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    stuck in the wheel chair. He made it his personal goal to be standing when Ryan came
    He also had several projects he wanted to finish before his boyfriend came home
    - namely moving all of Ryan's shit into his house. Kenneth, Sandy and Mark helped
    him with that. It was going to be a surprise to Ryan but Phillip didn't think he would
    His latest project was to make Ryan's parents open their eyes to whom and what
    their son was. He got the phone number from Mac and stared at the phone.
    He knew that it hurt Ryan. Ryan had always been close to his parents. When he
    had  come out his parents ripped his heart out and Phillip wanted nothing more than to
    kick their asses and make them see what sort of man their son was.
    He dialed the number with purpose.
    Phillip cleared his throat.  Um...Hi. My name is Phillip Grabowski, he started
    and rolled his eyes.  I'm a friend of your son.
     Josh? Is he okay? came a soft, pleading voice.
     No& Ryan. He took a deep breath.  We serve together. He's over in Iraq
    right now.
     Oh. Ryan. The voice went colder and Phillip wanted to scream.  I'm sorry.
    Ryan is dead to us.
     Yeah. Ryan. Phillip resisted the urge to growl at the woman. Ryan wasn't
    dead. But he was in a place that could make him that way. Fucking bitch didn't even
    think about what she was saying.  I know y'all don't& agree with his& life choices but
    you should be proud of him. He's a great man, Phillip said softly.
     I'm sorry, we don't talk about Ryan. He...broke his father's heart.
    Well good, because they broke Ryan's heart.
     Ma'am, I just think you should get to know your son. He's amazing.
     We know all we need to know. He's made a mockery of everything his father
    and I tried to teach him. He'll burn in Hell for his sins.
    Phillip took a deep breath and willed himself not to lose his temper.  Ma'am,
    some would disagree with you. Ryan is well-respected. He's smart and he takes care of
    the men under him. He saves lives. He's a hero to a lot of guys.
     That just tells you how bad this world has gotten. He's a queer. He's a sin in
    Gods eyes and only a sodomite would ever consider him a hero.
    That did it. Phillip's jaw tightened and he snorted.
     Alright, you know I tried to be nice. I did. But, lady you just went there. Now
    you shut the fuck up-- The woman began to sputter.  Shut the HELL up and listen to
    me. First, your son is a GOOD man. God hasn't forgotten him. God loves him warts
    and all, which is a helluva lot more than his parents did. I would think being the good
    Christian folks you are, you would know that only God gets to judge. Not some close-
    minded hypocritical human. He took a deep breath and continued.  He puts his life on
    the line so you and your husband can sit back and call him and the others like him a
    sinner. So you can condemn him to hellfire because he doesn't conform to your idea of
    what sin is or isn't. Let me tell you this, Lady, I've been in the Army a whole lot longer
    than he has. I can safely say that if I wanted one person at my back it would be your
    son. Ryan is the best soldier I ever had the pleasure to serve with. He would make a
    great son if you and your husband would pull your head out of your asses and just look
    at him!
    The woman was silent. Then she let out a soft breath.  I'm sorry, Mr
    Grabowski. He's no longer our concern.
    Phillip snarled at that.  Don't you worry, Mrs Gracin. He'll never have to worry
    about being your concern. He's MY family now. I just wished that you fucking good
    Christians would open your eyes and stop judging him. He'd love to have his parents
    back in his life. But, you know what? I was a fucking idiot for even thinking I could talk
    to you. I hope you have a great life. Don't worry about Ryan. You're right, he's not your
    concern. He's mine. And know what else? He really doesn't need a mother and father
    anymore. He's got people that love and respect the hell out of him. He slammed the
    phone down and threw it across the room.
     Did my phone piss you off? Mark asked lazily.
     Then why did you abuse it?
     Because Ryan's parents are fucking idiots. Wanna go to Ohio with me?
     Nope, killing them would only upset Ryan, Mark said.
     Jerk. Phillip leaned back in the chair and sighed.
     It doesn't really matter anymore; Phil. Ryan has so much family now that those
    two don't even register.
     Yeah they do. For twenty-two years they loved him. How the hell they go from
    loving him to& ? God that woman was so fucking cold I'd like to rip her head off.
    Phillip growled.
     You cussed her. Her poor little virgin ears are probably still bleeding. Let's call
    it even. Besides if you go to jail before Ryan can get back he'll be really bitchy. I don't
    like bitchy Ryan.
    Phillip, 16Dec2006
    Thank you.
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