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    ordinary Buddhas, even above Tathagatas. There are numerous Buddhas above the status of
    Tathagata who has only one swastika " ". Those who have reached beyond the status of Tathagata
    have more and more swastikas " ". A Buddha whose status is twice as high as a Tathagata will
    have two swastikas " ". Those who are even higher will have three, or four, or five......etc.. They
    have so many of it which can be found all over their bodies, on the head, shoulders, knees. There
    are so many of it that it will even appear on the palms, fingers, foot arches and toes, etc.. With the
    status rising higher and higher, the swastikas " " will increase continuously. Therefore, the sign "
    " represents the status of a Buddha. The higher the status of a Buddha, the more signs " " he will
    Rare Cultivation Way
    ( )
    In addition to the Buddha School and the Tao School, there is a Rare Cultivation Way which
    labels itself as the Rare Cultivation. There is a conventional belief on the issue of cultivation
    methods: From ancient China to this day, people have regarded the Buddha School and the Tao
    School as orthodox cultivation ways, and also call them the cultivation of the Orthodox School.
    This Rare Cultivation Way has never been open to the public, and therefore very few people know
    of its existence. People have learned about it only from literary works.
    Does this Rare Cultivation Way exist? Yes. In the course of my cultivation, especially in recent
    years, I ran into three highly accomplished masters of the Rare School, who imparted to me the best
    of their school which was extraordinarily unique and remarkable. It is simply because what it
    cultivates is very unique, what it achieves in cultivation is very strange and cannot be understood by
    ordinary people. In addition, they claim that they belong to neither the Buddha School nor the Tao
    School. They do not cultivate the Buddha or the Tao. When people hear they cultivate neither the
    Buddha nor the Tao, they label the school as Pangmen Zuodao (the Heterodox School). They call
    themselves the Cultivation Way of the Rare School. The term of Pangmen Zuodao has a pejorative
    connotation, but it does not carry a negative meaning as it does not mean that the Rare School
    cultivates an evil way. This is beyond doubt. It does not imply an evil Way in its literal meaning,
    either. Through the ages the Buddha School and the Tao School have been named orthodox
    cultivation ways. Before people came to understand this cultivation way, it was said to be a
    Pangmen, or a sidedoor, not the door to the Orthodox School. What about Zuodao then? Zuo means
    clumsy, the clumsy way. As the word Zuo in the ancient Chinese vocabulary was often used as
    "clumsy", Pangmen Zuodao carries such an inference.
    Why isn't it an evil way? Because it also has the strict requirement of Xinxing. Its cultivation is
    also based upon the cosmic qualities. It does not violate the cosmic qualities nor the cosmic Laws,
    nor does it do anything wrong. Therefore, we cannot say it is an evil way. It is not because the
    fundamental qualities of our universe conform to the cultivation ways of the Buddha School and the
    Tao School, but it is because both of their cultivation ways conform to the cosmic qualities that they
    have become orthodox schools. Since the cultivation of the Rare Cultivation Way conforms to the
    fundamental qualities of the universe, it is not an evil way, but an orthodox way all the same,
    because the criterion used to measure what is good or what is bad, what is good or what is evil are
    the cosmic qualities. Since it cultivates according to the cosmic qualities, it also follows a correct
    course; however, the features of its requirements differ from those of the Buddha School and the
    Tao School. Nor does it believe in teaching many students; rather, it is taught to a limited number of
    students. The Taoist Cultivation Way is handed down by teaching a large number of students, but
    only one of them receives true teachings. The Buddha School teaches the salvation of all living
    beings. Whoever wants to cultivate himself can do so.
    While handing down its cultivation way, the Rare Cultivation Way never chooses two people, but
    only one person as its disciple in a considerably long period of time in history. For this reason, what
    is possessed has never been shown to ordinary people throughout history. As a matter of fact, when
    qigong reached its height, I found that a few people from this cultivation way also came out to teach
    qigong. However, while they were teaching, they found that they were actually doing the
    impossible, because there were some things that their masters did not allow them to teach to the
    public by any means. If they wanted to make it public, they could not select disciples, and people
    who had come had different levels of Xinxing. They would not be able to choose disciples because
    various kinds of people had come with different mentalities. Therefore, it is impossible for the Rare
    Cultivation Way to be popularized, and it is liable to invite danger, for what it cultivates is
    extremely unique.
    Some people think that the Buddha School cultivates Buddhas while the Tao School cultivates
    immortals. Then what does the Rare Cultivation Way cultivate becoming after all? They cultivate
    becoming wandering immortals without a definite territory in a cosmic world. We all know that the
    Tathagata, Sakyamuni, has his Saha Paradise, Buddha Amitabha has his Paradise of Ultimate Bliss,
    and Buddha, Master Physician has his Glazed Paradise. Each Tathagata or great Buddha has his
    own paradise. Every great enlightened being has a paradise of his own construction with many [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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