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    Beck were a couple. "Listen." Derek said, wanting to deflect
    Wrestling With Desire
    by D.H. Starr
    conversation away from speaking about him and Beck.
    "During study hall, I met up with a few guys from the team
    and told them about you. They want to meet you. Sean
    wasn't too psyched. He's one of the guys who is competing
    for your weight class. But the rest of the guys were. Maybe
    we could have lunch with them tomorrow."
    Scott's eyes lit up. "Wow! That was really great of you. I
    appreciate it, really. I'd love to meet the guys on the team."
    Derek felt a mix of pleasure that Scott was so happy with him
    and dismay that he was no closer to asking Scott to go
    running with him.
    "Not a problem." Derek felt the heaviness in his chest from
    earlier in the day return. What the hell is that feeling
    anyways? Just ask him already. He took a deep breath.
    "Remember I told you I run a lot during the fall season to get
    in shape for wrestling? Well I was planning on going for a run
    after school today and was wondering if you wanted to join
    me." Derek's pulse began to beat in his throat as he waited
    for Scott's reply.
    "Yeah, that would be great." Derek sat up a bit straighter.
    "Wait a minute. I don't have any running clothes with me
    today." Derek felt his shoulders slump, then began laughing.
    Scott looked at him with a hint of concern. "You ok?
    Derek looked at Scott and saw the confusion on his face
    which only goaded him into laughing even harder. Scott, not
    knowing what to do, nervously joined him, giggling a little but
    not knowing why. "You know what? I didn't bring my running
    clothes to school either." What kind of an idiot devises a plan
    that they aren't even prepared to execute?
    Wrestling With Desire
    by D.H. Starr
    Scott smiled and Derek wasn't sure if he was just being
    polite. When Scott spoke, Derek released a sigh; Scott's
    words were exactly what he had wanted to hear. "I don't live
    far from here. I could go home, get changed, and meet you
    back at the school if you're up for it."
    Scott wants to go running with me. The heaviness in his
    chest evaporated, but his heart rate actually increased at
    Scott's suggestion. "Yeah I'm up for it." His excitement was a
    bit too exaggerated. Calm down. "I don't live far from here
    either. School gets out at two-forty. How about we meet up
    at three-thirty in front of the school? I can show you one of
    my favorite running routes."
    "It's a d...plan." Scott briefly looked down, but then lifted
    his head so that he was looking Derek directly in the eyes.
    "You know, I'm glad you were in my first period class, Derek.
    You wrestle, you introduced me to one of your friends, and
    you are being really welcoming and cool. I appreciate it. I was
    actually pretty nervous about starting a new school as a
    senior, but this is turning out completely better than I could
    have hoped for."
    You're not kidding, Derek thought. "It's my pleasure. I
    sure wouldn't want to be a new guy in my senior year. I think
    you'll find most people here are pretty friendly and
    welcoming." Just then, history class began and Derek tried
    unsuccessfully to concentrate on what he was going to be
    learning this year. When the final bell rang, Derek and Scott
    walked to their lockers and firmed up their plans to meet in
    front of the school at three-thirty.
    [Back to Table of Contents]
    Wrestling With Desire
    by D.H. Starr
    Chapter 3
    Pacing himself as he walked out of the building, Derek kept
    repeating one phrase over and over. Stay cool. Stay cool. The
    last thing he wanted was to draw attention to himself on the
    first day of school. But as soon as he hit the parking lot, he
    ran to his car. Thoughts of Scott crowded his mind as he sped
    the short five minutes to his home. Once there, his pace
    became slow and purposeful. Scanning his drawer, he
    struggled over what to wear. There were his black, spandex
    shorts, but those wouldn't do for this run with Scott. Too
    revealing. There were cargo shorts. They were casual, but
    way too bulky for a run. Settling on a pair of nylon Adidas
    shorts and a new, crisp white t-shirt, his deliberateness
    shifted back to haste and he got dressed quickly. Before
    leaving his room, he checked himself out in the mirror on his
    closet door. Nice. You get a hint of ass. My legs look strong.
    The shirt hugs me in all the right places. Excellent.
    Running back down the stairs, his thoughts centered
    around Scott once again. How will he look in his running
    clothes? Will he even show up? Will he think I look hot in this
    outfit? Derek was just about out the door when he was
    stopped short by his mother calling for him from the kitchen.
    She was standing by the oven, cutting up onions, carrots, and
    celery. "Hey honey," she said without turning her attention [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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