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    salt to make a liniment.
    Mullen is combined with Harriet Miller, GA.
    honey and alum to
    make syrup for colds.
    Used for sore throats. Marshal Butler, GA.
    Mixed with sweet cream Harriet Miller, GA.
    for poison oak.
    Unspecified medical use. Rev. Squires Jackson, FL.
    Ash With salt as a cure for Joe Hawkins, MI.
    Hickory ash mixed with Toy Hawkins, GA.
    vinegar for headaches.
    Anvil Dust Mixed with apple vinegar Easter Wells, OK.
    to cure dropsy.
    Combined with snake Lou Smith, OK.
    root and whiskey to
    make tonic for
    Mixed with syrup for good Adeline Willis, GA.
    (continued )
    184 Appendix C
    Non-Plant Substance Medical Use WPA Source
    Axe Place axe in bed for all Janey Landrum, TX.
    Unspecified medical use. Dellie Lewis, AL.
    Axel Grease For chills. Celia Henderson, OH.
    Bacon Rind Used for mumps. Patsy Moses, TX; and
    Adeline Waldon, TX.
    Beef Hung between road and Hetty Haskell, AK.
    house to prevent
    Used as a soup or broth Rose Mosley, AK.
    for yellow fever.
    Bitters Prevention for disease. Henry Green, AK.
    Black Fever Pills Unspecified medical use. Mary Reynolds, TX.
    Blue Moss (Mass) Pills Unspecified medical use. Millie Ann Smith, TX;
    Carter Jackson, TX;
    Sarah Henderson Fuller,
    TX; John Crawford, TX;
    Jeptha Choice, TX; Jacob
    Branch, TX; Ellen Betts,
    TX; Stearlin Arnwine,
    TX; SB Adams, TX;
    Fannie Griffin, SC; Nan
    Stewart, OH; Joe
    Mccormick, GA; and
    Claude Augusta Wilson,
    Taken for minor ailments Charlie Pye, GA; and
    and colds. Richard Orford, GA.
    Used for sickness or Richard Carruthers, TX.
    Used for liver ( spring Darcus Barnett, TX.
    malaria ) and common
    Brass Key Worn around the neck for Mark Oliver, MS.
    heart complaints.
    Brass Rings/Buttons Ring on each hand will Adeline Waldon, TX; and
    cure rheumatism. Ahram Sells, TX.
    Tie brass buttons around Sim Greely, SC; and Easter
    neck to stop nose Wells, OK.
    Worn around fingers to Jim Allen, MS.
    prevent croup.
    Bread Made into pills and soaked Easter Wells, OK.
    in bitter weed tea for
    Buttered Bread Lightly baked bread Gus Smith, MO.
    buttered on one side and
    placed on a comatose
    Non-Plant or Herbal Treatments 185
    Non-Plant Substance Medical Use WPA Source
    Buttered Bread (continued) patient s mouth to
    diagnose life. If patient is
    alive as shown by the
    melted butter, mix
    whiskey with butter and
    give a few drops to
    patient for recovery.
    Buttons Worn to prevent illness. Victoria Taylor Thompson,
    OK; Rosie McGillery,
    TX; and Henry Lewis,
    Calf Liver Tied to wound to heal. Harriet Collins, TX.
    Calomel Used for unspecified Richard Carruthers, TX;
    sickness. Jacob Branch, TX; Ellen
    Betts, TX; Sam Polite,
    SC; LB Barner, OK; Sam
    Anderson, OK; Charlie
    Hudson, GA; Rev.
    Squires Jackson, FL; and
    Claude Augusta Wilson,
    Mixed with turpentine to Lu Lee, TX.
    induce miscarriage.
    Used for chills. Louis Davis, MS.
    For jaundice in babies. Sudie Campbell, KS.
    Combined with salts for Della Briscoe, GA.
    spring tonic for health.
    Charcoal Break up and take for Josephine Hamilton, AK.
    stomach gas.
    Mixed with onions and Harriet Barrett, TX.
    honey for babies for
    Mixed with salt and put Willis Williams, FL.
    into bags that were
    worn to prevent disease.
    Chicken gizzard (and skin) Inside of chicken gizzard Janey Landrum, TX.
    kept in pocket to
    prevent indigestion.
    Unspecified medical use. Dulcinda Baker Martin, KY.
    Taken for stomach Adeline Waldon, TX.
    Linings cure indigestion. Vinnie Brunson, TX.
    Chimney Soot Combined with bacon Celia Henderson, OH.
    grease for rusty nail
    Corn removal by marking Janey Landrum, TX.
    a cross of chimney soot
    over corn.
    (continued )
    186 Appendix C
    Non-Plant Substance Medical Use WPA Source
    Citrate of Potash Mixed with burdock root Sudie Campbell, KS.
    for scrofula.
    Coal Coal oil inhaled for cold. Benny Dillard, GA.
    Cockroaches Made into tea for lockjaw. Winger Vanhook and
    Henry Boraddus, TX.
    Coin/Penny/Dime/Coppers Worn around neck to Janey Landrum, TX; Patsy
    prevent indigestion. Moses, TX; and Adeline
    Waldon, TX.
    Worn (dime) around ankle Sylvai Durant, SC.
    for unspecified medical
    Worn around neck for Emma Jones, AL.
    Dime around ankle for leg Harriet Collins, TX.
    Penny placed with meat Harriet Collins, TX.
    over nail wound.
    Dime worn around leg to John R. Cox, KS.
    prevent spells.
    Brass, copper, and dimes William Henry Towns, AL.
    worn around neck to
    prevent  runertiz ?
    Worn to prevent illness. Ahram Sells, TX; and
    Tishey Taylor, MO.
    Dime on string around Harriet Collins, TX.
    ankle to prevent cramps.
    Cow Hoofs As a tea for flu. Rachel Hankins, AK.
    Cow s feet are boiled in Celestia Avery, GA.
    water to produce  oil
    that was used for a
    variety of purposes.
    Cow Manure As a tea for flu, made into Rachel Hankins, AK.
    tea for indigestion.
    Mixed with whiskey and Curley Mcgade, TX;
    made into tea for Joanna Thompson Isom,
    measles; used with mint MS; and Julia Brown,
    for consumption. GA.
    Dish Rag (stolen) Steal someone else s dish Janey Landrum, TX.
    rag and rub over sty (eye)
    then throw rag over left
    shoulder at crossroad or
    bridge at midnight.
    Dish Water Used as a bath to promote Carrie Nancy Fryer, GA.
    good health.
    Dog Manure Used as a tea for measles. Curley Mcgade, TX.
    Earth Worm Cook earthworms in Curley Mcgade, TX.
    grease and rub into parts
    having rheumatism.
    Non-Plant or Herbal Treatments 187
    Non-Plant Substance Medical Use WPA Source
    Egg Shells Made into tea for Curley Mcgade, TX.
     whites (?)
    Fingernails Don t cut fingernails on Janey Landrum, TX.
    Thursday or there will
    be sickness.
    Cut on Wednesdays for Marion Johnson, AK.
    Frogs (live/dried) Used with dead chicken to George Briggs, SC.
    cure a snake bite and as
    live frogs take out
    Used for unspecified Willis , TX.
    medical purpose.
    Frog skin is charred and Winger Vanhook and
    the soot is put on Henry Boraddus, TX.
    Grease Mixed with snuff and Marion Johnson, AK.
    rubbed on bottom of
    feet or under arms for
    Mixed with soap and Carrie Nancy Fryer, GA.
    applied to boils.
    Bacon grease used on Charity Jones, MS.
    rash resulting from
    Goose Grease Unspecified medical use. Dulcinda Baker Martin,
    Hickory Switch When roasted in hot ashes Vinnie Brunson, TX.
    is good medicine for
    young hides that need to
    be loosed.
    Hog Hoof Made into tea for children Harriet Collins, TX.
    with colds.
    Tea used for flu. Rachel Hankins, AK. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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