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    'I have to go.'
    Kat gave McKensie a hearty french kiss before rolling off the bed. In the poor
    light she wiped herself down with a towel before dressing in a dark tee-shirt,
    dark sleeveless shirt and denim shorts. No shoes or underwear.
    'Not conspicuous, Mac?'
    'Thought you were going to mask your body temperature?'
    'Hot camova. Hotter body. Released tension. Have plan.'
    'You'll be normal before you get there.'
    The Fey smiled and upturned her bag on the floor and picked out a couple
    fire-lighters she had bought in the afternoon. She shook it at him before
    slipping it into her shorts back-pocket.
    'Secret weapon. Make things hot for them.'
    McKensie shook his head in disbelief. How would it read in his report. Kataya
    Oberon took me to bed for a hearty shag before going to attack an impossible
    safe with an ordinary fire-lighter.
    Kat lent over him and gently touched his groin and kissed him once more.
    'Paracrow tute. We go when I
    'Take care, Kat.' What else could he say? Do the Fey believe in luck or was
    that a Romany tradition?
    'Love you,' she called. The Fey opened the window, turned and was gone. All
    without the aid of a rope from twenty stories up.
    The Blank raced to the window. It was only capable of being opened up quarter
    way and she had squeezed out. Probably a setting by the management to prevent
    anyone accidentally falling out. The
    Fey...Kat, had taken it in her stride without even bothering to look first.
    She hadn't stopped to wave.
    Unable to see her in Rio's carnival lights, McKensie decided it would be wiser
    to be ready for them both to leave. After all, the minute she had stepped out
    of the window, Kataya Oberon was now in total control of the assignment. As
    her Blank, all he could do now was wait. From a Blank's perspective, probably
    the worst part of his job. No, the second worse. According to the mating
    habits of tigers, they would now sixty-nine and lick each other's genitals. A
    lucky break, for now, he thought. He wasn't sure if under the present
    conditions he'd be up to the task.
    o O o
    The Fey looked across at the building from her previous vantage point. Rio's
    business sector was some way from the otherwise party atmosphere of its
    carnival. All the buildings she had jumped across had their own security
    arrangements but nothing that affected her using them at this height. As she
    was now over two hundred stories up it made little difference, none of them
    considered this a possible entry point.
    It would need a helicopter that would be rather conspicuous and noisy.
    A couple of the buildings further back as heli-pads available for their
    executive use but were also deserted this time of night. Most of the buildings
    were lit up but that didn't bother the Fey as she didn't
    stray near their windows. What bothered her was that her target building had
    armed security guards on the roof. The same number of men but probably a
    different shift than late-morning. They were making it an obvious target that
    there was something precious to protect, assuming anyone else could watch from
    a similar vantage point to herself.
    Page 33
    ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.html
    Cautiously she looked around but she was a lone watcher. It was unlikely that
    any of member of her Clan had been hired to get into this building without her
    hearing about it. Whoever had ordered security was looking for someone like
    herself. Did they really know what to expect? Was it a token gesture? Was
    someone aware of the Oberon Clan's potential? In the end, the Fey shrugged her
    shoulders. It didn't matter to her. Her Clan were above such matters.
    With a running leap, the Fey launched herself off the roof. Baseline humans
    tended to think only in terms of what they were capable of doing. They had
    their Guinness Book of Records smugly pleased indicating the limits they had
    achieved. The Oberon Clan took everything in its stride. Their limits had yet
    to be learnt.
    In mid-air, Kat used the fall of gravity and spun in a series of somersaults.
    A Baseline would have thought it easier to aim for the opposite roof. Her real
    objective was only to reach the wall itself. Then again, a
    Baseline would probably have fallen straight down to ensure a strawberry stain
    on the tarmac far below.
    In a controlled fall that only lost her seventy-five stories, the Fey caught
    hold of the building's wall. Her feline tensile-strength then made short work
    of the climb back up to the roof.
    The extended masonry blocks were there to prevent people, like the guards,
    taking their own nose-dives to the tarmac, let alone prevent anyone crazy
    enough to get out of one of the upper floors onto the roof.
    It was also used as a support for the window-cleaning gang. Effortlessly, the
    Fey worked her way around the building ledges to the cables and used them to
    get eye-level to the roof. Had the guards looked in her direction, all they'd
    have seen were a pair of golden eye reflections watching them. There was no
    distracting lights up here lest it blinded them to night. Their guns were no
    joke. Sub-machines primed for action. It was a well-armed gesture.
    If this were some macho Baseline film, she'd come over the top and attack.
    Dodge the bullets and kill the guards before getting inside. Kat always
    thought this was a rather comical way to behave. All that noise would attract
    even more attention and it was a wonder that the actors got out alive. Then
    again, they depended on the script-writers to ensure the opposition acted with
    enough stupidity to die against such onslaught. In extreme circumstances, the [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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