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    my life afore marrying you.  Tis the truth I begin to think you are accursed!
     Accursed! Emma gasped at that.
     Aye, accursed! You have already put one man in his grave, and the way things are presently traveling
    along, I have no doubt you shall put me there as well!
    When she opened her mouth to respond to that, Amaury covered it with his own. It was no gentle kiss
    he gave her, however. It was rough and hard and demanding. Emma gave as good as she got, biting
    viciously at his lip and bucking her hips upward as he drove ruthlessly into her.
    As violent as it was, this mating could not last long. It was only a matter of moments before Amaury
    stiffened against her, cursing before collapsing atop her. He lay still for less than a heartbeat, then forced
    himself to rise.
    Emma bit her lip as she watched him tug his hose up, then climb into the rest of his clothes. He did not
    look at her until he was leaving the room. Pausing at the door, he peered back at her, his expression
    grim.  Let us hope that this time my seed took, wife, for I will not play stud horse for anyone. Not even
    the king.
    Chapter Ten
     Mercenaries? Blake frowned at him.  Who the devil would send mercenaries out after you?
    Amaury shrugged, a surly expression on his face.  Any number of people.
     Aye. You do have a fair share of enemies, do you not?
      Tis the nature of our business. Our previous business, he corrected himself. Being a hired sword
    meant always fighting a war against someone, for someone. Not his own war, of course, and that only
    seemed to anger whoever he was battling even more. He had made many enemies over the years. Any
    one of them might have set those dogs on him that afternoon.
      Tis lucky Lady Emma was not hurt.
     Aye. Amaury frowned as he glanced toward the castle where his wife was no doubt boiling her herbs
    that very minute.
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     I ll have Little George increase the guards, Amaury said almost to himself.  And I ll tell him Emma is
    not to leave the castle grounds without at least ten men as escort.
     What about you?
     Whether I am with her or not. Ten men.
     Nay, I meant that you should take a guard with you as well.
    Amaury frowned over that, then sighed and nodded his agreement.  Aye.
    Blake was silent for a moment. He had expected more of an argument over that. The fact that he did not
    get one made him as curious as the fact that Amaury had returned in a dark mood from escorting Emma
    upstairs. He was dying to ask what had occurred to cause it, and was just working his way toward doing
    so when Amaury suddenly turned to him.
     She thinks I am a stallion! A stud! Good for nothing more than breeding! he roared.
    Blake s eyes widened at that.  Who?
     My wife! Who the devil did you think I would speak of?! He glared at his friend for his obtuseness,
    before continuing.  All she wants me for is to beget a babe. I am no better than a bull to her! She thinks
    to have me service her at her whim. To spill my seed  til she is as full as an overflowing tankard.
     It sounds a horrible chore. Blake grinned his amusement.
    Amaury frowned at him for his less than sympathetic attitude.  You may laugh.  Tis not you she expects
    to service her night and day, day and night.
     More s the pity.
    When a storm began swirling on his face, Blake shook his head.  I do not understand what you are
    complaining of, my friend.  Twas just a matter of days ago that you were complaining that your wife
    enjoyed the joining, which you were sure was not right. Now you are telling me that she thinks of you as
    only a vessel that holds the seed, which is what the church says is proper for a wife to think, and yet you
    seem distressed by this as well. Oh& aye& oh, I think I comprehend.
    When Amaury merely scowled at him, Blake nodded.  Aye. It has hurt your manly pride to think that
    your wife s attentions are based only on begetting an heir and saving herself from Bertrand. He nodded
    again.  Aye,  tis. And that suggests to me that your own attentions go beyond thinking of her as just
    Amaury looked as if he had been punched by that suggestion, then he immediately began shaking his
     Aye. Blake nodded.  Mayhap you even love her.
     Love?! Amaury looked horrified at the very idea.  She is my wife!
     Aye, but 
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     Men do not love their wives, he pointed out grimly.  They save that for their lovers. Wives are
     I do not see you taking a lover, Amaury.
     Nay, but 
     And while it may be the fashion for lords and ladies to save such flowery emotions for their lovers,
    Emma is not the average Lady. She would be an easy woman to love, he added sympathetically. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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