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    jar of coffee that looked about twelve years old. Sarah prayed
    there was no milk lurking anywhere. She emptied the kettle of
    the stale, limey water inside and refilled it from the cold tap
    over the basin in the shower room. Then she turned her
    attention to the antique shower, thin towel and fin de siècle
    When she had finished dressing, she took a mouthful of
    black, bitter coffee. Then she carefully poured the rest of it
    down the sink and went to see if the Doctor and Harry were up
    The Voracian Wednesday morning weekly status update
    meeting started exactly on time at eight-thirty. Stabfield's
    meetings always started exactly on time, Marc Lewis mused as
    he sat with his arms folded in the front row.
    Stabfield started, as ever, with a slide showing the
    evacuation routes in the case of an attack by human forces.
    Seventeen of the eighteen members of the audience politely
    took note, and Lewis scowled. Then Stabfield moved on to the
    agenda for the day.
    The first item was a chance for each of the Voracians in turn
    to give an account of what they had been doing since the last
    meeting. Most muttered that everything was going according
    to plan and they had little to add to what they had said at the
    last meeting (which had been much the same report as this
    time). Undeterred, Stabfield nodded appreciatively as each of
    his team reported in, and made notes on a laptop computer.
    Only Marc Lewis and Johanna Slake had much to update the
    others on. Stabfield had insisted Lewis describe the loss of the
    CD. Stabfield then commented on the need for increased
    vigilance and said that the main plan was not at all impacted by
    this unfortunate incident. Lewis was seething, but he did his
    best not to show it  partly because it would simply seem like
    bad grace. Mainly, though, it was because it would give
    Stabfield a chance to comment in public on Lewis's apparent
    inability to keep his emotions in check.
    Johanna gave a brief account of the remote landing of the
    shuttle at Hubway. Stabfield nodded and made a point of
    displaying a Gantt chart of the project's activities
    and checkpoints to date so that he could update it to show
    another critical activity one hundred per cent completed.
    Eventually the meeting broke up  about an hour after all the
    necessary business had actually been concluded, since
    Stabfield insisted on going through the slides he used for the I2
    management board. Most of the board members were human,
    due to the vagaries of the Stock Exchange, and the slides were
    devoted to market share, stock fluctuations, and product
    One could argue, and Stabfield did, that there was value in
    understanding the business side of things, and that the
    penetration of Vorell and the XNet family of products, since
    this was the Voracian vehicle for success in the overall
    strategy. But Lewis preferred to believe that they were
    subjected to the lecture mainly because Stabfield had found a
    new graphics package which enabled him to produce even
    more indecipherable hieroglyphic charts than before. Johanna
    and the others nodded in interest and appreciation as each slide
    went up. Lewis sank lower into his seat and tightened the fold
    of his arms.
    'So the strategic outlook for the company is buoyant, and
    we're maintaining our win-win grip on the marketplace,'
    Stabfield concluded at last  almost exactly the same words as
    he had used to conclude the meeting every Wednesday
    morning for the last five years. Lewis was one of the first out
    of the room.
    'I worry about Lewis,' Johanna told Stabfield when the two
    met in Stabfield's office immediately after the status meeting.
    'Did you see him today?'
    Stabfield was checking over his logic diagram on the laptop.
    'Lewis is, you have to remember, organically disadvantaged.'
    'His emotions do sometimes go to the top of his personal
    'Indeed. But that in itself can have its uses,' he did not sound
    convinced, adding the caveat 'if properly directed and
    Johanna considered commenting on the pun, but doubted if
    Stabfield would appreciate it. He considered humour even less
    productive in the normal flow of things than anger. 'The next
    stage?' she asked instead.
    'The next stage is now on the critical path. You should take
    team Alpha and initiate the distraction program.' He tapped the
    enter key with a flourish and watched intently as the diagram
    redrew itself across the screen. Johanna waited for him to
    continue. After a period of examining the status reports [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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