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    stood up, shouting, "A toast to the newly married couple. May love reign
    in their home and keep them together to the end of their days."
    One of the waiters approached Dev and Jay and held a tray with two
    special glasses of champagne.
    Grinning, Jay took the glasses and handed one to Dev. "To Dev: my
    husband, my lover, my best friend."
    Taking the glass, Dev raised it to Jay. "To Jay: my husband and one
    day companion of my old age."
    He couldn't resist saying that. It brought an image to his mind of
    them as old men rocking in their rocking chairs on a porch and holding
    A round of cheers rose from their well wishers before everybody
    drained their glasses. Finishing his champagne, Jay took Dev's hand and
    led him to the small round table with the two-tier, chocolate cake. He
    picked up the knife and as they held it together, they made the first cut
    into the cake amid claps and more cheers.
    Under his lashes, he watched Jay. A soft smile curved his lips and
    his fingers curled tighter to Jay's. After they'd cut two small portions
    from the cake, Dev picked a piece with Jay. He enticingly offered the
    cake to Jay and his lips parted to take a bite of the other piece Jay offered
    him. The intermittent flash of cameras accompanied their actions, and the
    wedding photographers got several close ups both in video and on film.
    "Mmm," Jay hummed, nibbling the offered cake. Feeding Dev's
    piece to him, he licked and sucked on Dev's fingers, grinning wickedly,
    cleaning the frosting off.
    Dev's eyes widened slightly, feeling the erotic effect of Jay's tongue.
    He knew his husband was doing it deliberately, especially from the wide
    grin on Jay's lips. With his mouth full of cake, he couldn't say anything
    right away. But he did wink at him teasingly.
    Grinning, Jay let Dev's fingers slip out of his mouth. A moment
    later, Mary dropped her arms over each of their shoulders.
    "You know, I've never seen my brother look this happy in all his
    life," she said, smile wide and bright. She leaned over and kissed Dev's
    cheek. "You're perfect for him. Really. And he might be stubborn, but
    he's utterly devoted to you."
    Giving her a grateful smile, it meant a lot to Dev that Jay's sister
    supported them. He wasn't sure how bothered Jay was by his mother's
    behavior. Dev wasn't even really sure if Jay and his mother were close or
    not. Letting go of Jay, he enveloped her in a tight hug. "Thanks, Mary."
    Warmly, she returned the hug before she pulled slightly away.
    Grinning at her brother, she had a mischievous look on her face. "There's
    a special ring I need to give you, Dev. It's a special piece of jewelry
    given to all of the spouses of the Duke of Wharton."
    Opening her small purse, she pulled out a black velvet jewelry box
    and handed it to Dev. "It's been tradition in my family since the first duke
    Surprised, Dev looked quickly between them before he took the
    box. Opening it, a lone ruby, encased in platinum, rested on the black
    Whispering softly, Mary said, "It has 'The chosen of the sixteenth
    Duke of Wharton' engraved inside the band."
    Jay's eyes nearly popped out of his head. "Mary..."
    "Mother is a vindictive banshee, Jay." Mary muttered to him under
    her breath. "It's Dev's right as your husband to have one of the Wharton
    Taking it from the box, Dev studied the inside of the band. A wide
    smile crossed his lips and he slipped it on the finger of his right hand. It
    was made all the more special for Jay's sister bucking all the tradition to
    give him a tradition. "I don't know what to say, Mary. Thank you really
    isn't enough."
    "He does deserve it," Jay said. Turning to Dev, he slipped a finger
    under Dev's chin and tilted his head up for a kiss. "You deserve
    everything in this world," he whispered over Dev's lips.
    "That's why I have you, Jay." Dev whispered back against the press
    of Jay's lips. The day had indeed been magical for him.
    Laughing, Mary took hold of them both and tugged them toward
    their table. Pieces of the wedding cake were passed out to the wedding
    guests along with the chosen menu for everyone. "You two need to eat
    before you disappear on all of us."
    Jay looked like food was the last thing on his mind, but he just
    laughed and nodded, letting his sister herd them to the main banquet
    table set out in front of all the others. Sitting down, he took Dev's hand
    and looked at the Wharton ring, sliding his thumb over the stone. Then
    he lifted Dev's left hand and did the same to the gold surface of the
    "Both look good on you," he said, "especially this one..." He kissed
    the claddagh before releasing Dev's hand to pick up the menu.
    Giving Jay a knowing look, Dev knew exactly what was on his
    mind. When Jay released his hand, he rested it on Jay's thigh with his
    own sly smile. Looking up at the waiter near him, he said, "I'll have the
    roast beef selection. Thanks."
    "I'll have the same please." Leaning over, Jay made it appear he was
    whispering into Dev's ear. Brushing Dev's hair back slightly, he licked
    his ear, then nipped at it gently.
    Unable to subdue his shivering reaction, Dev glanced over at Jay,
    whispering, "It will be a while before we can disappear, love."
    "I know, but that doesn't mean that I can't play." He sat back in his
    chair and gave Dev a quick wink before sliding his hand up Dev's thigh,
    fingers resting close to his crotch.
    "Oh." The one word came out in a small squeak and Dev squirmed
    slightly beneath Jay's hand. "You're allowed to now."
    The waiters moved around, taking the orders of everybody at their
    table before they went back to the kitchen area. A few moments later, the
    buzz of activity increased in the room as the waiters brought out trays
    with plates of food for everybody.
    Jay chuckled softly, watching a waiter put their food before them
    both. "I promise I'll take everything slow and gentle." He glanced over at
    Dev and squeezed his thigh, letting his fingers graze Dev's crotch with [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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