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    hood with a loud metallic sound.
     Oh, never mind, he said irritably.  Come here.
    He held out one arm, and without really questioning her own docility, she went close to him, burrowing
    against his broad chest with a small contented sigh.
     I ll probably get you filthy, but I m beyond caring, he murmured huskily as his arms contracted.
     I m starved for you, Priscilla. He nuzzled his face against hers and searched for her mouth.  Too
    She gave her mouth up to him, completely, letting him pierce the one of her lips with his tongue and
    penetrate to the soft darkness beyond. She didn t even protest when he turned her so she lay across his
    lap, or when he jerked open his shirt  Let me feel you, he whispered hungrily as his hand went to the
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    buttons of her pink blouse.  All of you, against me, here...
    He had her mourn under his again, and her hands clung to his bare arms as he got the fabric out of the
    way and suddenly crushed her softness into the hard warm muscle and thick hair over his chest  Oh,
    God, he groaned huskily, folding her even closer.  Oh, God, how sweet, how sweet...! He began to
    move her body so her breasts dragged against his skin, intensifying the need they were both feeling to
    such a degree that she cried out.
    He lifted his shaggy head and looked into her eyes. His own were gleaming and wild.  Did I hurt you?
    he asked shakily.
     No, she moaned.  Do it...do it again, she whispered.
    He obliged, but this time he watched her face, watched the pleasure she was feeling as it was betrayed
    by her parted lips, her wide misty eyes.
    His gaze dropped down to where their bodies met, and he watched the hard nipples disappear into the
    thick hair over his muscular chest.
     You are so beautiful, he breathed reverently.  Watching you...this way...drives me wild. He brought
    one hand from behind her and brushed his fingers lightly against the side of her breast  Silk, he
    whispered as his fingers found the exquisite contours and then eased between their bodies to mold the
    His eyes shot back up to hers, and she lay helpless against him, trapped by the sensuality of his hands,
    his gaze. She was completely at his mercy, and he had to know it  I ll teach you to trust me somehow,
    he whispered, bending to her mouth.  Open your mouth, little virgin. All this...is only love-play. How
    could I take you in this damned dirty vehicle...?
    That relaxed her a little. She didn t fight the possession of his mouth as he took her own again, a little
    more fervently this time.
     Honey, touch me, he coaxed.  Stroke me.
    Her hands obeyed him. She liked the feel of his muscles, especially the ones just above his belt buckle.
    She touched him there, and he groaned, and the muscles clenched like coiled wire.
     Oh! She stilled her fingers and looked up at him.
    His lips were parted, swollen like her own, and he was having trouble breathing. His blond-streaked hair
    had fallen onto his brow, and he looked like a lover. Really like a lover.
     Do you feel adventurous? he asked unsteadily.  Because if you do, I ll teach you some shocking
    things about a man s body.
    Part of her was caught in the trap and wanted desperately to be taught. The saner part knew where all
    this was leading, and it was to a dead end. He only wanted her.
    She leaned her forehead against him and pressed her hand flat over his heart.  No, she said in a
    defeated tone.  No, I can t; I can t go through it again, she murmured weakly.  I can t live through it
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    twice. John, please, don t do this to me!
    His hands went to her back, and he held her close, feeling her breasts like satin against him, loving the
    bareness of her back, the scent of her.
    He kissed her closed eyes, her forehead, in a breathlessly tender way and then eased her away from him. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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