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    abandon. They each could feel the other getting closer to the desired edge as bodies tensed and
    bucked with each lick. Levi slipped two fingers into her lover's center and pulled her pulsing clit
    between lips. Thrusting with the same rhythm as she was sucking, she felt Brody plunge her
    tongue into her center. With in seconds their bodies convulsed and bucked, screams stifled
    against flesh as their climaxes tore through them. As the last of the tremors racked their bodies,
    Brody rolled over onto her side and gulped for air. She felt a sweat dampened body move to lay
    sprawled across her.
    "I love you Levi." She whispered close to her small ear. With those three simple words, Levi's
    heart just about burst with happiness. Looking into tear filled blue eyes, she poured out her
    feelings. "I love you to." The rest of the night, they made slow passionate love to each other until
    they fell asleep in each other's arms from exhaustion.
    With their hair still wet from a rushed shower, Brody and Levi came through the back door in to
    the kitchen and ran right in to Levi's mother. Her hands planted on her hips, foot tapping, green
    eyes narrowed in annoyance, she pointed her finger at her daughter.
    "I was getting ready to call the Marines in to find you. You two are a half hour late."
    Levi held her hand up to stop what she knew would be a long lecture about her punctuality.
    "We were busy and lost track of time." She cast a sideways glance at a smirking Brody. "But
    we're here now." She felt a blush working its way up her neck from the visions of what they had
    been doing all day. Judy shook her head when she saw that both women were walking a little
    "Do you think she knows?" Brody whispered to a smirking Levi.
    "Nah, how could she?" She stiffened when she heard her name yelled across the kitchen.
    "Levi it's about damn time!" She looked over her shoulder to see her mother standing with her
    arms crossed over her chest and grinning.
    "How could she?" Brody mimicked Levi's voice and got a good smack to her stomach.
    Brody was standing at the food station looking over the box of fresh jumbo shrimp and scallops.
    Raising her eyebrow, she glanced sideways at Levi whose eyes were looking at something
    entirely different.
    "Should I use skewers or not?"
    "Skewers? Too much pain, small needle."
    "Levi what in the hell are you talking about?" She held up a shrimp and waved it in front of
    blank green eyes. "Grilled or stir fried?"
    Levi was trying to join all the words that Brody had spoken with what she was thinking and
    became confused as to why Brody would want to stir fry her nipples. She reached out and ran her
    fingertip over the hardened nipple that was poking against Brody's T-shirt. "Pierced, silver
    hoops." A weird grin came over her face and made her look crazed. "With a silver chain
    attached." She brought her eyes up to meet blue.
    "So, you want me to get my nipples pierced and put them on a leash?" A blonde head nodded.
    "And attach the leash to Crusty." Levi nodded then her mouth dropped open when she realized
    what Brody had said.
    "Should I make grilled shrimp or Stir fry?"
    It had been a week with Brody cooking at the restaurant and cooking for hours with Levi once
    they got home. She had never been happier than what she was now, for once in her life, she
    didn't miss the work at the docks but she knew she would have to go back to work. Her
    grandparents depended on her and she couldn't let them down. She lay in bed with Levi snuggled
    up to her side, running her hand up and down her arm she stared at the ceiling in thought.
    "Whatcha thinking?" A sleepy voice drifted up to her.
    "I thought you were sleeping? Just about work, ya know going back and being around grandpa."
    "Can I go with you in the morning?"
    "Levi, I get up before the sun." She snorted at the thought of Levi up before the sunset.
    "I want to go with you, wake me up, please?"
    Brody sat on the edge of the bed and shook Levi to try and wake her up; lifting one eyelid, she
    saw a dilated eye rolling downward.
    "Wakey wakey, its 3am time to play with fish."
    Levi mumbled and rolled over to bury her face in Brody's pillow. "Tell Charlie tuna ta kiss my
    ass." Brody leaned over her and traced her ear with the tip of her tongue, when Levi started to
    shiver she purred into her ear. "I'll take Charlie Tuna for bacon, egg and cheese biscuits." She
    jumped back when Levi rolled out of the bed and staggered towards the bathroom. Lying back
    on the bed with a lecherous grin on her face, she watched her naked lover.
    "EEEWWW! Gods Brody how can you stand the smell?" Levi covered her face with the collar
    of her coat.
    "I can't, even after all these years." She pulled her huge jar of Vicks from her pocket. "I stuff my
    nose with this, after that I can't smell a damn thing." Handing the jar over, she then opened the
    door and led Levi to the storeroom where they kept the spare rubber aprons, knee high rubber
    boots and thick gloves. Levi was lost in the large clothing; the boots came past her knees and the
    gloves up to her biceps.
    "Brody what am I going to do this morning besides fall over my feet?"
    "Pack fish, shrimp, lobsters and crabs. It's easy; ya just throw them in a box and cover them with
    Two hours later, Levi was throwing ice at Brody trying to get her attention. "When's lunch, I'm
    hungry!" She whined pitifully and put her best pouting look on her face. "You never feed me,
    Captain Hook." That earned her a raised eyebrow look. "Well it's true, it's been hours since we
    "Grandma should be here soon, she's bringing fresh bagels and all the trimmings." She wiggled
    her brows. "Plus triple mochas."
    After they got home, they went into Brody's bathroom, Brody leaned against the back with Levi
    leaning against her chest. They soaked in the bleach-scented bathtub until they were wrinkled
    like raisons and the nasty fish smell was gone. Levi knew that if there was any living germ on
    her body now, it was one lucky little bastard. Stepping from Brody's bedroom into her own, she
    looked at the hole that they used as a secret type passage. Running her hand down the wall, she
    looked over her shoulder at her lover.
    "What are we going to do about this?"
    Her heart dropped to her feet, she would miss just walking from one room to the other. "I was
    going to go tomorrow and get the drywall and fix it."
    "I have a better idea, how about if we just knock the whole wall down and make one huge
    "Are you serious? I mean I& "
    "Yep, I am." She walked up to her, wrapped her arms around her waist and leaned up for a kiss.
    "Can we close off my bathroom and put a door in the other room for the juveniles? That way
    they'd have their own bathroom and we can use yours."
    "We'll do it tomorrow after I get home from work."
    "WE get home from work, I'm going with you. Captain Hook."
    "You just want to eat all the caviar that grandma keeps in the refrigerator."
    "Not only that, it's being able to look up into beautiful eyes all day long." She gave her grinning
    lover a smile. "Your grandpa is a cute little thing and has very expressive eyes."
    "What?" Brody's eyebrows dropped down over her nose.
    "Gotcha!" She placed a lingering kiss on pink lips and pulled Brody with her to the living room,
    where she knew Teddy and Shane were at and trying to eavesdrop on their conversation.
    Teddy watched them enter the room dressed in their robes. "If it ain't the Gorton fishermen." She
    tossed the phone to Levi and plugged her ears before she gave her the bad news. "Call your
    pissed off mother, something about a missing chef."
    "All nonono NO! I am not doing this, she can cook herself tonight." She placed the phone on the [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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