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    But he needed to voice them. Needed to put it out there.
    Shane shook his head.  It s you. I choose you every time.
     How long before you start resenting me for costing you the thing you love? Pablo
    lifted Shane s hand and brought it to his lips.  I can t be in your life. Not like I am now.
    You can t be with me, giving me a pass, yet still hunting the other bad guys out there.
    That would make you a hypocrite. And Shane, you re anything but.
     I can get another job. I can t get another you.
     Damn it, Shane. You re not listening to me.
     You think I m not listening? Shane snarled and spun away.  I hear every word
    you re saying, but they re all excuses, aren t they? He met Pablo s gaze with wild,
    angry eyes.  How long?
    Pablo frowned.  What?
    Avril Ashton
     How long? Shane repeated.  How long before you stop seeing him when you
    look at me? Before you stop punishing me for whatever he did?
     Wha  Pablo s head reeled.  Who are you talking about?
     He hurt you. Shane continued as if Pablo hadn t spoken.  Whoever this guy is or
    was, he trampled all over your feelings. I can see that. But I m not him. I see it in your
    eyes, you want me, but you keep holding back because of him. Because of what he did.
    You ve got us stuck in a holding pattern because of someone else.
    Pablo shook his head.  That s not true.
     No? Shane slid his fingers through his hair.  I m here, ready to walk away from
    all of it. For you. But it seems to me you put more effort into what you don t have than
    what you do. What are you prepared to do for me, J.P.?
     I m prepared to watch you walk away, Pablo shouted.  I m giving you up and
    you might not understand it now, but someday you will and you ll thank me then.
     Fuck you! Shane yelled back.
     Don t you get it? Pablo got in his face and grabbed Shane by the neck. He hauled
    the other man closer still, until he couldn t tell where he began and Shane ended.  I am
    not the kind of man you settle down with, Shane. I m not the kind you bring home to
    meet the folks. I m the kind who can get you killed, who almost cost you your life just
    days ago. Or have you forgotten? He spat the words in Shane s ear.  You fuck with me
    and you die. I won t survive it, don t you get that? I can t watch you get hurt because of
    His voice broke right then, his anguish spilling over in his words. From his eyes.
    The pain of sending Shane away, even knowing it was the right thing to do, shattered
    something in his chest, the magnitude of it buckling his knees.
    Strong arms wrapped around his waist, held him upright. He pulled away, bracing
    his weight on Shane s, and stared into his lover s eyes.  Shane. He hated how much
    need came across in that one word. How much love. How much want. Wanting what he
    couldn t have was bad enough. Having had it, having tasted it and knowing how much
    he was losing, knowing what he was giving up was the worst.
     Let me love you. Shane kissed his neck, his throat.  Let me help you ease the
    ache, he murmured against Pablo s shoulder. He pushed Pablo s pants down and
    stepped back, all that hope in his eyes. He simply stood there, waiting for Pablo to go to
    him or walk away, turn his back.
    Their last few hours together and Pablo didn t want to spend it fighting, debating.
    He wanted in Shane s arms. He wanted all that love focused on him one last time, he
    wanted to be selfish and take.
    Be taken.
    He held Shane s gaze and stepped out of his pants, standing before the man he
    loved in nothing but his skin. All he had left was what he felt and he couldn t find the
    Sinner, Savior
    words in his suddenly dry throat so he moved forward and stepped heart-first into the
    arms of the man who could destroy him.
    Rip him to shreds. Annihilate him.
    Shane held him tight, kissing his neck and moving downward, taking his time.
    Pablo s heart rate kicked up, his breath roughened and he didn t want to be anywhere
    else. He d thought he d been in love before, but this.
    Nothing compared. Everything paled in contrast to the bright, shiny glow that was
    His lover reversed their positions and pushed at Pablo s shoulder. He moved
    backward, dropping onto the bed and crawling to the middle. Shane came with him, his
    touches so soft, face open and honest. Pablo couldn t bear to look him in the eye, but he
    lacked the faculties to turn away.
    Straddling him, Shane bent his head, his wet and nimble tongue flicking at Pablo s
    nipples while his cock, hard and hot bumped against Pablo s.
    A groan ripped from his throat and he tipped his head up, giving over to it all the
    pleasure and the pain. Twin emotions he craved as Shane caught one of his nipples
    between his teeth and bit, hard enough for Pablo to arch and grip the sheets, yet soft
    enough for him to beg.
     More. Shane, please.
    Shane responded with a sly grin and sank his teeth into Pablo s chest, over the
    tattoo he d gotten when Angelo left him. He rocked into Shane, their hard-ons grinding
    together, both caps wet and pulsing hot.
     Let me kiss your scars. Shane dipped lower, kissing the raised scar from Pablo s
    father s machete. He licked Pablo s stomach and dragged his tongue over every ridge in
    his abs.
    Pablo s muscles contracted and he squirmed under the gentleness, unused to the
    soft. Unused to being the one receiving.
    Finally, finally Shane s mouth closed around his cock, sucking him into the wet
    cavern gently. Pablo gasped up at the ceiling.
     Ah Shane. He rolled his hips then reached down and cupped the back of Shane s
    head, thrusting into him slowly, agonizingly slow. Shane s lashes fluttered and his eyes [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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