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    comment Jason caught Danny s hazel eyes and a broad smile appeared across his face.
     Nice to meet you man Ron said reaching his hand out to shake Danny s. They
    all chatted for a few minutes catching up on old times, but shortly had to return to their
    table because their food was on its way.
     Love you guys, Jason said before he left the table and he was met with a warm
     Love you too, from all of them at the table.
    Later that night when they got to the club they had smiles all over their faces. The
    music was only a source of background noise, as Jason and Danny talked almost all
    night. The two were so into each other that nothing could interrupt them. Jason kept
    thinking that Danny was the kind of guy you could cuddle up next to but was sensitive
    and strong all at the same time. The two headed out of the club so that they could talk
    somewhere else without all of the music. Upon reaching the car Danny took Jason by the
    arm and spun him around. With the fact that Jason was stoned it sent a rush of feeling
    through his body that was very welcomed. The look in Danny s sparkling eyes melted
    Jason s heart, as his face grew closer to Jason s. The electricity that Jason felt in this
    short kiss was amazing. Danny backed up only a few inches, when Jason tugged his shirt
    towards him and kissed him for a longer period of time. The kissing grew in intensity,
    and lasted longer every time.
    Jason, feeling really good for once in his life, walked over to the passenger door.
    Upon entering the car, the kissing took back up again. They kissed all the way to town.
    Instead of going straight to Jason s house they wanted to make a detour to the state park
    for a midnight rendezvous. They would have to stop at the gas station before they made it
    to this park. Jason was annoyed to see that Seth s car parked there. Seth was inside
    standing at the counter, and looked at Jason as he walked in. His lip curled in anger and
    he walked out of the store. Tameera was working behind the counter, this had been the
    first time he had seen her in the longest time.  Hey! What s up? Jason said excited.
     Nothing, how are you Jason? Tameera asked coming around the counter to the
    front. She gave him a hug, and pulled him close.  Jason I don t know why I never
    listened to you, I should have. You re so smart and you only ever tried to help me. Thank
    you, really. She said out of nowhere.
     Don t worry about it Tameera, it is no big deal. Hey you live and learn. Jason
    said smiling and putting a small packet of condoms on the counter.
     Oh in a little bit of a hurry? Tameera said smiling and ringing them up.
     Um, yeah, Danny is out there. Jason said pointing over his shoulder.
     Really? But he like disappeared a few months ago.
     Yeah I know, I found him again a few days ago at the café.
     Wow, well have fun, oh, and call me I live at home with my mom again! She
    yelled after him as he left the store.
     Okay, He yelled back before the door closed behind him. Jason saw that Seth s
    car was still there but got into his car and they quickly peeled out of the parking lot and
    headed up the street to the state park.
     Why was that kid looking at you all like that? Danny asked.
     Who, Seth? He has always been an asshole. Jason fumbled for a cigarette.
     Give me one?
     Sure& but he s gay. This one time I went to this house with this boy, and I saw
    them making out. After that Seth really despised me. He was always acting tough, but I
    always knew he was a fairy. Jason said laughing.
    They were cruising through a part that they always used to drive by in their
    smoking days Danny had always said how beautiful this one part looked.  Okay now
    park in there, kind of in the bushes. Jason said pointing at a little lump of bushes.  Now
    come with me, Jason said, running around to the driver side door, and pulling Danny
    from the car. The two began to kiss immediately. When Jason ran into the woods, Danny
    When the two were in a relatively sheltered area, they began to make out again
    and strip down to nothing. The full moon reflected off their bodies casting silvery
    shadows across the woodland floor. The heat, passion, and the love that was felt in that
    area was enough to wake up the entire forest. Jason experienced the best hour of his life
    in those woods. The two began walking back to the car holding each other close, and [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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