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    him the stool.
    Mark and I held his hands as Mark explained what would happen every
    step of the way. Cooper closed his eyes, happily moaning with every climax.
    His grip tightened on our hands when the barbs grabbed on, but he took a
    deep breath and before long was crying out again with another orgasm.
    The process took nearly as long for him as it had for me the first time.
    By the time Master finished, Cooper was trembling, bathed in sweat, but
    wore a happy smile.
     Holy fuck, he whispered, all strength gone from his body.  That
    was& fucking fantastic!
    Mark translated. Master laughed and then grabbed me and kissed me,
    that wonderful tongue sweeping through my mouth, and he said something.
    Mark grinned.  He said he won t tell his friends how good you are
    picking out pets because they ll want to hire you to pick theirs for them.
    He ruffled Cooper s hair, patted him on the shoulder, and looked at us.
     Master s named him Taun.
     Pol, Kal, Taun. Master kissed us.  Mine, he said. Shivers ran down
    my spine. I loved that, I don t know why. I m glad that was one of the few
    English words he knew.
    130 Tymber Dalton
    Qhan got Cooper cleaned up, and I wasn t sure what the sleeping
    arrangements would be. I didn t want him left alone, but now that the
    evening had wound to a close and I had time to think, my own demons
    returned in full force. I didn t want to give up Mark or Master.
    Turns out I didn t have to. Master bunked with us in our room, the four
    of us comfortably snuggled together. Master let me pick how I wanted us
    situated. I decided I wanted me and Cooper in the middle, with Master by
    me and Mark holding Cooper.
    Cooper rolled over to face me, his head snuggled against my chest. We
    were three happy humans when Qhan hooked up our milker pump, having
    already secured an extra hose for that, too. Mark laced his fingers through
    mine, and like that, I crashed into sleep.
    * * * *
    I slept restlessly. The thought of that damn egg in me when I didn t
    want it kept me from peaceful rest. Every time I felt horny, the memory of
    the attack would flash through my mind, and I couldn t enjoy the physical
    It would be a long fucking four weeks.
    Master didn t leave us the next morning. He waited with us until the vet
    checked Cooper and declared him bred.
    I hated the pity in the vet s eyes every time he looked at me and offered
    me a kind smile. I didn t know how to deal with this. No, it wasn t my fault.
    I got that, mentally. Physically, the fact that my body had betrayed me and
    eased me through the process grated on me even more. Maybe it was stupid
    to feel that way, but if it d hurt like hell the entire time, been an agony to
    endure, it would have made it easier on my psyche.
    Master had Qhan take Cooper to Master s bathroom, to the shower,
    telling him we d be there in a minute.
    He pulled me into his lap and gently caught my chin, making me look
    up at him. He spoke softly, slowly, allowing Mark time to translate for him.
     I m so sorry you had to go through this. I m sorry I didn t wake you up
    to come to bed. You looked so peaceful, I didn t want to disturb you. It s my
    fault I brought that animal into my home, and it s my fault you were
    attacked. I promise, I will never release you, never sell you, always make
    Acquainted with the Night 131
    sure you are cared for so that no one can take you from me. I love you more
    than I can tell you, and even though we now have another, please never
    think he will ever replace you in my heart because he won t. I can like and
    maybe one day even love him, but you and Pol, you are my  Mark
    stumbled over the next word, choking up,   babies. I know you went
    through a horror, and I m sorry. The vet told me it s natural for you to feel
    traumatized and have nightmares. You could not have fought him. Had he
    killed you, it would have broken my heart. You hold no fault.
    He kissed me. I heard Mark sniffling.  Love Kal, Master said, tears
    welling in his eyes.  Love Kal. Mine.
     Promise me as soon as this fucking egg is out of me that you ll breed
    me. Please. Immediately.
    Master hesitated. Mark translated,  If it is what you want, then yes. But
    I meant what I said, that I will never again make you breed. Even if it means
    I d have to visit an egg farm in the future. You are my pet, my love. I refuse
    to do anything to hurt you.
    I threw my arms around him.  Thank you. I want this egg out of me, and [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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