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    behind the desk. Taking the pile of marking out of his arms, he put them on the visitor s chair,
    out of the way.
    Arslan placed his hand to Ryland s forehead. Cold for a lion meant normal for a human.
    There was no fever, but he didn t know enough about humans to be sure that meant all was
    actually well.  Are you ill?
    Ryland stared at him. It was several seconds before he seemed to snap back into reality.
    He dropped his gaze. A blush rushed to his cheeks, making him look both far healthier as well as
    more than a little embarrassed. Even so, he still looked exhausted.
     Do you really think you should be looking for more work? Arslan asked. Not that there
    could be any real debate about the answer. A lion might be able to work all the hours God sent
    without feeling too many ill effects from it. A human couldn t. That was why they needed lions
    to look after them.
    Ryland followed his gaze to the pile of marking. His blush deepened, but he seemed to
    relax a little.  I m fine, sir.
    Arslan wasn t convinced. His pet didn t look fine. He didn t feel fine. He was on edge
    and struggling to cope. Not acceptable.
     I just didn t expect you to be here, sir, Ryland offered.  I& 
    Arslan straightened up from his crouch at Ryland s feet, hoping that putting some slight
    distance between them might help him to keep his fingers to himself when he itched to run his
    hands over the other man s body, just in case the pain in his eyes was caused by wounds he
    couldn t see.
     Do you want some tea? Ryland rushed out. He glanced at the cold cup on the desk.  I ll
    make you a fresh cup. He stood up, obviously about to go and do just that.
    Arslan put his hand on his shoulder and nudged him back into the chair. It took all his
    strength of will to take his hand back as soon as the task was accomplished.
     I wasn t asking you to leave, Ryland rushed out, rising to his feet again the moment the
    professor broke contact with him.
    Arslan studied him carefully as he saw a pet s need to be close to his master shining
    bright in the younger man s eyes.  I wasn t leaving.
    Ryland nodded. He looked relieved. Arslan stared down at him, wondering how much of
    a fool he was for still being glad of that. It wasn t the quick understanding he might have hoped
    for, but seeing that the instincts were there, even if Ryland didn t recognize them properly, was
    still something.
    Stepping back, Arslan put a little bit more space between them, but there wasn t much
    further he could go without walking into an overstuffed bookcase or one of the piles of books
    that Ryland hadn t managed to fit on any of the shelves.
    And no matter how far he went, the tiny room was still full of Ryland s presence. It was
    impossible not to be aware of every nuance of his emotions. The room swirled with his nerves
    and his uncertainty. Looking away from his pet, trying to clear his head, Arslan ran his fingers
    down the edge of Ryland s folder full of history essays. He wasn t a natural historian, but the
    effort he d put into each of the essays was obvious. He d even managed to make his handwriting
    quite legible.
    Arslan looked up just in time to see Ryland s gaze follow his to the history essays.
     Someone said that you don t let people attend your lectures if they re not prepared to
    learn. I thought you might throw me out if I didn t, Ryland whispered.
     You never handed them in.
     You never threatened the throw me out, Ryland said, his eyes still lowered to stare at
    the folder.
    Arslan smiled at the logic.
    Do you want a blowjob?
    The words hovered on Ryland s lips, but he didn t quite have the balls to say them. He
    looked up and caught Arslan s eye, but he couldn t hold his gaze for more than a few seconds.
    His attention dropped back to Arslan s crotch.
    He opened his mouth, but no words came out. He considered the merits of just dropping
    to his knees and not bothering with small talk. That would make everything very clear, wouldn t
    it? If he could just skip every part of the process that involved speech, he wouldn t need to feel
    guilty for speaking to the other man without telling him the whole truth right away.
    His knees almost took over the entire decision making process and buckled of their own
    volition. Ryland put his hand on the desk to steady himself. He closed his eyes, but that did more
    harm than good. He could so easily picture himself on his knees in front of Arslan, his lips
    wrapped around his cock, his tongue flicking over the head as he stole a taste of him and
    discovered whether or not a lion tasted the same as a human.
    He opened his eyes. The floor in front of Arslan s feet remained empty. Ryland took a
    step forward, but he didn t dare drop to his knees without an invitation. Swallowing rapidly, he
    frantically tried to work some moisture into his throat so he could force a word or two out.
     Sir? He sounded impossibly calm considering the situation.
     If you found out that&  Ryland looked up and his courage deserted him. He couldn t
    tell him why he d been there. He couldn t watch the expression in his lover s eyes change as he
    realized what he was, what he d made himself that night he remembered that seeing that
    change in someone s eyes before. Never again.
    Ryland once more took refuge in the darkness behind his eyelids. It took him a lifetime to
    pull himself together enough to think of another ending to his sentence.  If the same man were
    thrown to the lions twice, would you be disappointed, sir?
    Arslan didn t say anything for so long, Ryland had to look up and find out the worse.
     No, the older man said very softly.  I wouldn t be disappointed. Reaching out, he
    pushed Ryland s hair back from his face. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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