism 10 12, 52, 65 6, 74 6, obligation 134, 149, 151 2, 187 8,
227 195, 199
mathematics 48, 67, 159 61, 210, open predicament 60
214, 235 oracle 169
Mauss, M. 90 origins of capitalism 109
Mead, G. H. 113 Ortner, S.B. 240n12
meaning: action meaning and
language 136ff; as a component paradigm 50, 84 5
of action 103f, 107ff, 126ff; as Pareto, V. 224
conventional 213 14; linguistic Parijs, P. van 241n15
32 5, 38, 41, 45 6, 75; Parsons, T. 28
linguistic meaning defined by performatives 168, 192
phenomenological argument 103, relativism 48 50, 54, 58 9, 63, 69,
114ff, 128f, 139, 152, 161, 165, 85
201, 206 religion 131, 135, 137 8, 163ff,
phenomenology 110 12, 114, 136ff, 169, 182
239n2, 240n1 representation 62, 169, 174 5, 229,
Phillips curve 15 241n14
political philosophy 186ff reproductive fallacy 117
Pollner, M. 4, 26, 238n2 rights 59, 134, 151 2, 186 8, 204
Popper, K.R. 209 10 ritual 135, 144, 163ff, 173, 182
practical argument 118 role 28, 152 4, 173, 232 3, 240n13
prayer 57 Rudner, R. 114
predicate 36, 86f, 92 rule-following 28, 33 6, 141,
prediction 52, 57, 74 143 4, 238n2
preliterate societies 17, 164 Ryle, G. 113, 216
presentation of self 175f
principle of linguistic relativity 81 Sacks, H. 238n2
promise 176, 185, 197ff, 213 Sahlins, M. 172, 177
property 204 5 sameness 35, 89f, 141f
proposition 119, 128 sanctions 12 13, 93
prepositional attitude 119 120, 128 Sapir, E. 81, 83 4, 88
prepositional content 119 satisfaction 149 50
protestantism 109, 162 Saussure, F. de 171
psychologism 113 14, 117, 138, Schiffer, S. 181
140, 239n2 Schutz, A. 28 9, 39, 65, 75,
Ptolemaic system 84 110 14, 117, 129, 139, 224,
Putnam, H. 155, 238n8 239 40
Pythagoreans 159 science constructivists 14, 76 9,
237 8
Quine, W.V.O. 49 Searle, J. 194 8, 211, 213
Second World 209 [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ] - zanotowane.pl
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