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    too--unfortunately for him--he distinguished himself by
    rather high
    requirements. Quite inconvenient for a spy. For a cavalier and man
    of the
    world, for a renowned connoisseur of court etiquette and for a
    person who
    was sent to the provinces, there to fight duels to settle love
    affairs, it
    was only fitting to have twenty mistresses. Rumata made heroic
    endeavors to
    keep up with his reputation. Half the members of his agency,
    rather than
    devote their time to more serious efforts, spread the most
    rumors--rumors calculated to arouse the envy and delight of the young
    men of
    the Arkanarian Guard. Dozens of overjoyed and disappointed
    ladies whom
    Rumata visited until late in the night--reciting poems all the time
    night watch: fraternal kiss on the lady's cheek, a mighty leap
    over the
    balcony's balustrade and right into the arms of the commander of
    the night
    watch, whom he knew well)--dozens of ladies would outdo each
    other with
    tales of the marvelous style of the genuine cavalier from the
    big city.
    Rumata used the vanity of these women, depraved to the
    point of
    repulsiveness, for his own purposes. However, the question of
    underwear was
    never touched on.
    How much simpler had been the business with the handkerchiefs!
    On the
    occasion of the very first ball be had pulled an elegant silk cloth
    from his
    waistcoat pocket, and with flourish had proceeded to dry his lips
    with it.
    And at the next ball, the manly youths were drying their sweaty
    faces with
    large or small pieces of cloth of various colors, gaily embroidered
    and with
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    Arkadi and Boris Strugatski. Hard to be a god
    monograms. And within one month, the ladies' men were outdoing each
    other by
    draping bedsheets over their hand, dragging the four comers
    elegantly along
    the floor behind them ...
    Rumata put on his green trousers and a white batiste shirt
    with a
    freshly pressed, upturned collar.
    "Any callers?" he inquired of the boy.
    "The barber is waiting," said the boy. "And there are two dons
    in the drawing room, Don Tameo and Don Sera. They had me bring
    them some
    wine and are quarreling violently. They are waiting to have
    breakfast with
    "Go and get the barber. Tell the noble dons that I'll join
    them very
    soon. But don't be rude to them, do you hear me? You must always
    Breakfast was not very opulent and left room for an early
    lunch. A
    strongly spiced roast was served along with dogs' ears,
    marinated in
    vinegar. They drank Irukanian sparkling wine, the viscous, brown
    and the white Soanian. While he skillfully dissected a leg of lamb
    with the
    aid of two daggers, Don Tameo complained about the overbearing
    temerity of
    the lower classes. "I will lodge a complaint at the highest
    instance," he
    declared. "The nobility demands that the plebs, the peasants,
    and the
    artisans be forbidden to show their faces in public places and
    in the
    street. Let them use the courtyards and back entrances. In those
    where the appearance of a peasant cannot be avoided--for example,
    when they
    deliver bread, meat, or wine--they should obtain a special permit
    from the
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    Arkadi and Boris Strugatski. Hard to be a god
    Ministry for the Protection of the Crown.'"
    "What a clever brain!" Don Sera spoke with enthusiasm and
    sprayed the
    area before him liberally with saliva and juice from the meat.
    "But last
    night at the Court . . ." And he related the latest gossip. Don
    current flame. Lady in waiting Okana, had been careless enough to
    step on
    the king's sore foot. His Highness flew into a rage and turned to
    Don Reba,
    ordering him to mete out an exemplary punishment to the evildoer.
    Don Reba, without even so much as batting an eyelid, replied; "It
    will be
    carried out, Your Highness. This very night!"
    "I laughed so hard that two buttons popped off my waistcoat!"
    Don Sera, cocking his head to one side.
    Protoplasm, though Rumata. Nothing but ingesting and
    digesting and
    procreating protoplasm.
    "Indeed, noble dons," he said. "Don Reba is truly a very, very
    "Ho, Ho!" said Don Sera. "Much more--he is an intellectual
    "An outstanding statesman," said Don Tameo emphatically, with a
    "Yes it's really very strange," Don Rumata continued with a
    smile, "when you remember the kind of things people would tell
    about him
    hardly a year ago. Do you recall, Don Tameo, how wittily you
    yourself on the subject of his bow legs?"
    Don Tameo's drink almost went down the wrong way as he
    swallowed a little glass of Irukanian wine.
    "I can't remember a thing," he grumbled. "And besides I am not
    known as
    a wit--"
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    Arkadi and Boris Strugatski. Hard to be a god
    "Oh surely you must remember," said Don Sera and reproachfully
    his head.
    "Yes, indeed!" shouted Don Rumata. "You were present
    at the
    conversation, Don Sera! I remember so well how you laughed at Don
    witty ideas. You laughed so hard that something popped off the
    clothes you
    were wearing."
    Don Sera turned red and blue in the face and started to
    justify his
    remarks with long-winded and distorted explanations. He was lying
    in his
    teeth, of course. Don Tameo's face had grown somber. He made a long
    face. He
    devoted himself wholeheartedly to the strong Estorian wine, and
    since he
    had--according to his own words--"begun two mornings ago, and had
    not been
    able to desist till now," he had to be supported from either side
    when they
    finally departed.
    It was a sunny, friendly day. The common people stood around
    in the
    streets and gaped as if there were something to look at;
    little boys
    whistled and screamed, throwing mud at each other; prettily
    housewives with bonnets on their heads leaned out of the windows;
    servant girls flashed their shy glances from moist eyes. Don
    Sera's mood
    began to improve. He tripped a peasant and almost split his sides to
    see how
    the man wallowed in the mud. Don Tameo suddenly noticed that he had
    put on
    his fez with the double sword ornament back to front. He yelled:
    "Stop! Stay
    put!" and raised his fez, held it up steady, while he tried to turn
    his body
    180 degrees underneath the fez. Another item popped off Don
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    Arkadi and Boris Strugatski. Hard to be a god
    waistcoat. Rumata seized a pretty servant girl passing by the group,
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